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Morrowind:Trerayna Dalen

< Morrowind: People
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Quests: not written

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Trerayna Dalen (trerayna dalen)
Home Town Tel Branora
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 11 Class Enchanter
Other Information
Health 77 Magicka 154
Alarm 90 Fight 50
Faction(s) House Telvanni Oathman(Oathman)
Trerayna Dalen

Trerayna Dalen is a Dark Elf enchantress located at the entrance to Tel Branora. She and her quintet of bodyguards (Cun, Endring, Estinan, Foronir, Irwaen) are mounting a challenge against Mistress Therana. The Captain of the Guard, Mollimo of Cloudrest, wants her dead.


  • Greetings:
    • "I have a little advice to share with you, outlander."
    • "Well, well, well. An outlander. And a Telvanni. Will wonders never cease? Then it is in the spirit of a friendly warning that I offer you a little advice."

  • little advice:
    • "Stay out of things that don't concern you, outlander. This affair is between myself and Therena. I want no help. I'll tolerate no interferance."

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