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General:Loranna's RP/High Rock Highjinks

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This archival work is dedicated to Loranna Pyrel, who passed away in early 2023. Rest in peace, friend. — Rock
Book Information
Source: Elder Scrolls Forum
Archived Link:
Book Date: 3E 429
Writer(s): Ted Peterson
Publication Date: May 2005-June 2005
Up Loranna's RP
Prev. The Blue Dawn Next Morrowind Moonlight
Loranna's RP Campaign 9:
High Rock Highjinks

High Rock Highjinks was the ninth campaign of the Loranna's RP series.

This page exists only to record the posts of Tedders, who was the only developer to participate in the roleplay. Not all concepts presented are original to Tedders' posts, as replies are built off of replies, and the original concepts of other roleplayers are frequently referenced in his content. For proper citation context, consult the archived forum threads.


Daggerfall Castle, Daggerfall

Nulfaga sat in the corner and watched her great grandchildren at play. It was Cameron's 8th birthday, and he had all the noble children of the realm, together with his big brother Lysandus and two little sisters Akorithi and Mynisera in the throne room, playing war. Lys, Cam, Aka, and Myn, children again, playing the game that had started the whole black, bloody business.

Nulfaga could not help but frown.

Gothryd was in Sentinel, talking to his brother-in-law King Lhotun. Aubk-I was in the Imperial City on another diplomatic mission. They were a good ruling team, Nulfaga thought, even if there was little love between them. And precious little attention for their children.

Akorithi ran into her great grandmother's arms. They were close. Akorithi had power within her, magickal strength like Nulfaga's.

'You tried to bring grandfather back to life because you love him?' Aka asked.

'Yes,' Nulfaga nodded. 'He was my son. Lysandus, like your brother.'

'I wouldn't bring him back to life,' Aka grimaced.

Nulfaga laughed. 'Probably just as well. Resurrection's trickier than it seems ...'




The little girl in the metal box did not stop screaming, even as her throat turned raw from the effort. Outside, beyond the darkness, she could still hear high wind whistling over desolation, ceaseless, eternal.

Then a new sound. Metal being rent. She felt the floor move beneath her, and when she reached up her arms, there was nothing above. She was still in the darkness, but the box had expanded in all directions.

Fumbling, she got to her feet on shaky legs. It was too dark even to see her body, but she began walking, hands in front of her, trying to find a wall.

'Be still, little girl,' said a voice in the darkness. It was a woman's voice, old and dust-choked, echoing in the vast empty space.

'Where am I?' the little girl whispered.

'You are in my home,' said the voice, which seemed to be getting closer, though there were no footsteps.

'I don't know how I got here, I don't remember anything.'

'You have had a long and horrible life, little girl,' said the voice. 'It was over, and now it has begun again.'

'Why? Who are you?'

Light rose from the floor, a dull gray light, scarcely a glow. At first, the girl saw a ragged robe, and then the pale, dusty flesh of her hostess. She was an old woman, thin to emaciation, her face like a flesh-covered skull with a tail of gray hair on top, her face drawn and serious.

'My name is Vaernima,' the daedra prince said.




'And ... who am I?' the little girl asked.

'That remains to be seen,' Vaernima said, a slow smile pulling across her cadaverous face. 'I'll tell you who you were. You were a little girl long, long ago, a mortal child in the mortal world, who should have lived out your life as is naturally for your kind. You were a Dunmer, born in the last year of the first era, as time is recognized in your land.

'But then, you were attacked and, by the weird workings of fate, simultaneously lost your mortality and your place in the physical world. You became a Void Vampire, haunting the world between the worlds, touching the land of your birth only to feed. Your hunger was ravenous, and over the millenia, you slew millions.'

'You longed for release from the Void and from your hunger, and you found it. You ceased to be.'

'You were called Bosriel,' Vaernima said.

The little girl stared at the old woman for a long moment in silence. Finally she said, 'And now? What am I now'

'Look at yourself.'

Bosriel looked down, and began to scream again.


A clarion call echoed through the ancient streets of Daggerfall.

'Make way for the Dowager Queen Nulfaga,' the heralds sang. Aliens and locals alike stood along the wide avenue leading to Castle Daggerfall to watch the Dowager Queen's carriages roll past.


An open carriage with the dragon shield of the royal family of Daggerfall rolled along the cobblestones away from the castle. The ancient, withered Dowager Queen sat quietly, staring ahead, holding her eldest great granddaughter, Princess Akorithi, on her lap. The Princess Mynisera waved enthusiastically at the crowd, who roared their approval at her enthusiasm and that of her brothers Prince Camaron and the heir of the kingdom, Prince Lysandus.

A bystander near Loranna, a grizzled old veteran warrior, grumbled to no one in particular, 'Dark-skinned, them Princes and Princesses of a Breton kingdom, ain't they?'

And dark-skinned they were, having the Redguard characteristics of their mother, Queen Aubk-I, former Princess of Sentinel.


The warrior raises an eyebrow, and muttering the word 'Dunmer' moves away.

A plump peasant woman shakes her head, 'Don't mind him. When you fight in wars against Hammerfell, and win them, and you see children who look like Redguards in line for the throne, some people get a little surly. Can't get with modern times, I suppose, poor fella.'

'Where's that old witch going?' asked a sour-faced harridan next to the woman.

'Shedugent, her castle, so's I hear.'


You don't know our dowager queen is a renowned sorceress?' asked the plump woman. 'Oh, yes, very powerful. Controls the seas, raises the dead ...'

'Dreadful place, Shedugent,' sneered the harridan. 'No place to bring children.'

'They won't be there too long,' the first woman nodded. 'If King Gothryd isn't back by the 20th, they'll be needed at the Fire Festival in Northmoor.'

The harridan's face softened, and she smiled wistfully. 'Oh, beautiful. I went there once as a little girl ...'


'Oh, misty and mountaneous, the cradle of Mara,' the woman sighed. 'On the Fire Festival on the 20th, the mages all put on a show that is just breathtaking. If you have the means, I would highly recommend it. It's all Daggerfall territory now, so the travel is safe. Just go north through Glenpoint, a few days ride ...'

The carriage of the Queen Dowager and the royal guards having passed, the crowd begins to disperse, returning to their lives.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

Visitors and diplomats without state business were politely ushered out. Pages rushes through the gently winding corridors finding the Queen's chief ministers of state in their offices and state rooms, banquet halls and parlors.

