Agility is the governing attribute for Marksman, Security, and Sneak. It affects:
- Chance to avoid being 'staggered' by enemy attacks.
- Damage delivered by bows (see The Complete Damage Formula).
- Fatigue = Agility + Endurance + Strength + Willpower
In-game Description: Affects your ability to maneuver and balance, your total Fatigue, and damage done by bows. Governs the skills of Security, Sneak, and Marksman.
Character CreationEdit
- The Races page provides a table summarizing the initial agility for each race and gender.
- An initial +10 agility bonus is possible by selecting Thief as birthsign.
- The following standard classes have agility as a class attribute (initial +5 bonus):
- Or any custom class can select agility as one of the custom class' two attributes.
- Increasing your Agility past 100 continues to increase your fatigue, and decreases your chances of being staggered. However, bow damage is capped at 100.
See alsoEdit
- Increasing Attributes: Tips on how to increase agility
- Magic Items: There are multiple generic items with that fortify the agility attribute.
- Unique Items: A list of unique items, of which several fortify the agility attribute. These do not include Leveled Items such as those received from quests, or Artifacts.
- Unique items include:
- Quicksilver Boots are a pair of light boots that can be obtained from Palonirya at the Divine Elegance. Among other enchantments, the boots fortify your agility attribute by 10 points. Note that you must have a mercantile skill of at least 50, as Palonirya does not sell armor otherwise.
- Birthright of Astalon is a unique light cuirass that can be obtained from Claudette Perrick at The Gilded Carafe. The cuirass fortifies your agility attribute by 5 points, and magicka by 50 points. Note that you must have a mercantile skill of at least 50, as Claudette does not sell armor otherwise.
- Circlet of Omnipotence is a unique ring that can be obtained from the non-journal quest A Ring of Keys. It fortifies all attributes, except luck, personality and intelligence, by 3 points.