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Oblivion talk:Wood Elf

This isn't true, and i don't see where whoever put this in the first place got the information. Seankinahan 11:44, 17 May 2008 (EDT)

where did you get that bosmer go naked in there homes? truly what?-offline but im saigemasterarrow

Are the Bosmer race completely useless at melee attacks or can you still use them pretty well for the occasional sword fight?

I want a character who is brilliant with a bow but I don't want her to completely suck at everything else. Also thievery is going to be important so thats why Im looking at Bosmers.

My bosmer is fine with a blade and superb with a bow. I havent done any thieves guild stuff yet (he's my newest) but he's an excellent assassin. my only regret is the way i made his face, he needs thicker eyebrows for as young as i made him, its ok though because i fixed it by becoming a vampire via Darkness Eternal and now he looks just right, even with the Black Blue Mohawk. --SneakyPenguin77 (also my Gamertag) 22:29, 8 October 2009 (UTC)


Reversed gender roles?! Why are wood elf men shorter than wood elf women?! I have two wood elf profiles, a man and a woman, and have used the world to measure their heights relative to eachother and have found this to be the case. What the hell?! — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 28 June 2009

Don't be so shocked. The world of Nirn doesn't reflect the norms of Earth. It is perfectly fine as it is. --Elliot(T-C) 18:54, 28 June 2009 (UTC)
In a world filled with dragons, zombies, magic and sentient trees the only thing that you find strange are their gender roles? And what has height to do with gender roles anyway? There is no evidence that the Bosmer society is ruled by women --Apophis2412
I find it a little odd. You'd think that the Bosmer would be somewhat all the same height. You know, being wood-folk and all. -Malus X 03:07, 2 February 2010 (UTC)

Maybe the Bosmeri society is Matriarchal. You find it shocking because the only super intelligent, non-extinct species of living things are humans and they are a Patriarchal society. Now if other relatives of humans from the homo genus were alive, such as Neanderthals or Homo Erectus (im not kidding)I'm sure we could find one species that was Matriarchal. Golden Eagle

Race Specific GreetingsEdit

I don't think all of them are race specific....--SneakyPenguin77 (also my Gamertag) 02:34, 7 October 2009 (UTC)

Ok. To which ones are you referring then? --Timenn-<talk> 13:15, 9 October 2009 (UTC)
"I don't like you much."
   "Can't you find someone else to bother?"
   "Can't you see I wish to be left alone!"
   "You annoy even me."
   "I really don't want you around me."
   "Interesting, go on."
   "From where do you hail?"
   "I don't know if I can help you, but I'll try."
   "How do you do?"
   "Do you want something from me?"
   "If there is anything I can do, I am humbly at your service."
   "I have a feeling that you and I are about to become very close."
   "Greetings and salutations."
   "This is a wondrous encounter. Welcome."
   "I'm so happy to see you, I could burst!"

I know i have heard most of these on my dunmer and my khajiit, and none of them have anything specifically to do with Bosmers. i have suspicions about some of the in combat sayings being elf related and not bosmer related but since my bosmer is new and a marksman i dont hear my targets most of the time and its been a long time since I've played my Dunmer so I can't be positive. I highly recommend this section for reform and, possibly the other race specific greetings for the other races, I haven't gotten around to looking at them yet. --SneakyPenguin77 (also my Gamertag) 20:23, 9 October 2009 (UTC)

They are all included in the GenericWoodElf conversation quest (that's how the game organizes all dialogue). That one specifically checks whether the NPC is a Bosmer. The only line that appears somewhere else is "How do you do?". I've removed that from the article. The rest is all race specific. --Timenn-<talk> 17:38, 10 October 2009 (UTC)


For a roleplaying experience on my game, I was wondering, because I can't find any, if there was anything anywhere indicating the how long the average Bosmer lives? Thanks. E. Snowmane 02:55, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

As a general rule, all Elves can, hypothetically, live up to, and sometimes over, 1,000 years.--Kalis AgeaYes? Contrib E-mail 03:05, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
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