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Morrowind:Alchemy Apparatus

< Morrowind: Items(Redirected from Morrowind:Secret Master's Retort)

This page lists of all the alchemy apparatus items used to create potions in Morrowind.

See also:
Alchemy - Main page for Alchemy discussion
Ingredients - List of alchemical ingredients in Morrowind
Tribunal and Bloodmoon - Lists of ingredients added by the two expansions
Alchemy Effects - List of all ingredients sorted by effect

The main alchemy apparatus items are as follows:

  • Mortar and Pestle — this is always required when creating potions, and it determines the initial potion strength.
  • Alembic — decreases the strength and duration of all negative ingredient effects.
  • Calcinator — increases the strength and duration of all ingredient effects.
  • Retort — increases the strength and duration of all positive ingredient effects.
  • Quality represents item Quality; a higher numerical value equals higher quality.
  • Count is the number of items found in the game, not including those sold by merchants.
  • Locations for some of the apparatus are not exhaustive.
Object ID Name Type Weight Value Quality Count
Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_a_mortar_01 Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 5 100 0.5 65
  • Addadshashanammu, Shrine
  • Ald'ruhn, Cienne Sintieve: Alchemist
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Balmora, Caius Cosades' House (de_p_chest_02_Caius)
  • Balmora, Dralasa Nithryon: Pawnbroker
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Dren Plantation, Guardhouse
  • Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Endusal, Kagrenac's study
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Gnisis, Temple
  • Hlormaren, Dome
Apprentice's Alembic apparatus_a_alembic_01 Apprentice's Alembic Alembic 10 50 0.5 28
  • Addadshashanammu, Shrine
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ashmelech
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Hlormaren, Dome
  • Kunirai
  • Marandus, Upper Level
  • Onnissiralis, Shrine (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Punabi
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Imperial Shrine
  • Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Apprentice's Calcinator apparatus_a_calcinator_01 Apprentice's Calcinator Calcinator 25 10 0.5 29
  • Addadshashanammu, Shrine
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Balmora, Guild of Mages
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Marandus, Upper Level
  • Molag Mar, Vasesius Viciulus: Trader
  • Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
  • Onnissiralis, Shrine (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Punabi
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Sadrith Mora, Pierlette Rostorard: Apothecary
Apprentice's Retort apparatus_a_retort_01 Apprentice's Retort Retort 8 20 0.5 18
  • Ashmelech
  • Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility
  • Marandus, Upper Level
  • Molag Mar, Temple
  • Punabi
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower
  • Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Chambers
  • Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Imperial Shrine
  • Suran, Ralds Oril: Trader
  • Tel Uvirith, Menas' House
  • Tel Uvirith, Seleth's House
  • Vivec, Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks (rolasa oren)
  • Vivec, Hlaalu Alchemist
Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_j_mortar_01 Journeyman's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 4 400 1 38
  • Sadrith Mora (17,4)
  • Aharnabi
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
  • Ald'ruhn, Temple (Danoso Andrano)
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Balmora, Temple
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages (Ernand Thierry)
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Dagon Fel, Sorkvild's Tower
  • Dubdilla
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Mawia
  • Molag Mar, Vasesius Viciulus: Trader
  • Onnissiralis, Shrine (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House (crate_01_apparatus)
Journeyman's Alembic apparatus_j_alembic_01 Journeyman's Alembic Alembic 7 200 1 31
  • Aharnabi
  • Ald'ruhn, Cienne Sintieve: Alchemist
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
  • Ald'ruhn, Temple (danoso andrano)
  • Ashmelech
  • Assu
  • Balmora, Guild of Mages
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages (ernand thierry)
  • Dagon Fel, Sorkvild's Tower
  • Dubdilla
  • Endusal, Kagrenac's study
  • Gro-Bagrat Plantation
  • Holamayan Monastery
  • Mawia
  • Molag Mar, Temple
  • Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House
Journeyman's Calcinator apparatus_j_calcinator_01 Journeyman's Calcinator Calcinator 18 40 1 35
  • Sadrith Mora (17,4)
  • Aharnabi
  • Ald'ruhn, Cienne Sintieve: Alchemist
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
  • Ashmelech
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages (ernand thierry)
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Dren Plantation, Guardhouse
  • Dubdilla
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Gro-Bagrat Plantation
  • Onnissiralis, Shrine (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Hall
Journeyman's Retort apparatus_j_retort_01 Journeyman's Retort Retort 6 80 1 35
  • Aharnabi
  • Ald'ruhn, Cienne Sintieve: Alchemist
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages (Anarenen)
  • Ald'ruhn, Temple (Danoso Andrano)
  • Ashmelech
  • Assu
  • Balmora, Dralasa Nithryon: Pawnbroker
  • Balmora, Guild of Mages
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages (Ernand Thierry)
  • Caldera, Irgola: Pawnbroker (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Dubdilla
  • Elf-Skerring, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor, Upper Level (crate_01_apparatus)
  • Gro-Bagrat Plantation
Master's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_m_mortar_01 Master's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 3 2400 1.2 33
  • Assumanu
  • Balmora, Guild of Mages
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages
  • Endusal, Kagrenac's study
  • Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
  • Gro-Bagrat Plantation
  • Mallapi
  • Pinsun (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Rethan Manor, Drelas' House
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild
  • Sanni
  • Shal
  • Tel Aruhn, Bildren Areleth: Apothecary
  • Tel Aruhn, Tower Entry
  • Tel Mora, Berwen: Trader
Master's Alembic apparatus_m_alembic_01 Master's Alembic Alembic 5 1200 1.2 18
  • Assumanu
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (Nalcarya of White Haven)
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages
  • Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility
  • Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
  • Mallapi
  • Pinsun (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Sanni
  • Shal
  • Vivec, Guild of Mages
  • Vivec, Hlaalu Alchemist
  • Vivec, Telvanni Alchemist
  • Vivec, Telvanni Vault (crate_01_fineapp)
Master's Calcinator apparatus_m_calcinator_01 Master's Calcinator Calcinator 13 240 1.2 23
  • Ashmelech
  • Assumanu
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (Nalcarya of White Haven)
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages
  • Caldera, Verick Gemain: Trader
  • Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
  • Holamayan Monastery
  • Mallapi
  • Pinsun (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower
  • Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Imperial Shrine
  • Sanni
  • Shal
  • Suran, Ibarnadad Assirnarari: Apothecary
  • Tel Mora, Jolda: Apothecary
  • Vivec, Guild of Mages
Master's Retort apparatus_m_retort_01 Master's Retort Retort 4 480 1.2 24
  • Assumanu
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (crate_01_fineapp
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist (Nalcarya of White Haven)
  • Caldera, Guild of Mages
  • Dren Plantation, Guardhouse
  • Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
  • Mallapi
  • Pinsun (crate_01_fineapp
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist
  • Sadrith Mora, Pierlette Rostorard: Apothecary
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower (crate_01_fineapp)
  • Sanni
  • Shal
  • Tel Aruhn, Tower Entry
  • Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
  • Tel Mora, Jolda: Apothecary
  • Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber (Abelle Chriditte)
  • Vivec, Guild of Mages
Grandmaster's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_g_mortar_01 Grandmaster's Mortar and Pestle Mortar/Pestle 2 4000 1.5 13
  • Ahemmusa Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt
  • Balmora, Nalcarya of White Haven: Fine Alchemist
  • Dren Plantation, Guardhouse
  • Erabenimsun Camp, Wise Woman's Yurt
  • Holamayan Monastery
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist (Anis Seloth)
  • Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Hall
  • Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
  • Tel Mora, Jolda: Apothecary
  • Tel Mora, Lower Tower (Daynali Dren)
  • Tel Uvirith, Menas' House
  • Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
Grandmaster's Alembic apparatus_g_alembic_01 Grandmaster's Alembic Alembic 3 4000 1.5 4
  • Tel Mora, Lower Tower (Daynali Dren)
  • Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
  • Vemynal, Outer Fortress
Grandmaster's Calcinator apparatus_g_calcinator_01 Grandmaster's Calcinator Calcinator 8 4000 1.5 6
  • Endusal, Kagrenac's study
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist (Anis Seloth)
  • Tel Mora, Lower Tower (Daynali Dren)
  • Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
  • Vemynal, Outer Fortress
Grandmaster's Retort apparatus_g_retort_01 Grandmaster's Retort Retort 3 1600 1.5 5
  • Tel Mora, Berwen: Trader
  • Tel Mora, Lower Tower (Daynali Dren)
  • Tel Vos, Services Tower
  • Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestle apparatus_sm_mortar_01 SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestl * Mortar/Pestle 1 6000 2 0