The Minister of War, the Chief Minister of State, Lord of the Queen's Council, the Chief Castellan, the Chancellor, the Minister of Commerce, the Lord Treasurer, and Her Majesty's Spymaster were wanted at once in Elysana's throne room. Together with a dozen of the Queen's advisors who had no official title.

Elysana had had a visitor last night. A most unwelcome one, for a woman who wanted no unannounced visitors.

A dead one.


At dawn, every High Rock Mages Guild east of Anticlere, dozens of them in villages and cities, was closed, locked up.

Word began to spread that the few independent witches covens that were left in Queen Elysana's realm -- the ones that hadn't already been destroyed for harboring Azurites -- were being rounded up.




There was a little girl.

Her name was Bosriel.

Her home was a box with no doors or windows.

She will never grow old.

She will never die.

She will never see anyone.

She will never hear anything but the wind outside and her own screams.

"I will do as you want," Bosriel sobbed. "Please let me free."

Vaernima smiled. It was a very unpleasant thing to see.




The Daedra Vaernima was gone.

The box was much smaller now. Bosriel could again feel the ceiling merely by standing on her tip-toes, and the walls in all directions by putting her hands out just a few inches.

It was dark.

She screamed, "You promised to set me free!"

But she knew her voice couldn't be heard outside the box. The whistling wind was gone.

The little girl was alone.



The closing of the Mages Guilds throughout eastern High Rock had not bothered the populace very much. Adventurers and scholars were naturally put out about it, but to the peasants, the Guild had little effect on their day to day lives.

A rumor had begun that the temples throughout the region were being closed as well, and that was different.

It was only a rumor, however. True, the top hierarchy of the temples had been called to the Royal Dome of Wayrest to meet with the Queen, but the day-to-day activities of the temples was uninterrupted.

It was fortunate timing that today was the fifth birthday of Princess Tymona, and parades and celebrations in her honor were held throughout Wayrest. Anyone worrying that things were amiss was silenced by the sheer spectacle of the event.

Tymona herself loved it. Her first through fourth birthdays had not been such occasions.

Her brother Eadwyre was old enough to know that his mother was an expert at manipulating the populace. It was a trait he was eager to learn at her feet.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

'This must be handled with the greatest of discretion,' the Queen said, her face stony with resolve. 'I must find if there is a Necromancer who wishes me harm. I need the witches of High Rock, any who still survived the expulsion of the Azurites, rounded up. They hide themselves away, so a Spymaster is more useful than a general in routing them out.'

Elysana turned before going to meet with the Magister of the Wayrest Mages Guild. 'I will expect a full report of your progress every morning, Herwyn.'


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

Young Prince Eadwyre sat in the hallway, reading a book. At Herwyn's footfall, he looked up, and then back to his page.

'I heard her,' he said quietly, not looking up. 'She saw grandfather, the King, her father. I heard her call his name, the same as mine. I think she murdered him.'


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

The boy looked up at Herwyn, and smiled. It was his mother's smile, entirely charming and unrevealing, "What information?"


The Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

A man walked unaccompanied up the gently sloping corridor that led to Elysana's audience chamber. He stopped when he saw Prince Eadwyre, and looked curiously at the boy reading on the floor.

"You like to read, do you?" the man asked.

"Yes," said Eadwyre, looking up. "If you're here to see the Queen, you'll need to be announced."

"She called for me," the man smiled. "I'm with the Mages Guild."

"My mother is already talking with the Magister of the Wayrest Mages Guild."

"He works for me."

Eadwyre's eyes opened wide. He got awkwardly to his feet and stuck out his hand. "You're the Archmagister? I'm Eadwyre Gardner."

"I know who you are," the man chuckled. "After I'm finished talking with your mother, I'd like to discuss books with you. I like to read too."

Eadwyre grinned, as Hannibal Traven bowed slightly, and entered the Queen's audience chamber.



Elysana, the Queen of Wayrest, had a nasty ghostly visitor. While this is being investigated, the Mages Guilds of Wayrest have been closed and the witches of eastern High Rock are being rounded up. She is now speaking with the Archmagister for the entire Mages Guild, Hannibal Traven.

Bosriel, once a Void Vampire, last seen when the Eidolon was activated, has awoken in a box, which seems to be nowhere.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

Elysana stood alone on the balcony from her audience chamber, looking into the litle curved courtyard. Floral scents floated up from the garden, and she breathed them in, but they brought little comfort.

The Queen could see her heir Eadwyre, whom she called Wyre, sharing a laugh with Hannibal Traven. He was a charming man. In fact, as they spoke, it seemed that the archmagister meant to seduce her. She hadn't slept with a man for political reasons since ascending the throne, and she didn't intend to start now.

Still, it made for a more pleasant meeting, flirting instead of arguing. And the Archmagister was legitimately concerned with the presence of Necromancy in his Guild. He had agreed to keep the Guilds closed for at least a few more days, pending investigation.

She would have to have Herwyn use her spies within the Guild to find out information, in case this charming Archmagister felt the need to keep anything from her.

The sun was still in the sky, but the nighbirds had begun their song. Soon it would be dark.

The Queen shivered, though the air was warm. She would have the visitor again tonight. She knew it.




Bosriel beat against her metal coffin door. She was no longer numb.

She might spend an eternity here, but right now, she was not resigned to it. Right now, she was angry.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

'I have completed my investigation,' said Hannbal Traven, archmagister of the Mages Guild, entering the Queen's study. 'There were indeed Necromancers in the Guild, as you worried there might be.'

'Did they confess to plotting against me?' Elysana asked, calmly.


'I don't suppose you would let me ask them, in my own way?'

Traven smiled. 'You have informants of your own in the Guild. You probably know more than I do.'

Elysana smiled back. 'The Guild will remained closed.'

'For the time being, until my investigation –'

'Our investigation.'

'Until our investigation is complete,' Traven corrected himself. 'I intend to go to Daggerfall to see how far the corruption has spread.'

'And I will tell you what I learn here,' said the Queen. 'My Spymaster will give me his latest report tomorrow morning.'



The walls were even tighter around Bosriel. She could stick out her tongue and taste the hard, cold metal.

She summoned her strength, and screamed once again, knowing her voice would not leave her little prison. But she had to keep fighting.




Vaernima alone heard the scream, and a thin smile crept across her gray face.

