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Online:Beaubel Etelette

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Beaubel Etelette
HomeĀ Settlement Vastyr
Store Stalwart Steeds
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Stablemaster
Beaubel Etelette

Beaubel Etelette is a Breton stablemaster who runs Stalwart Steeds in Vastyr.


Initially speaking to him:

"Stefan Mornard was my first customer when I set up this stable in Vastyr. He chose a beautiful midnight mare and named her Cinder. A finer horse couldn't have gone to a finer man."
"My mounts are hardy enough to traverse Galen, which means they'll do just fine anywhere else you might venture in Tamriel."
"The druids give me odd looks when they pass through. I suppose they think I should untie my horses and let them all run free!"

After the events of City Under Siege:

"It's a terrible shame what happened to Count Mornard. But I'm certain his son Stefan will lead Vastyr to greener pastures."
"Step lightly, will you? My stock's still skittish after what those crazy druids did to the cathedral."
"I've got mounts that'll get you to where you need to go. You need them to do it faster, or with a heavier load, well, I can help with that too."