Oblivion Mod:Cobl/Modding/Leveled Lists
< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Cobl: Mods ! Modding ! ProjectsBeer!Edit
List | Details |
cobBevBeers | |
cobBevBeverages | |
cobBevNord | |
cobBevTelvanni |
Dinner Plate FoodsEdit
The following lists are used by the Dinner Plate to identify edible foods. Edible foods from mods (other than Oblivion and Cobl) can be added to these lists. Each food should appear in only one list.
List | Details |
cobEatDairy | Milk, cheeses, etc. |
cobEatFruit | Fruits. Fruits also provide water. |
cobEatGrain | Breads and pastries. |
cobEatMeatCooked | Cooked meat. |
cobEatMeatRaw | Raw meat. |
cobEatMeatVeggieGrain | Combo food items. E.g. Sandwich, meat and veggies pie. |
cobEatVeggies | Vegetables |
II AlchemyEdit
List | Details |
cobViAlchAncientAyleidWine | |
cobViAlchCowMilk | |
cobViAlchHoney |
II DrinksEdit
List | Details |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodLowerClassDrinks100 | |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodLowerClassDrinks75 | |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodMiddleClassDrinks100 | |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodMiddleClassDrinks75 | |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodUpperClassDrinks100 | |
cobViDrinksLL0FoodUpperClassDrinks75 |
II FoodEdit
List | Details |
cobViFoodLL0FoodLowerClass100 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodLowerClass75 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodLowerClassSame75 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodMiddleClass100 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodMiddleClass75 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodMiddleClassSame75 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodUpperClass100 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodUpperClass75 | |
cobViFoodLL0FoodUpperClassSame75 |
II IngredientsEdit
Item interchange ingredients. Contents are obvious from editor id.
List | Details |
cobViIngrAshYam | |
cobViIngrBalrogHorn | |
cobViIngrBearMeat | |
cobViIngrBeholderEye | |
cobViIngrBile | |
cobViIngrBirchConk | |
cobViIngrBlueberry | |
cobViIngrBoarTusks | |
cobViIngrBunglersBane | |
cobViIngrCantaloupe | |
cobViIngrCatFur | |
cobViIngrCatMeat | |
cobViIngrCatWhiskers | |
cobViIngrCherryTomato | |
cobViIngrClamMeat | |
cobViIngrCucumber | |
cobViIngrDaedraSkin | |
cobViIngrDeerHeart | |
cobViIngrDeerTeeth | |
cobViIngrDeerTestes | |
cobViIngrDiseasedMeat | |
cobViIngrDogMeat | |
cobViIngrEelFlesh | |
cobViIngrEggPlant | |
cobViIngrElderScampSkin | |
cobViIngrElementalSalts | |
cobViIngrFiendEssence | |
cobViIngrFireWolfMeat | |
cobViIngrFishFood | |
cobViIngrFoxMeat | |
cobViIngrFrostGiantHeart | |
cobViIngrFrostImpGall | |
cobViIngrFrostTitanHorn | |
cobViIngrGargoyleHorn | |
cobViIngrGemDustAmethyst | |
cobViIngrGemDustBlackPearl | |
cobViIngrGemDustCopper | |
cobViIngrGemDustDiamond | |
cobViIngrGemDustEmerald | |
cobViIngrGemDustGarnet | |
cobViIngrGemDustGold | |
cobViIngrGemDustOpal | |
cobViIngrGemDustPearl | |
cobViIngrGemDustPlatinum | |
cobViIngrGemDustRuby | |
cobViIngrGemDustSapphire | |
cobViIngrGemDustSilver | |
cobViIngrGemDustTopaz | |
cobViIngrGemDustTourmaline | |
cobViIngrGhoulHeart | |
cobViIngrGhoulsTongue | |
cobViIngrGiantHeart | |
cobViIngrGiantsBlood | |
cobViIngrGoatHorn | |
cobViIngrGoblinEye | |
cobViIngrGoblinHeart | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartBlood | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartEbony | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartGlass | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartGold | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartIron | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartMagma | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartMithril | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartMud | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartSilver | |
cobViIngrGolemHeartWater | |
cobViIngrGrapeFruit | |
cobViIngrGraveDust | |
cobViIngrGraveTar | |
cobViIngrGreaterClannfearClaws | |
cobViIngrGreaterDaedrothTeeth | |
cobViIngrGreaterDreughWax | |
cobViIngrGreenTomato | |
cobViIngrGuarMeat | |
cobViIngrHackleLo | |
cobViIngrHeartRot | |
cobViIngrHerringFillet | |
cobViIngrHollyBerries | |
cobViIngrHorseHeart | |
cobViIngrHorseMeat | |
cobViIngrHungerSkin | |
cobViIngrHungerTongue | |
cobViIngrIceWolfMeat | |
cobViIngrImpGallCrazed | |
cobViIngrImpGallMystic | |
cobViIngrKnightSpines | |
cobViIngrKwamaCuttle | |
cobViIngrLeopardMeat | |
cobViIngrLichDust | |
