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Online:First Mate Wiku

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
First Mate Wiku
Location Alinor Docks
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Sailor
First Mate Wiku

First Mate Wiku is an Argonian sailor who can be found at the Alinor Docks, arguing with Justiciar Elwalama.


She is understandably frustrated by the delay.

"The captain's going to have my tail if we're not allowed to unload soon."
""Come to Summerset," the captain said. "It's a new market," she said. No one said anything about the Alinor Quarantined Goods Trading Pact!"
"By the Hist, how long are they going to keep us waiting? Time is trade!"