'All nightmares end, little one,' the Prince whispered. 'And then another begins.'




Bosriel heard the Prince's whisper, and beat even harder against the metal walls of her coffin.

She had the strength to tear apart a man in daedric armor with just her little hands, but the metal would not break.


Bosriel felt her prison move slightly, and then fall gently. She rolled in its confines, and felt panic rise. It was going to crush her now. Vaernima must have tired of this torture.

With all her might, she pushed within and without. The metal groaned but did not break.


The little girl was no longer the pale creature she had been in the Void. She was black, blacker than night, her hair, her skin, her dress. All but her eyes which were fiery red.

When the metal began to break, she did not think it was purely her own power that was doing it. She prepared herself for anything.

The one thing she did not expect to see was the faces she saw looking down on her.

She stared, unable to move, so she looked like nothing so much as a blackened corpse.

With a scream of terror, she flew into the air, using her telekinetic touch to push one and all away from her.

She did not know where to go, but she flew out of the room. There must be a way out.


'Allerleirauh,' Bosriel whispered out loud, her voice shaking with fear. Leseth had told her the name. She was to be feared.

She could fly very fast, a skill she had to learn in the Void. But unlike the Void, this was a narrow place, the interior of a building. She needed to get out.

Her telekinetic touch tried the doors, but she was not strong enough to open them. Then, Bosriel saw the stairs.

As fast as she could, she shot down the stairs to the front door.

It opened.

The sunlight fell upon her like fire.

Bosriel collapsed to the ground in a faint.


The little girl's body jolted, though her sleep continued. It was a nightmare. Something very bad.

'Please,' she whispered. 'Please, please ... Leseth ...'


Bosriel heard her name from Allerleirauh and Leseth, and the nightmare drifted away. She smiled, and slept on. For days, she had stayed awake. Not only awake, but screaming, beating on the door, throwing her telekinetic touch blindly in all directions.

It would take world's end to awaken her.



Bosriel dreamed she was in the Void, rolling like a leaf in the wind around the Guildhouse, peeking into rooms at the sleeping children, feeling her ancient hunger grow. It would be easy enough to reach through with her telekinetic touch and awaken one of them, lure him or her (a little blond boy with flesh like a peach, a chubby little red-headed girl ...) to a corner, to the stairs, to some place where the angles met with possibilities, and she could drag them into her world without so much as a cry ...

In the third floor of the Guildhouse, she saw a little girl she had never seen before. Black as a shadow. Sleeping soundly. She reached out to draw back the covers of the bed, and then she saw the monster in the corner, watching the girl sleep.

The girl was herself. The monster was Leseth, her only friend.

Bosriel awoke. She looked at Leseth and blinked. Where was this place?


'No,' said Bosriel. 'Not even a little bit.'

She sat up in bed, and breathed in deeply.

'There aren't any smells in the Void,' she said. 'How can people concentrate in this world with so many smells in the air?'



Bosriel pulled the pillow to her cheek, and rubbed it gently. It smelled of soap and wind. Carefully, she sat up and put one foot on to the ground. And then the other.

The little girl tried to stand, but fell to the ground.

'I have not felt ground beneath my feet for twelve hundred years,' she said with a steady voice, though tears were falling from her burning eyes. 'Are they going to kill me?'



Bosriel gasped and then returned the embrace, her cold dark skin leaving blooms of frost against Leseth's armor.

'I tried calling your name,' she sobbed. 'But I knew you couldn't hear me. No one could hear me where I was. I'm free, Leseth. I'm finally free.'


Solunastra 'Just live,' she said, very seriously, rubbing her hands across her eyes. 'I have watched people, but I know I have a lot to learn. I want to always be as happy as I am now. And I want to be nice ... I want to be good ... if I can.'


Thank you,' the little girl said, smiling. It was smile of pure innocence, but her eyes still held many lifetimes of horror. 'Thank you.'



As night fell on Daggerfall, Bosriel let Leseth pick her up, and carry her out to the garden. Once there, she glided out of his arms, and levitated from bloom to bloom, savoring every scent of every blossom. By the light of the two moons, Bosriel smelled the delicacy of black and white poppies, the spice of the fire fern, the bittersweet of Dragon's Tongue, the deep musky of Domica Redwort, the lively mint of black anther, the subtlety of gold kanet, and the earthiness of luminous rusola and violet corpinus.

The little girl touched the velvet blossoms, the tuberous stalks, the thorns, all for the first time in more than a thousand years, and was supremely happy.


Northmoor, High Rock

King Gothryd had joined his grandmother Nulfaga and his children for the Fire Festival on the 20th of Second Seed. Now their royal carriages were making their way down south towards Daggerfall.

Gothryd listened to his children chatter about the beautiful spectacle they had seen, but his mind was on meeting with the archmagister Hannibal Traven who was already in his kingdom.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

One of Elysana's valets escorted Lord Sternhart to the orchard court, where the Queen was inspecting the new apiary. A cloud of bees swarmed around her, but she sampled honey from each of the hives without pause.

'Have you eaten, my lord?' the Queen of Wayrest asked, as she dismissed the servants. Her eyes were dark from lack of sleep, but she showed no other sign of fatigue.


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

"Quite well, we thank your noble lordship for his concern," the Queen smiled and held out a honeycomb, gently shooing away the bees from it. "I will look at the petition, though the decision when the Mages Guild is to be reopened does not rely entirely on my wishes. Archmagister Traven is conducting a thorough investigation, and may have to close down more Guilds in more kingdoms before he is through ..."


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

No one had ever seen Elysana look surprised or worried. That was not because she was not human -- though that could, and has, been argued -- but because the Queen was a master of self-control.

She instinctively turned back towards the hive, in a little gesture which suggested she was distracted by the buzzing, but in truth gave her a moment to compose her expression. Elysana turned back to Sternhart, her face still, eyebrows only slightly raised.

"Yes," the Queen said simply. "What do you have to say on the matter?"


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock "Thank you for this information, my lord," said Elysana, tasting another drop of honey thoughtfully. "You are not alone, though the current phenomenon is not wide spread as of yet. Who else do you know who is so haunted? There may be a common link."


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock The Queen looked to the hives again: "We are like them. Our sweetest honey locked close to our poison ..."

"You have, I think, done me a great service, bringing this information to my attention, Count Sternhart," Elysana smiled, and held out her hand to him. "I may have more questions for you soon."