SecretMaster's Alembic apparatus_sm_alembic_01 SecretMaster's Alembic * Alembic 3 1600 2 0

SecretMaster's Calcinator apparatus_sm_calcinator_01 SecretMaster's Calcinator * Calcinator 6 3200 2 0

SecretMaster's Retort apparatus_sm_retort_01 SecretMaster's Retort * Retort 2 1000 2 0

Good Skooma Pipe apparatus_a_spipe_01 Good Skooma Pipe Alembic 2 50 0.15 20
  • Balmora, Caius Cosades' House
  • Balmora, Itan's House
  • Chun-Ook, Upper Level
  • Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall (Canctunian Ponius)
  • Gro-Bagrat Plantation
  • Maar Gan, Guard Tower 3
  • Rotheran, Communal Hut
  • Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist
  • Sadrith Mora, Madran Ulvel's House
  • Sadrith Mora, Urtisa Romayn's House
  • Sanni
  • Suran, Desele's House of Earthly Delights
  • Suran, Suran Tradehouse
  • Tel Uvirith, Menas' House
  • Tel Uvirith, Seleth's House
  • Tower of Tel Fyr, Hall of Fyr
  • Vivec, Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks (Rolasa Oren)
Tsiya's Skooma Pipe apparatus_a_spipe_tsiya Tsiya's Skooma Pipe Alembic 2 30 0.15 1
*West Gash Region (-2,-1) (Ernil Omoran)
* The SecretMaster apparatus items are only accessible on the PC version via the Console or the Construction Set mod.
