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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
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Location West Weald
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health (?)
Reaction Neutral

She is an Argonian who is taking shelter in ruins dedicated to Vaermina in the south of Vashabar.


She will allude to her connections to Vaermina:

"I'm told this area contains spirits who kill those with evil intentions. But I believe killing someone who has evil intentions is also an act born of an evil intention. So should these spirits not kill themselves?
This question keeps me up at night."
"I advise you to leave the area. My egg-kin are shy. They will not show themselves while you are here.
Please do not take it personally. They simply do not like strangers."
"Impure egg-kin and ojel sleep more soundly than I do. It seems unfair that they can dream of their next abhorrent act while I struggle to remain awake.
Perhaps I can make their dreams less pleasant to them. Eventually."
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