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

The Queen nodded and turned back to the hives, awaiting her Spymaster.

If both of them were haunted, the obvious common link was Tris. Obviously, the old man wanted her to think that. But did that mean it was wrong?

She spotted a particularly slow, fat bee, the Count Sternhart of the apiary, and she wondered, just how much poison was there in something so old, so close to death?


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

The Queen listened, asked questions, and finally complimented Herwyn, if not effusively. She expected competence and thoroughness from her men.

'Alert our spies in Daggerfall that the Archmagister is meeting with the King. It should be an interesting meeting,' Elysana said. 'And you saw Count Sternhart. He may be being targetted by these necromantic forces as well ... or not. I need to know more. And that means redoubling the effort at locating his son, whether he is innocent or guilty.'


The Royal Dome of Wayrest, High Rock

'Oh, and I'm assuming you know this already, but my husband,' Elysana took another taste of honey, and smiled at the flavor before continuing the thought, 'He has a new mistress. A Redguard baroness. She seems like the perfect idiotic beauty, but we should take the usual precautions and make certain she is only that.'



Bosriel's windowless room was now filled with flowers from the garden. She had been careful only to pick the blooms that had begun to fade and lose their petals. It would not be good to rob her hostess's garden of its most beautiful flowers at their peak. Besides, they seemed to have more scent as they withered.

'I don't know what to say to Allerleirauh,' Bosriel said to Leseth, half-sitting on her bed, trying to practice standing. 'You say she does not want to kill me, but she couldn't want me here either ...'



'I want to go and see and experience everything in the world,' Bosriel said, looking down at her feet, which still did not want to support her. It was not that they were weak, but she did not know how to balance on them. 'When I can walk. It is beautiful here, but I won't stay longer than I need to ...'



Bosriel smiled, and rose up into the air. Leseth had found for her a simple white dress, a castoff from one of the girls in the dormitory, and it made her skin and hair look even more black.

'I wish that for you too,' she said, kissing him on the cheek.

Her skin was still cool, but not as painfully cold as before. Her smile faltered, and she felt down deep something she had not felt in a long time. It was not strong yet, but she knew it. It was her hunger. She was no longer sated.



Elysana, Queen of Wayrest, is at her court, the Royal Dome. She has been receiving regular visits from the ghost of her father, and has launched a full investigation, suspecting necromancy. Her Spymaster Herwyn Brant and the Archmagister of the Mages Guild Hannibal Traven have indeed found Necromancers in Wayrest, but they are not responsible for the situation. She has asked her Spymaster to redouble the search for Tris Gaerington, and also to check on her husband's mistress to make certain she is the fool she seems to be.

The King of Daggerfall, Gothryd, is en route to his home with his children and his grandmother, the sorceress Nulfaga. He is to meet with Hannibal Traven, who is continuing his investigation into necromancy in the Mages Guild.

Bosriel, a little girl, once a Void Vampire, now a strange new kind of a creature, is at Allerleirauh's home, Solunastra. Free of the Void, she is experiencing the world for the first time in twelve hundred years. She is learning to walk again on the ground, and – to her alarm – she is beginning to grow hungry again.



'I have been, yes,' said the little girl in a small voice, her burning eyes wide. 'You know I have done bad things to your children, the beautiful boy you call Arynel, the beautiful girl you call Doll ... they lived but many, many others I have touched, more than I can count, did not ... I do not understand why you did not kill me, but ... thank you.'



'No!' Bosriel shook her head quickly. 'I only slept, and went down to your garden with Leseth ... I hope that was okay,' she added, looking at the wilting flowers around the room guiltily. 'I will kill myself before I hurt anyone under your roof, Lady.'


Solunastra 'I know the herb,' the little girl nodded. 'I have watched vampires take it and be cured. I pulled some into the Void once, hundreds of years ago, but it did not help. I was too old. And now ... I don't know what I am ... something horrible ... I did not feel hunger when I first came here. Now ... '

Bosriel touched her own cheek. It was warm as human flesh. 'Have you ever felt that you needed something, but you didn't know what it was? ... I hunger again, but not for blood ...'



Bosriel nodded frantically, 'I don't know. Maybe. The last time I had ordinary food ... It was an orange, a beautiful sweet orange from a tree in Anequina, and ... yes, please, can I go to the kitchen?'

Bosriel floated into the air, 'I cannot walk,' she explained.

Her lips were white.



The little girl, though most resembling a Dunmer child, was most comfortable around orcs. She had never known company but theirs since she fell into the Void. The sight of Igba immediately put a smile on her pale lips.

Bosriel ate voraciously, gripping the tarts and figs and sausages with both hands, tearing into them.

Then she was sick.

She looked up at Allerleirauh, desperately. Her eyes were white as the moons. 'I'm going to die.'



Streaks of white snaked their way through Bosriel's black hair as Allerleirauh held her. Her skin was very warm, like human flesh wracked by fever.

'Vaernima did this to me!' the little girl gasped.



'Beautiful boy,' Bosriel stared back, darkness melting over her hair and her lips. Her flesh was colder than ice, painful to hold. 'Arynel.'



Bosriel rose into the air, looking first to Arynel, and then to Allerleirauh. 'I'm sorry. I told you I was horrible.'



Bosriel was no longer thinking. She rushed for the front door, only dimly aware that there was still sunlight outside, and it would kill her.



Bosriel shrieked, her face twisted, monstrous. She whipped around, and shot into the garden, where sunlight still fell in dusk light.



Bosriel's fingers were claws that had torn warriors apart. She grabbed at Leseth, and they sunk deep into his armor.

'No,' the little girl said, her voice thick, trembling. 'It is so beautiful here in the garden ... I ... you ... will you shelter me here, my only friend? I can't look at them right now. I like it here ...'

She knew it now, and she had to decide whether to live or die.


Solunastra, The Garden, Twilight

For a long time, she was silent, looking at the beauty that surrounded them.

'For twelve hundred years,' Bosriel whispered to Leseth, her voice that of an old woman, not a little girl. 'I have needed blood, and craved freedom. Now, I am free of the Void, but if I am to live, I must ... I must feed ... Oh, Vaernima, I wish that I could feed on hatred, because I hate thee, Prince, I wouldst never be hungry again ...'


Bosriel turned to her.

'Yes,' she said. 'I'm sorry if I scared you.'


"Don't hurt me," Bosriel trembled, a little girl again. "I'm sorry."


