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Morrowind:Salothran Ancestral Tomb

< Morrowind: Places: Tombs

This article is about Saloth-r-an Ancestral Tomb. For Salothan Ancestral Tomb, see Salothan Ancestral Tomb.

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Walkthrough: written by, not checked

Interior Images: added by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
Salothran Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Shrines Shrine of the Tribunal
Undead, Daedra
Console Location Code(s)
Salothran Ancestral Tomb
West Gash, [-7,7]
Salothran Ancestral Tomb

Salothran Ancestral Tomb is a medium-sized tomb located halfway between Andasreth and Bal Isra in the West Gash region.

The entry hallway contains one undead enemy, and curves down to a three-way junction. In front of you is a hole in the floor, leading to a lower level. To your left is a trapped door that will let you bypass the hole, but also reveals an undead enemy. To your right is a passage that winds down to the lower level, dead-ending underneath the hole. There is an undead enemy and a Daedra in this passage. At the dead end, there is a Shrine of the Tribunal and a scroll.

With high enough Acrobatics, you can run and jump over the hole in the floor. Alternatively, disarm the trapped door, and walk through the hallway behind it to bypass the hole. Proceed through one more door to the final room. There are five skeletal corpses in this room, each with an exquisite ring and some minor loot. There is also a similar corpse here, but unlike the others it has fallen off its altar, and has an extravagant ring and some other minor items.

Other than that, you'll find little loot here, consisting of a few ingredients (including a ghoul heart), and a weapon next to each corpse.

There are no known members of the Salothran family.

The interior of the tomb


Map of Salothran Ancestral Tomb