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Pelinal Whitestrake, who is identified as potentially being the Shezarrine in the Song of Pelinal, fighting Umaril

The Shezarrine (or Shezzarine),[1][UOL 1][UOL 2] also identified as both Shor-Who-Lives and Teacher of Men, was a bearded figure in Nedic folklore described as one of the guises of Shezarr, the "God of Man", in his role as a wise mentor towards the races of Man, primarily featured in tales where the Nedes resist the advances of the Ayleid invaders. The tales of the Shezarrine, alongside other folk legends of Shezarr, were taken as inspiration by later Cyrodilic Nedes to resist the oppression of the Ayleid slavemasters.[1] The term is derived from the name of Shezarr, whose name the Song of Pelinal identifies as an alternative for the word "freedom".[2][3]

At some point during the middle Merethic Era, the Shezarrine and other depictions of Shezarr as a wise mentor ceased to feature in the Nedic sagas. However, the term came to be featured in the Reman Manuscript of the Song of Pelinal, a work compiled in the early Second Era, where the eponymous Pelinal Whitestrake, a warrior as opposed to the bearded wise mentor of Nedic legends, was identified as potentially being the Shezarrine. The song says that the man who made the claim was then smothered by moths in the night.[3] Furthermore when the Nords first bore witness to Pelinal, they claimed that Shor had returned.[4]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.