'You are beautiful, within and without, like a child, and I used to eat children,' said Bosriel, and then she stopped, looking at Tamne. 'I'm sorry. I said I was sorry about frightening you, and I'm doing it again. I can feel I'm doing it again ... I'm very confused ...'


'I want to see her,' Bosriel's red eyes gleamed in the last light of the setting sun, beneath Leseth's cloak.


'Like I said, beautiful inside and out, like a child. Thank you,' said the little girl. 'And you, beautiful boy, are safe here too.'

The sun set, and Bosriel stood up. Her face was serene.


Bosriel gasped. 'I've seen them before, but not like this. Can I touch her?'

True little girl wonder in her bright red eyes.


Bosriel started after Tamne, and then stopped. She looked at Allerleirauh.

'I can't say I'm sorry anymore,' the little girl said earnestly. 'But I am, and I said won't ever hurt anyone under this roof, and I won't. And I won't try to scare anyone in here either, no matter how hungry I get. At least, not on purpose. Now, I have to go play.'

Bosriel flew inside after Tamne.


Bosriel, Tamne, and Lakschi had found their way down to the training room, to be away from all the grown-ups.

'My best friend is Leseth, and everyone considers him a monster,' said Bosriel, softly touching the Winged Twilight. 'Except I'm much worse.'


Solunastra, the Training Room

'She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and she's so soft,' said Bosriel, touching the creature's wings. 'I lived in that dark place. It is horrible. I will never ever go back there again.'

The little girl turned to Tamne. 'My name is Bosriel. Someone told me once it means 'beauty of the forest.


Bosriel giggled. 'Well, clearly, we are meant to rule this land together, so we better get along ...'

The little girl looked around to make sure they weren't being watched. 'Can you show me around? Not just the building, but tonight ... can you show me around the city? I've seen it before, but I've never really touched it or smelled it ... But I don't want to get in trouble with your mother. I like her.'


'They don't like you?' Bosriel said, 'Well, I'll be the new girl to be hated, I guarantee that. But I'm only staying here until I can walk. Until then, one person here likes you.'

She thought a moment. 'Let's sneak out tomorrow night. Everyone's going to stay up late tonight, after everything's that's gone on. We won't do anything bad. We'll just, you know, see the town. And we won't get lost. I know this city, I've just never been inside it.'


'No,' Bosriel smiled, her red eyes glistening. 'When I'm cold, I'm okay. When I'm warm, watch out.'


A knight wearing the dragon shield of Daggerfall knocked on the door of Solunastra.


'Open this door in the name of His Majesty, King Gothryd,' the knight bellowed.


'His Majesty is having a conference of all Guildmasters at Castle Daggerfall,' the knight said. 'Now.'


The Knight bowed and escorted Allerleirauh with great deference to the castle, where representatives of all the guilds of Daggerfall -- mages and thieves, cobblers and prostitutes, warriors and actors, and dozens more -- were gathering.

'His Majesty will be with you shortly,' the Knight said.


Solin alone saw the old woman walk through the crowd. No one paused in conversation or looked in her direction as she slipped through. It was apparent she was invisible to all but him.

'When you are finished hearing this nonsense, and want to discuss the true ways of necromancy, come visit me at Shedungent, my boy,' the Dowager Queen Nulfaga said to him, her wrinkled face scowling.


Nulfaga grunted, 'Only if you grow tired of ghosts and want to actually do something about it, Solin. Unlike my fool grandson.'

She faded from view.


Castle Daggerfall

'Good Guildmasters,' said the King of Daggerfall, entering the throne room, not waiting to be announced. The crowd instantly fell silent to hear Gothryd speak. He spoke informally, conversationally, in a voice that seemed intimate but travelled to every ear in the room with perfect clarity. He touched his graying beard absently as he spoke, and though over the years his face had gathered lines, he was still a remarkably handsome man.

'Daggerfall has suffered hauntings in the past, I need hardly remind you,' Gothryd said. 'And it appears our troubles may have begun yet again. We are conducting an investigation into reports of the worst kind of necromancy, and would count on your support to root out adherents of this blasphemy. On the advice of the Archmagister Hannibal Traven, the Mages Guilds of Daggerfall will be temporarily closed, so that he might inspect them personally. I would ask that you do your own investigations in your own guilds and report back to me anything you uncover related to the recent spate of hauntings.

'Daggerfall is rich for your contributions to our society, and I do not want you to feel I am in any way ungrateful or that I desire the closing of more guilds. I truly hope that this obscenity can be stopped quickly through the work of my knights, the Archmagister, and your voluntary assistance. It may, however, be necessary in the near future for my knights to conduct a search of your headquarters. I count on your understanding and support if it comes to that.

'If you have any questions, speak to my castellian, and he will arrange for a more personal interview. Thank you, good guildmasters.'

The King smiled wearily, and left the room. The crowd murmured.



Bosriel floated down the stairs from her bedroom, looking for Tamne. A tall, freckled girl known for being one of the worst bullies in the school turned the corner suddenly, took one look at the dark child with the red eyes and white lips, and screamed, scuttling away.

The vampire child felt the girl's fear feed her, hunger melting away, a chill returning to her flesh.

Bosriel did not consider this a breach of her promise to Allerleirauh not to harm or frighten anyone in the house. After all, she had not meant to scare the girl.

Nevertheless, Bosriel smiled, and continued on, calling for Tamne now, to avoid surprising anyone else.



Yenearclogh arose, its lidless eyes burning with hollow fire.

'Stranger approaching,' it hissed through lipless, tongueless jaws.



The lich stood in the narrow entrance hall of the ruin, fire flowing from his skeletal form like a robe, illuminating the moldly emerald-colored tapestries devoted to death that surrounded it.

'Shut,' the creature snarled. 'Up.'



The shadow in the hall blinked with red eyes, and Bosriel floated out of the darkness.

'Hi,' the vampire child whispered. 'How do we get out of here? I thought we could fly over the garden ..?'

Bosriel was smiling, excited about seeing the world beyond.



Yenearclogh simply glared malevolently at Solin as the tapestry slid back with less than a whisper on the password.

On the other side of it was Nulfaga, whirling about the floor like a madwoman. In her hands were two candles, one lit and one extinguished.

'On every eighth step, I must jump,' she explained, as she did so.

'On every step which is a prime number, I must turn around,' she added, and did so.