cobViIngrLilyoftheValleyNectar | |
cobViIngrLionMeat | |
cobViIngrMarshmerrow | |
cobViIngrMinnowFin | |
cobViIngrMinotaurEyeballJuice | |
cobViIngrMinotaurSpleen | |
cobViIngrMinotaurTitanHorn | |
cobViIngrMoonSugar | |
cobViIngrNixHoundMandibles | |
cobViIngrOgreBoneMarrow | |
cobViIngrOgreSkin | |
cobViIngrPahmerMeat | |
cobViIngrPaintedCorn | |
cobViIngrPantherMeat | |
cobViIngrPeach | |
cobViIngrPepper | |
cobViIngrPerchScales | |
cobViIngrPikeScales | |
cobViIngrPineCanker | |
cobViIngrPineapple | |
cobViIngrPitcherPlantIngr | |
cobViIngrPoisonGland | |
cobViIngrPoisonSalts | |
cobViIngrRabbitMeat | |
cobViIngrRamHorn | |
cobViIngrRoobrush | |
cobViIngrRustGill | |
cobViIngrSERawBalliwogLeg | |
cobViIngrSaltrice | |
cobViIngrScrapMetal | |
cobViIngrScribJerky | |
cobViIngrSilverLeaf | |
cobViIngrSnowLeopardMeat | |
cobViIngrSnowLionMeat | |
cobViIngrSnowWolfMeat | |
cobViIngrSpiderSilk | |
cobViIngrSquash | |
cobViIngrStalkerScales | |
cobViIngrSunflowerSeeds | |
cobViIngrTangerine | |
cobViIngrTramaRoot | |
cobViIngrTrollBlood | |
cobViIngrTrollBoneMarrow | |
cobViIngrTrollSinew | |
cobViIngrUberJelly | |
cobViIngrUberMandible | |
cobViIngrValerian | |
cobViIngrWargWolfMeat | |
cobViIngrWerewolfBlood | |
cobViIngrWickWheatFlour | |
cobViIngrWolfMeat | |
cobViIngrWraithEssence | |
cobViIngrWyvernHeart | |
cobViIngrWyvernScales | |
cobViIngrmango |
II LRcrcEdit
List | Details |
cobViLRcrLL1MerchantSuppliesWeight1 | |
cobViLRcrLL1MerchantSuppliesWeight2 | |
cobViLRcrLL1MerchantSuppliesWeight3 | |
cobViLRcrLL2MerchantSupplies | |
cobViLRcrLL3MerchantSupplies | |
cobViLRcrMSAmmunition | |
cobViLRcrMSArmourMagic | |
cobViLRcrMSArmourNonMagic | |
cobViLRcrMSArmourPuchased | |
cobViLRcrMSBooks | |
cobViLRcrMSClothes | |
cobViLRcrMSClutter | |
cobViLRcrMSDrinks | |
cobViLRcrMSDrugs | |
cobViLRcrMSExoticFoods | |
cobViLRcrMSExoticWares | |
cobViLRcrMSFoods | |
cobViLRcrMSGems | |
cobViLRcrMSIngredients1Common | |
cobViLRcrMSIngredients2Uncommon | |
cobViLRcrMSIngredients3Rare | |
cobViLRcrMSIngredients4RareMonster | |
cobViLRcrMSJewelry | |
cobViLRcrMSJewelryMagic | |
cobViLRcrMSLL1Ingredients | |
cobViLRcrMSPoisonedApples | |
cobViLRcrMSPoisons | |
cobViLRcrMSPotions | |
cobViLRcrMSRawMetals | |
cobViLRcrMSRefinedMetals | |
cobViLRcrMSScrolls | |
cobViLRcrMSSoulGems | |
cobViLRcrMSStaves | |
cobViLRcrMSTomes | |
cobViLRcrMSWeaponsMagic | |
cobViLRcrMSWeaponsNonMagic | |
cobViLRcrMSWeaponsPuchased | |
cobViLRcrMSWines |
II LootEdit
List | Details |
cobViLootBalliwogLegLoot | |
cobViLootBarracksWine | |
cobViLootBoneLoot | |
cobViLootBoneLoot2 | |
cobViLootBoneLoot3 | |
cobViLootCobTiLoot | |
cobViLootDaedraDrop | |
cobViLootDeerIngredients | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatBear | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatBoar | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatLeopard | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatLion | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatSnowLeopard | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatSnowLion | |
cobViLootDiseasedMeatWolf | |
cobViLootDrugs | |
cobViLootDwemerScrapMetalDrop | |
cobViLootEbonyDrop | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev08GemsAddon | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev08GemsShardAddon | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev12GemsAddon | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev12GemsShardAddon | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev16GemsAddon | |
cobViLootFranLL0LootLev16GemsShardAddon | |
cobViLootFrostGiantHeart | |
cobViLootGhoulDrop | |
cobViLootGiantBloodLoot | |
cobViLootGlassDrop | |
cobViLootGoblinArcherLoot | |
cobViLootGoblinCookLoot | |
cobViLootGoblinLoot | |
cobViLootGoblinLootEyes | |
cobViLootGoblinLootHeart | |
cobViLootGoblinShamanLoot | |
cobViLootGoblinWarlordLoot | |
cobViLootHorseDrop | |
