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Online:Crafting Motif 128: Lucent Sentinel Gloves

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Crafting Motif 128: Lucent Sentinel Gloves
ID 9537
Up Crafting Motifs
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Collection Lucent Sentinel Style
Crafting Style Lucent Sentinel Style
Found in the following locations:
  • Chapters drop from reward coffers available for completing The Knot Awaits, weekly quest in Lucent Citdael.
  • Coffer rewards are limited to one per week for each character.
  • Chapter drops are limited to one per day for account.
Crafting Motif 128: Lucent Sentinel Gloves
A guide to crafting gloves in the Lucent Sentinel Style

Translation by Anaelle Vilax, deciphered from carvings found on the walls of the Lucent Citdael.

Much has been lost to time. We guard but know not what or why. An ancient purpose, left to be reclaimed/remembered. Until we remember, stay resolute in the citadel. Guard the lucent crystals. Trust in the guardians. Through them our purpose may be discovered/recovered.

To abandon our purpose/geas is to abandon ourselves.


Keep the claws radiant and sharp like the crystals/truths which cut and the mirrors which change the light to darkness. As for the elbow protection, imbed a lucent to guide the flanks and shards of our mirrors to illuminate the flaws of our enemies.

All is reflected and all is watched.