'In between every fifteenth and sixteenth step, I must – excuse me ... YAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!'

'I hope I don't lose count,' she added. 'I have been doing this for four hours.'

'You look familiar, boy, have we met?'



'I want to go to a tavern,' Bosriel whispered excitedly as they made their way through the garden. 'And the docks. I really want to see the docks. I've never seen the inside of a boat, because that's hard to see from the bad place, but they look amazing ... And do you think we can get into the castle? Or is that too much for the first night? I just want to see everything.'



'Don't be ridiculous, I haven't been to Daggerfall since very recently, before you died,' Nulfaga sneered. 'The next thing you'll be telling me is that I have a solution to all your problems, just as soon as I reach the eleven thousandth, one hundredth step ... and a half ...'

She did a half step and added, 'Which is now.'

The lit candle extinguished and the unlit candle sparked into flame.

'Oh, hello, Solin,' Nulfaga smiled. 'When did you get in? This is about that whole ghost and necromancy business, I suspect, yes? That was why I was doing that preposterous dance, which was quite unbecoming for a woman one hundred and one years old ...'


(Daggerfall, the Docks:)

In the Void, Bosriel could hear a human heart beat from miles away. Here, in the world, it was harder to do, but she knew there was a man, and she felt it when he vanished, and she knew why. But she didn't tell Tamne.

The dock was a playground she could never have imagined.



'Oh yes,' the old crone cackled. 'I learned that it is always best to dance with a partner. Preferably, a handsome young man.'

Nulfaga gave Solin the lit candle in his left hand, and took his right hand in her own.

The walls around them melted away.

'Don't let go until the dance is over,' Nulfaga warned him as the floor vaporized into darkness.

The Mantellan Crux

Pure chaos. The world afloat, engorged, awhirl. Gravity rotated on an axis.

'Close your eyes, dear. A cockatrice is coming and if you see him, you will die,' the Dowager Queen whispered, her clawed hand still holding Solin's tightly.


Mantellan Crux

He could hear the flurry of feathers coming closer, and suddenly they were on him. Something sinuous and strong, a serpent's body, wrapped around his arm, and he felt a beak pecking on his hand with the candle in it.

'Don't drop it!' Nulfaga screamed.

There was a horrible caw mixed with a hiss, and he felt warmth spread through his body. And then lips on his lips. And then air, slightly damp, very dusty. Nulfaga's hand left his, and he knew he was back in


When he opened his eyes, there on the floor, in a disgusting nest of blood, feather, and scales, was an egg.



'Well, I've had my kiss, so I suppose so,' the old lady giggled, and did a stiff curtsey.

'The egg is yours to take. It will spring forth another cockatrice, but it will be very different in this world. Far less strange, far more dangerous. Remember, people reflect their shadows, not the other way around. The foul tide must rise and drown you before it subsides.'

Nulfaga turned away.


The Wrothgarian Mountains, Outside Shedungent

Yenearclogh looked at Solin as he passed, and spoke with Nulfaga's voice.

If the slayer of death think he slays,
Or if the slain think he is slain,
They know not well the subtle ways,
Arkay turns in the wheel and cycles again.

Then the lich turned and went back into Shedungent.



Nulfaga is in Shedungent, quite barking mad. She's given Solin a cockatrice's egg and some hints on how to use it to end the hauntings.

King Gothryd is in Castle Daggerfall, consulting with the Archmagister of the Mages Guild, after they've decided to close the Mages Guilds in the kingdom, while they investigating the supposed necromantic threat of the hauntings.

Bosriel is in Solunastra, where she's made a new friend in the other outcast, Tamne.

Queen Elysana is in Wayrest, conducting her own investigations, and having very sleepless nights, which are making her even more paranoid than usual.



Bosriel could smell the fear in Daggerfall. She had been practicing walking after twelve hundred years of floating in the Void, when it floated into her room like the aroma of some delicious meal. There was something bad happening, and many were frightened, but it was some distance away.

She considered asking Tamne to join her, but it was certain to be dangerous. The dark girl did not want to put her only friend in Solunastra, her only friend in the world except for Leseth, in harm's way. But Bosriel could feel the warmth in her flesh, and hunger clawing at her. Looking in the mirror, her lips and eyes were bright white.

Bosriel slipped out a window, and floated over the roofs of Daggerfall. Instinctively, she kept close to the eaves, staying in the darkest parts of the dark town. The only place in the city she had been, the night before with Tamne, was the docks, and that was where the fear was concentrated.

The crowd gathered there watching the ghostly Nords come closer filled her, nourished her.

Was this to be her fate, she wondered, as her flesh turned black, her eyes red, and a chill returned to her skin – to search out war, hauntings, massacres, all the horrors of the world, to feed on the fear like a vulture? There were so many beautiful things in the world beyond the Void, love, romance, contentment ... But the good things did not feed her. If Tamriel were ever at peace, she would die.

Bosriel recognized several people from Solunastra, and when they dealt with the undead Nords, she followed them. They went into the front door of the Emperor's Jewels, and she drifted in through a open window. In the shadows above, hidden in the beams, the vampire watched and listened.



Queen Elysana is in Wayrest, still concerned about the spate of hauntings which continue to increase in number. She is relying on her spymaster Herwyn to keep her apprised, and is working with the Archmagister Hannibal Traven to ferret out Necromancers who must surely be responsible. As a result of this, Mages Guilds through High Rock have been temporarily closed.

Bosriel is in Solunastra. She is no longer a Void Vampire, but something else, something that thrives on fear. She spends most of her time observing the other occupants of the guildhouse, and playing with Tamne. When she thinks she can get away with it, she hides in the kitchen. Though Bosriel can't eat food, and Igba is not the friendliest sort, she has always felt most comfortable in the presence of orcs, and the delicious smells of the world beyond the Void are something she has not gotten used to yet ...


'Me too,' said a little girl's voice from the shadows in the ceiling.


The little girl, dark but for her white eyes and lips, covered her mouth quickly. She had evidently not meant to speak out loud, and draw attention to herself.

Her eyes went to Loranna, and then to Arynel.

'I'm sorry,' Bosriel whispered, floating down from the ceiling and darting out into the hall. 'Pardon me.'


Bosriel walked on uncertain feet back into the room. She almost seemed like a dancer walking on tip-toes, trying to hold her balance in a world with an up and a down.

