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Morrowind:Mudan Grotto

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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Forfeit, checked by WoahBro

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Forfeit
Mudan Grotto
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 4
Kollops 9
Slaughterfish/Dwemer Centurions
Console Location Code(s)
Mudan Grotto, Mudan, Central Vault, Mudan, Lost Dwemer Checkpoint, Mudan, Right Tower
Ascadian Isles, [0,-15]
Mudan Grotto

Mudan Grotto is a Dwemer ruin hidden underwater southwest of Ebonheart. It consists of four areas: the Grotto, the Lost Dwemer Checkpoint, the Right Tower, and the Central Vault.

Mudan GrottoEdit

The enemies here are a slaughterfish and three other leveled water creatures. You can find nine kollops here, two of which are under an overhang and may be difficult to reach. The only thing of interest here is the entrance to the Lost Dwemer Checkpoint.

Mudan, Lost Dwemer CheckpointEdit

Mudan, Lost Dwemer Checkpoint

This area is a crossway between all other areas of the ruin, since they can all be accessed from here. It consists of two levels: a lower one which is submerged and an upper one which is only partially submerged. The enemies here consist of five leveled water creatures in the lower level and two Dwemer centurions in the upper level or one Centurion and one Steam Centurion. There is not much of note in the lower level. In the upper level the loot consists of a potion, an apprentice lockpick, a journeyman armorer's hammer, a rare bent probe, Dwemer greaves, and a spear. There is a rusted table that is locked (60) and trapped, but it can be opened with a key found in the Right Tower. The table contains a key that opens the door of the Central Vault and a single Dwemer coin.

Mudan, Right TowerEdit

This is the only area in this ruin that doesn't have any enemies. The door to this area is not locked, but it is trapped. The loot consists of several steel kegs (most of them empty) containing valuable ingredients and an ornate chest containing a random Dwemer weapon. Here you can also find the skeletal corpse of Peke Utchoo. It has a key to the table in the Lost Dwemer Checkpoint, six Dwemer coins, and another bent probe. Near the corpse is a note with Peke Utchoo's last words and a sample of the poison that killed him.

Mudan, Central VaultEdit

Mudan, Central Vault

The door is locked (100) and trapped but it can be opened with the key found in the rusted table in the Lost Dwemer Checkpoint. There is a Steam Guardian, a unique and improved version of the Steam Centurion, who possesses a key to the locked (100) closet containing the legendary Dragonbone cuirass. The other loot is a few pieces of Dwemer Armor (both left and right pauldrons and bracers) and a Dwarven Halberd, a master's armorer's hammer, a greater Soul Gem, another keg containing valuable ingredients, and some Dwemer coins and Dwemer clutter all lying around. There is also a unique Potion of Heroism found on top of a bookshelf.


Map of Mudan Grotto


  • Mudan is featured in the cinematic ESO Morrowind Chapter announcement trailer, where the ruins are shown as they appeared before being submerged, along with a depiction of an important battle that took place there. The experience was later described from the point of view of the Morag Tong assassin Naryu Virian in her Journal.