cobViLootHungerDrop | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients0Food100 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients0Food25 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients0Food50 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients0Food75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients0FoodSame75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients1Common100 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients1Common25 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients1Common50 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients1Common75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients1CommonSame75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients2Uncommon100 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients2Uncommon25 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients2Uncommon50 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients2Uncommon75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients2UncommonSame75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3Rare10 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3Rare100 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3Rare25 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3Rare50 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3Rare75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients3RareSame75 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients4RareMonster10 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients4RareMonster100 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients4RareMonster25 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients4RareMonster50 | |
cobViLootLL0Ingredients4RareMonster75 | |
cobViLootLL0LootClutter100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientConjurer10 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientConjurer100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientConjurerDEL | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientMythic100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientMythic25 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientNecromancer10 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientNecromancer100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientOblivion10 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientOblivion100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientOblivion25 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientTomb100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientTomb25 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientVampire10 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientVampire100 | |
cobViLootLL0LootIngredientVampire25 | |
cobViLootLL1LootGems100 | |
cobViLootLichLoot | |
cobViLootMoonsugarLoot | |
cobViLootSnowLeopardMeat | |
cobViLootSnowLionMeat | |
cobViLootTrollBloodLoot | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsBase100 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsFlawed100 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsFlawless100 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsFlawless25 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsFlawless50 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsPerfect100 | |
cobViLootUnlevLL0LootGemsShard100 | |
cobViLootWraithLoot | |
cobViLootWwolfBlood |
II Misc.Edit
List | Details |
cobViMiscBearFang | |
cobViMiscBlackBearHide | |
cobViMiscBoarHide | |
cobViMiscBrownBearHide | |
cobViMiscDeerAntlers | |
cobViMiscDeerHide | |
cobViMiscFoxPelt | |
cobViMiscGem10Amethyst | |
cobViMiscGem10AmethystFlawed | |
cobViMiscGem10AmethystFlawless | |
cobViMiscGem10AmethystPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem11PTourmaline | |
cobViMiscGem11PTourmalineFlawed | |
cobViMiscGem11PTourmalineFlawless | |
cobViMiscGem11PTourmalinePerfect | |
cobViMiscGem1PearlBlack | |
cobViMiscGem1PearlPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem2TopazPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem3RubyPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem4SapphirePerfect | |
cobViMiscGem5EmeraldPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem6DiamondPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem7Opal | |
cobViMiscGem7OpalFlawed | |
cobViMiscGem7OpalFlawless | |
cobViMiscGem7OpalPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem8Garnet | |
cobViMiscGem8GarnetFlawed | |
cobViMiscGem8GarnetFlawless | |
cobViMiscGem8GarnetPerfect | |
cobViMiscGem9Tourmaline | |
cobViMiscGem9TourmalineFlawed | |
cobViMiscGem9TourmalineFlawless | |
cobViMiscGem9TourmalinePerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard10Amethyst | |
cobViMiscGemShard10AmethystFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard10AmethystFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard10AmethystPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard11PTourmaline | |
cobViMiscGemShard11PTourmalineFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard11PTourmalineFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard11PTourmalinePerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard1Pearl | |
cobViMiscGemShard1PearlBlack | |