'Thank you, Arynel,' the little girl said, smiling, and turning to Loranna. 'I find this conversation interesting. Will you kill Thadas before he kills you?'


Bosriel felt her warm skin warm even more at the compliment, but she did not look at Arynel. In terms of atonement, he had been one of her many victims, one of the few who had lived. She knew what Loranna had done, but she had not killed like Bosriel had.


'I could kill him before you get back, if you would like,' the little girl said simply. 'And then you wouldn't have anything more to atone for.'


Bosriel nodded at Loranna and Arynel. She did not understand, but she felt she had not frightened them, and they had said nice things to her. That was good. She was not so odd, so horrible after all, maybe.

The dark little girl sat and listened.


Bosriel waited until she was sure no one else had anything to say, and then said, "I have never been on a boat, and I would very much like to."


The little girl smiled, "I have a strong stomach. Can we go to Thras? Or Yokuda? Or Akavir?"


Bosriel nods and then suggests, "Balfiera?"


Bosriel, on tip-toes, starts for the door, and then rises up into the air. Enough of the exhausting walking for the day.

She flies off down the hall, "Tamne! Tamne! Do you want to go to Balfiera?!"


Tel Dresori, Morrowind

The twins Dres Vendama and Dres Obael waited on their boat at the docks at Tel Dresori. This was the land of their cousin Dres Minsero who was accompanying them to Tel Raathim, the land sometimes called by the Council, derisively, Daruhn.

The boat they were taking was one of their smaller vessels. This little mission had to be handled with tact and diplomacy.

Dres Minsero appeared on the docks with his servants carrying his luggage, more than the twins' baggage put together, as if he were going to clothe everyone for the Early Harvest Festival personally.

"Muthsera Minsero bought a lot of servants," whispered Vendama under her breath.

"We brought a couple too," her brother Obael whispered back.

"Muthsero Minsero has brought all Khajiit," Vendama said. "All the exact same coloring as Dres Jazbet. I would say Minsero is interested in testing the Lady of Daruhn's hospitality to the maximum."

Obael sighed. He hoped this wouldn't end badly.

The ship set sail for Ald Raathim an hour later.


Tel Raathim, Morrowind

Razbiah, the castle cook, was in the market place, sneering at the excellent produce, trying to get the farmers to lower their prices just a bit. Usually she had one of the girls from the kitchen buy the goods, but she knew she could get the best deals.

Seeing Loranna, the old Dunmer woman, famous for miles for her fierce loyalty and bland cuisine, curtsied. "My lady, 'tis good to see you again. I hope you are well."


Ald Raathim, Morrowind

"Not too bad, except for the unbridled greed of our farmers," Razbiah said, glaring at the man she was doing business with, who sighed and gave her the discount she had been asking for. As they walked away from the stall, Razbiah told her about all the castle gossip that she knew of, telling Loranna about the contents of the larder, all her plans for preserving, baking, and boiling, and her worries that the new spice fields would inspire people to put unhealthy seasonings in their foods for "so-called flavor."

"Of course, Kallen has the records of all this," Razbiah said. "And probably more. I think it will be our finest harvest ever -- but don't tell the farmers that. They're too proud as it is."


Ald Raathim, Morrowind

"Oh, you might hear some of the servants talk about ghosts they seen," Razbiah shrugged. "I think they ate something funny from the tavern, that's what I think."


Castle Daruhn, Ald Raathim, Morrowind

In Jazbet's former office in the castle tower, Kallen received the two couriers simultaneously. The Lady Loranna was here, and the three emissaries from House Dres would be arriving shortly as well.

Kallen ordered the servants to prepare the bedrooms, tell Razbiah to make a feast, and checking over his accounts of the population in the town, had word sent out to a traveling bard troupe that they should come to provide entertainment. The seneschal then began arranging the financial and legal records for Loranna to see.


Jazbet's Office, Ald Raathim

"Your ladyship," Kallen bowed. "We have some correspondence to go over when you have a moment, the field records, and several persons have requested audiences on different matters, but I wasn't certain when you'd be returning so I've made some arrangements which I hope will meet with your satisfaction however this is the matter that probably deserves your immediate attention ..."

The seneschal handed Loranna the note from the courier:

Lady Loranna, Regent Holder of Ald Raathim, Estate of the Late Dres Jazbet, Servus Tyrannus,

I hope this finds you well. It has been a very trying time in the Dres lands, and in Morrowind in general, of course, so we have not had a moment yet to meet and discuss the future with you. Early Harvest Festival, however, is upon us, and we thought it a fine time to correct this.

Three emissaries from House Dres will be in Ald Raathim this evening. Sera Minsero of Tel Dresori and the surrounding lands is a senior member of the Council. Seras Vendama and Obael have more recently taken their parents' rule at Bodrom Mora. All are eager to make your acquaintance in an informal setting. No Dres regalia or ceremony. We hope this is not an inconvenient time.

-- The Grand Council of House Dres


"No servant has come to me about ghosts," said Kallen. "And I have not told a soul about the one that was haunting me ... "

The seneschal shivered slightly, and took the letter from Loranna's hands. "This evening, the letter says. It's interesting that they do not mention how long the visit should last. That's unusual. I have given orders for a feast to be prepared, some entertainment, and the usual preparations for the Early Harvest Festival are, of course, under way."


Ald Raathim

"The former lord of the land, not your husband but the lord before him, has come to me several times at the witching hour," Kallen replied, lowering his eyes slightly. "A malevolent spirit if there ever was one."

Kallen pauses and then unbuttons his shirt. His chest is scarred as if a taloned finger had pulled across his flesh, forming the word SLAVE.


Jazbet's Office, Ald Raathim

Kallen began buttoning his shirt back up. "I should see to the preparations for tonight, milady ... and discreetly ask if anyone else has been having visitations, if you think that wise."


Jazbet's Office, Ald Raathim

"That would be wise," Kallen smiled, uncharacteristic for the dour young Dunmer.

A courier appeared at the door. "Begging your pardon, my Lady Loranna, my Lord Kallen, but Lord Minsero, Lord Obael, and Lady Vendama have arrived at the dock."

Kallen turned to Loranna, "I'll greet them. If you don't mind my saying so, you should probably put on your finest gown. I know the note said that it would be a casual meeting, but from my experience with House Dres Members, they are rarely casual people."


