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Online:Cantor Ta'khida

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Cantor Ta'khida
Location Claw's Strike
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Twilight Cantors
Condition Spirit

Cantor Ta'khida is a Khajiit member of the Twilight Cantors who can be found alongside Cantor Krin'ze and High Cantor Viti inside the Ruined Reliquary within the Claw's Strike.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You will witness Twilight Cantors performing a ritual inside the Ruined Reliquary:

Cantor Ta'khida: "Krin'ze! Are you all right?"
Cantor Krin'ze: "I will be fine. We must go after the others!"
High Cantor Viti: "We will handle it. Join us when you have recovered."
Zerith-var: "They destroyed a dro-m'Athra! Its soul. It is … gone!"

She will run deeper into the ruin together with High Cantor Viti as you enter the room.

As you enter the room Ravith-morna will briefly appear to corrupt Cantor Ta'khida's soul turning her into a dro-m'Athra. Once Ta'khida-morna is defeated Zerith-var will purify Ta'khida's spirit and send her to the Gates of Crossing.

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