cobViMiscGemShard1PearlFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard1PearlFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard1PearlPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard2Topaz | |
cobViMiscGemShard2TopazFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard2TopazFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard2TopazPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard3Ruby | |
cobViMiscGemShard3RubyFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard3RubyFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard3RubyPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard4Sapphire | |
cobViMiscGemShard4SapphireFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard4SapphireFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard4SapphirePerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard5Emerald | |
cobViMiscGemShard5EmeraldFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard5EmeraldFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard5EmeraldPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard6Diamond | |
cobViMiscGemShard6DiamondFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard6DiamondFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard6DiamondPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard7Opal | |
cobViMiscGemShard7OpalFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard7OpalFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard7OpalPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard8Garnet | |
cobViMiscGemShard8GarnetFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard8GarnetFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard8GarnetPerfect | |
cobViMiscGemShard9Tourmaline | |
cobViMiscGemShard9TourmalineFlawed | |
cobViMiscGemShard9TourmalineFlawless | |
cobViMiscGemShard9TourmalinePerfect | |
cobViMiscGoatWool | |
cobViMiscGuarHide | |
cobViMiscLeopardHide | |
cobViMiscLionFang | |
cobViMiscPahmerPelt | |
cobViMiscPantherPelt | |
cobViMiscRuinedPelt | |
cobViMiscSheepWool | |
cobViMiscSnowBearPelt | |
cobViMiscTimberWolfHide | |
cobViMiscWerewolfHide | |
cobViMiscWolfFang |
II RescEdit
List | Details |
cobViRescAliveWatersFoods | |
cobViRescAliveWatersIngreds | |
cobViRescCobBevBeers | |
cobViRescCobBevBeverages | |
cobViRescCobBevNord | |
cobViRescCobBevTelvanni | |
cobViRescFransOptionIngreds | |
cobViRescGemDust | |
cobViRescGolemHearts | |
cobViRescHouseHlaaluWine | |
cobViRescHouseRedoranWine | |
cobViRescHouseTelvanniWine | |
cobViRescLL0AnyFoodMeat100 | |
cobViRescLL0AnyHide100 | |
cobViRescMMMIngreds | |
cobViRescMetalNugget | |
cobViRescMetalRefined | |
cobViRescMoreVegetables | |
cobViRescOOOIngreds | |
cobViRescQConMoldyStuff | |
cobViRescQHarvestAddonIngreds | |
cobViResczCatsRatsIngreds |
II VendEdit
List | Details |
cobViVendAlcoholAll | |
cobViVendAlcoholWinerVendIngredientsCreature | |
cobViVendIngredientsFlora | |
cobViVendIngredientsFood | |
cobViVendIngredientsFoodNoAlcohol | |
cobViVendIngredientsRare | |
cobViVendMMPRoamingTraderAlcohol | |
cobViVendMMPRoamingTraderClutter | |
cobViVendMMPRoamingTraderFlora | |
cobViVendMMPRoamingTraderFood | |
cobViVendPotionsDrinks |
Lore BooksEdit
Lore books from prior games (plus a few fan books). These can be used directly (or more commonly), the modder can place cobLorEvilChest or cobLorVendorChest.
List | Details |
cobLorCommon | General merchandise books found in regular bookstores, etc. |
cobLorEvil | Books on thieving, murdering, skinning Khajiit,etc. |
cobLorLoot | Books found in bandit areas. Mix of common and evil. |
Lore IngredientsEdit
Lore ingredients from previous games.
List | Details |
cobTiAllCache | |
cobTiAllMiscCache | |
cobTiDaedraDrop | |
cobTiDagCache | |
cobTiDagFauna | |
cobTiDagFlora | |
cobTiDagFood | |
cobTiDagFoodCache | |
cobTiDagMinerals | |
cobTiDagTombLoot | |
cobTiEbonyDrop | |
cobTiFood | |
cobTiGiantBloodLoot | |
cobTiGlassDrop | |
cobTiLoot | |
cobTiMoonsugarLoot | |
cobTiMournholdCache | |
cobTiMwCache | |
cobTiMwFauna | |
cobTiMwFlora | |
cobTiMwFood | |
cobTiMwFoodCache | |
cobTiMwMinerals | |
cobTiMwTombLoot | |
cobTiMythicLoot | |
cobTiSolstheimCache | |
cobTiTombLoot | |
cobTiTrollBloodLoot |
Salmo the BakerEdit
Foods from Salmo the Baker. Vendors should usually use one of the cobSal containers instead of using these directly.
List | Details |
cobSalVendorBakeryBreads | |
cobSalVendorBakeryFood | |
cobSalVendorBakerySalmo | |
cobSalVendorBakerySweets | |
cobSalVendorBread | |
cobSalVendorCheese | |
cobSalVendorFoodStaples | |
cobSalVendorInnFood |