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ON-qico-Companion.png Help Ember rescue her friend Jhaka from slavery.
Zone: High Isle
Quest Giver: Ember
Location(s): Pulk, Sadrith Mora, Skywatch
Prerequisites: Reach Friendly rapport with Ember.
Previous Quest: Tower Full of Trouble
Next Quest: Cold Blood, Old Pain
Reward: Hidden Wallet
(?) Leveled Gold
ID: 6785
Ember opened up a bit about her past. Apparently, she was part of a tight-knit group of street kids for much of her younger life until her makeshift family mysteriously vanished from Skywatch. She's determined to find them and asked for my help.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

Cold Trail
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Ember and I need to go to Skywatch to meet up with an old contact of hers, a baker named Brisha. He might have information about one of Ember's vanished friends.
Objective: Find Brisha In Skywatch
I found Brisha beside a merchant cart in Skywatch. Ember wants to keep watch, so I should speak with Brisha myself.
Objective: Talk to Brisha
Hidden Objective: Talk to Brisha
Hidden Objective: Talk to the Server
Hidden Objective: Talk to Ember
Hidden Objective: Distract Varvisi Uleni
Hidden Objective: Monkey Spell Wears Off
Hidden Objective: Find Jhaka
Hidden Objective: Escort Jhaka
Hidden Objective: Escort in Pulk
Hidden Objective: Pulk Escort Comment
I should talk to Ember about the information Brisha provided.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Brisha said he heard about a Pahmar said to be working at the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora. Ember and I need to head there to track down this lead.
Objective: Go to Sadrith Mora's Gateway Inn
I don't see a Pahmar in the immediate area. I should ask around the inn about the tip.
Objective: Ask About Jhaka at the Gateway Inn
We need to find the jeweler, Varvisi Uleni, and get a bracelet from her if we are to get any information from the owner of the Gateway Inn.
Objective: Go to Tel Naga
It seems like Ember has a plan to get the bracelet the inn owner wants. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Ember
Ember wants to turn me into a monkey so I can distract the jeweler. While I do that, Ember will steal the bracelet from her. I need to do this quickly before the spell wears off.
Objective: Distract Varvisi Uleni
Ember got the bracelet from the jeweler. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Ember
We got the bracelet, we should return it to Osithos at the inn.
Objective: Talk to Osithos Morelo
Osithos kept his word, such as it is. He sold Jhaka to bandits, who last he heard, were headed to Pulk. Ember and I need to go there to investigate.
Objective: Go to Pulk
I should talk to Ember about the situation before we head into Pulk.
Objective: Summon Ember
We need to explore Pulk and locate Jhaka. One big Pahmar among bandits should't be hard to find.
Objective: Find Jhaka
We found Jhaka, but he's locked in a cage. I should free him before we speak further.
Objective: Free Jhaka
Jhaka is obviously weak and ill. I should talk to him to make sure he is well enough to make it out of this place.
Objective: Talk to Jhaka
Jhaka is determined to be free of the bandits and Pulk and will stick with us as we escort him to safety.
Objective: Escort Jhaka to Safety
Finishes quest 
Hidden Objective: Escort in Pulk
Now that we're outside of Pulk, I should speak with Jhaka while Ember heals him.
Objective: Talk to Jhaka
We got Jhaka out of Pulk, though clearly his health has suffered. Ember is optimistic that he will recover fully in time. Learning more about the mercenaries Jhaka described may lead to finding the others as well.
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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