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Report on Ayleid Geomancy
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Report on Ayleid Geomancy
by Gwen Hordasn, Irlav Jarol
A Mages Guild report on Ayleid Geomancy

Report: Ayleid Geomancy
Field study 07-428 9

Project leader:
Gwen Hordasn
With assistance by:
Irlav Jarol

Long has the Guild been puzzled by the Ayleid ruins, and the strange artefacts that power them even to this day. The brilliant glow of their arcane stones serves as a humbling reminder of their mastery over fields of study that we, before now, have barely glimpsed.

Yes: before now. For after many years of immeasurably slow research, we have finally been able to wrest some of the secrets from these magic-saturated halls. While our understanding is as yet infantile next to the Ayleid themselves, progress should now be swifter. Finally, we have discovered the basic tenants that govern the art of Geomancy.

Geomancy is neither the extraction of energy from a stone, nor (strictly speaking) is it a means of storing energy for later use. Rather it is the amplification and refinement of the raw power that feeds a spell. In the instant between the Vision and the Incantation, as the mage summons forth his or her inner reserve in preparation for release, it is possible to divert this power through a prepared gem: a gem which resonates at a magical level in much the same way that prismatic quartz can be polished to resonate with light. In effect, geomancy is nothing more than the magical manifestation of the mundane phenomenon one can observe by casting the sun through a finely ground lens to create a burning pinpoint.

We have discovered two key points that further elaborate this basic concept.

Firstly, different types of gems resonate with different kinds of magic. While it has long been known that various gems will prefer to sheer in specific ways, suggesting an underlying pattern that remains undiscovered, we do not know why this behavior should continue to magical resonance. But the effects are undeniable. A gem's quality also plays a tremendous role in the efficacy of the geomantic process.

Our second observation is that a gem cannot be used for geomancy without some degree of preparation. Our process is included further in this document as the second appendix. While it is neither slow nor costly, or unreasonably complex it is quite unexpected. This perhaps explains why it has taken so long to discover. Attempts to focus energy through an unprepared gem have resulted in a wide variety of dangerous, and thankfully temporary, effects. We have discontinued this line of study and advise others not to resume it.

Of note is the destruction of a gem once it has been used as a geomantic focus of any useful power. It simply crumbles to dust. We suspect that the process of amplification destabilizes it somehow, and that when spell energy ceases to flow, its form is unsustainable.

Why Ayleid stones do not suffer a similar fate is unknown at this time, but some have suggested that it is because the various warding and light spells active on Ayleid crystals are eternal. Dogmatic Enchantment tells us that this is impossible without the use of a soul gem... Research will continue.

We are confident that the Council will be well pleased with our efforts, and authorize the procurement of a cask of cut jewels as per our requests (attached) so that we may resume work.

Appendix First

Geomantic foci and their observed resonance affinities

Pearl: While pearls are not typically thought of as gems, they do have aspects of structured mineral composition. They respond well to some Illusion spells, particularly Light.

Topaz: Responsive to shielding and warding energies related to physical damage of an animate body.

Opal: The iridescent combination of qualities in these surprisingly beautiful and chameleonic stones wards their user against the effects of all elements.

Ruby: Allows awesome amplification of Destruction spells, particularly elemental fire damage (use cautiously).

Emerald: Amplifies absorption of vital and bodily energies (use cautiously).

Amethyst: These stones of noble blood channel magic capable of dispelling other magical forces around them, negating their resonance entirely. The also may grant agility of thought.

Sapphire: Unlike other gems, sapphire tends to destroy the matrix of a spell while continuing to amplify its power. This prevents coherent spell casting, but does lend the sapphire to obvious use as a source of magicka.

Diamond: Expecting great things of this king among stones, we were not disappointed. The diamond responded the most positively to pure magicka, and can create excellent protections of a metaphysical nature.

Gold, silver: Again, while not strictly a gem, precious metals do have some degree of magical resonance, particularly in the use of healing and restoration.

Copper, Platinum: These precious metals also are capable of magical resonance. Particularly in the use of transmutation of light energy, corrosion and resistance to damage from other metals, respectively.

Appendix Second

Instructions for preparation of a geomantic focus...

[Note: There is no further text.]