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Oblivion talk:Darkness

Moved from ArticleEdit

This effect is wrongly considered Offensive as it's purpose is to help the target.

This will need some kind of evidence before it can be added to the article. Also, player/modder perception isn't necessarily a bug if the effect works as intended. Robin Hoodtalk 21:24, 17 September 2010 (UTC)

There is no reason to mod this into the game unless you want to add it as a visual effect for an increase Sneak spell; the base magicka cost for this spell is 0.
Unless I misread this, there is no reason to it and it is oppinionated. --Arch-Mage Matt Did I Do That? 21:28, 17 September 2010 (UTC)

I believe the "This effect is wrongly considered Offensive as it's purpose is to help the target." is correct because it helps the target by reducing the chances that he/she/it is detected. --Rigas Papadopoulos Do you need anything? 13:21, 3 October 2010 (UTC)

I think RobinHood is right. Since this effect isn't even used the game we can hardly theorize on what the precise intentions of the game developers are. Furthermore it's a bit strange to attribute a bug to an effect that was deliberately kept out of the game. --Timenn-<talk> 15:40, 3 October 2010 (UTC)

Well what does it do?Edit

What does the spell even do, and why can't you use it? Is it even possible to get it from the construction set? What are the side effects of using it? Because it say DO NOT USE, but why? 01:15, 17 November 2010 (UTC)

The game actually uses info about how much light is on the target to determine effectiveness of the Sneak - which results in that sneaking in the dark is much better than sneaking in the day light. What this spell do is that no light hits the target at all. Which allows the target to use their sneak to the fullest - they can hide in plain sight, and in the dark caves they can hardly be detected at all. They are shrouded in darkness, and their entire body turns black. I think that developers decided that Invisibility and Chameleon is already enough, so they scrapped the idea (sadly). The effect is bugged, so after you use it your skin (and armor) will be permanently black until you restart the game. Darkshroud shader (that made player to look like he is consists of black smoke - that was some VERY cool effect) also dont work (but i think it worked back in 1.0 version).

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