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Location Outside the entrance to Elden Root
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Maenlin is a Wood Elf found outside in Elden Root. He has a message for King Aeradan, but can't stay to deliver it.

He only appears if the related quest, The Great Tree or Trouble at the Tree are not started.

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You can find him just outside the tree, sounding angry:

"All this way, and for nothing!"

Talk to him:

"It's a disgrace. I fought by King Camoran Aeradan's side in the civil war. Things got so bad, we had to eat leather cut from our own armor.
Even then, I never heard this amount of whining coming from the High Elves and the Khajiit about their embassy."
I don't understand what you're talking about.
"The High Elves promised the Khajiit an embassy, but they dragged their feet. Now the Khajiit have their tails in a knot.
I wrote a letter to the king about it. Came all the way from Haven! But now I have to leave before I can deliver it."
Why can't you deliver the letter?
"I just heard pirates attacked Haven! I need to head back and see if they ransacked my home.
If you're here to petition the king, would you bring him my letter? I wasn't boasting, I did fight by his side. My seal will let you bypass the line."
I'll talk to the king.

If you talk to him before speaking with the king:

"The king will know what to do. He listens to his people! The Dominion would be in a better place if he were in charge."