Ald Raathim

Kallen and Razbiah as the senior staff at the castle were prepared for any eventuality. Earlier they had planned on a quiet early evening, but unexpectedly, the Lady of the land had arrived together with three disintinguished guests and their servants for an extended stay just before the Early Harvest Festival. Within an astonishingly short span, the bedrooms had been prepared, the feast had been set, and the flags of Dres were unfurled marking the occasion.

Dres Minsero led the procession from the docks in full formal dress. He was a handsome, elderly man with eyes of fire and a face like a mask. Obael and Vendama walked behind him in deference to his seniority, well-scrubbed but dressed for travel, not diplomacy. They were young and beautiful reflections of one another. Two dozen servants followed behind with the luggage, largely Minsero's retinue, two of whom were merely there to carry his lord's shield and flag, as if they were needed.

"Welcome to Ald Raathim, distinguished guests," said Kallen, twice, speaking first in old Velothi and then in Cyrodilic. Obael and Vendama's jaws dropped, but if Minsero was impressed, he didn't show it.

The seneschal showed the Dres Housemembers into the Main Hall where Loranna awaited them, while the castle servants organized the others, showing them where to bring the luggage.


Ald Raathim

Dres Obael bows very deeply, his warm eyes sparkling, and a friendly grin on his handsome face: "My Lady, the tales of your great beauty and hospitality have done you no justice."

Dres Vendama curstsies less effusively than her brother, her beautiful face and figure elegant and slightly restrained, but her smile too is genuine as his: "My Lady, I admire your courage and resourcefulness, agreeing to meet with us at such short notice."

Dres Minsero scowls at Loranna, scowls deeper at Sylvos, and turns to Kallen: "Do you have anything to drink?"

A servant with a flagon of wine who had been standing in the shadows quickly runs over at Kallen's signal.


Glasses of wine are poured for all, and the three visitors toast Ald Raathim, drinking -- in the tradition of the Dres -- not to a person but to the land, wishing it prosperity and peace.

Obael and Minsero then lapse into a semi-serious argument they had been having on the ship, about whether there was a "season" for certain types of fish. They resolve to go to the Ald Raathim docks the next morning to discuss it with the people who would know, the fishermen.

Vendama admires Loranna's gown: "It really is very lovely. Is it from a local seamstress?"


"Be careful," Vendama smiled mischievously. "Or I'll steal her away. We Dres are notoriously dishonest. I have to tell you, my dear Loranna – I knew Jazbet rather well. It was extremely disconcerting to see him standing there, and there being absolutely no recognition in his eyes for me."


Ald Raathim

Vendama's mischevious grin also fades, and her eyes flit to Obael and Minsero who, she seems to have noticed, were listening in on the conversation while continuing to talk about fish.

"I'll tell you what is even more disconcerting," Vendama says. "How well-organized and efficient your household, and your region in general, seems to be. I was raised to believe that without slaves, it was impossible to get things done. But Ald Raathim seems to have proven otherwise."


"We are here," said Dres Minsero gruffly. "To see what kind of a girl has taken Dres House lands, and what the possibilities of our future relations might be. If you are a plain speaker, be so. If you are a poet, be so. We are here to see and hear you either way."

"And to drink all of your excellent wine while we're at it," Obael quickly added with a wink, calling for the servant to refill everyone's glass.


"That's putting it mildly," Dres Minsero coughed, and took a long sip of the wine which he seemed to enjoy, though he offered no compliments.

"Jazbet was a hard worker," said Dres Obael. "He had enemies, plenty of them, but no one could deny he cared for his people. I only met him a handful of times, but I can say with honesty that I mourned when I heard he was dead."

"We all did, didn't we, Serjo?" asked Dres Vendama, looking directly at Dres Minsero.

"That seems scarcely relevant," the old dunmer grumbled.

Kallen made a slight signal to Loranna which meant that dinner was ready, whenever she needed a break.


Obael laughed out loud at that.

"Loranna, of course, looks perfect, but I would be grateful if she would show me somewhere I could clean myself just a bit before dinner?" Vendama said.

"I will show my lords to the dining room," said Kallen, opening the door for Obal and Minsero.


"Be careful," Vendama smiled mischievously. "Or I'll steal her away. We Dres are notoriously dishonest. I have to tell you, my dear Loranna – I knew Jazbet rather well. It was extremely disconcerting to see him standing there, and there being absolutely no recognition in his eyes for me."


Ald Raathim

Vendama's mischevious grin also fades, and her eyes flit to Obael and Minsero who, she seems to have noticed, were listening in on the conversation while continuing to talk about fish.

"I'll tell you what is even more disconcerting," Vendama says. "How well-organized and efficient your household, and your region in general, seems to be. I was raised to believe that without slaves, it was impossible to get things done. But Ald Raathim seems to have proven otherwise."


"We are here," said Dres Minsero gruffly. "To see what kind of a girl has taken Dres House lands, and what the possibilities of our future relations might be. If you are a plain speaker, be so. If you are a poet, be so. We are here to see and hear you either way."

"And to drink all of your excellent wine while we're at it," Obael quickly added with a wink, calling for the servant to refill everyone's glass.


"That's putting it mildly," Dres Minsero coughed, and took a long sip of the wine which he seemed to enjoy, though he offered no compliments.

"Jazbet was a hard worker," said Dres Obael. "He had enemies, plenty of them, but no one could deny he cared for his people. I only met him a handful of times, but I can say with honesty that I mourned when I heard he was dead."

"We all did, didn't we, Serjo?" asked Dres Vendama, looking directly at Dres Minsero.

"That seems scarcely relevant," the old dunmer grumbled.

Kallen made a slight signal to Loranna which meant that dinner was ready, whenever she needed a break.


Obael laughed out loud at that.

"Loranna, of course, looks perfect, but I would be grateful if she would show me somewhere I could clean myself just a bit before dinner?" Vendama said.

"I will show my lords to the dining room," said Kallen, opening the door for Obal and Minsero.


Ald Raathim

"I wish we could have come here without Minsero," said Vendama, as she splashed water on her face. "But in truth, he has power and we do not. I should explain who we are, who just showed up on your front door step. My brother Obael and I inherited our parents' land very recently. They became Azurites, you see, and were destroyed. Before that, they were very cruel and despotic, among the very worst of the Dres. When you as Azura symbolically 'freed' the slaves of Morrowind, they randomly killed a third of their slaves, just to assert their power over them. Now, we have inherited the land, and we want to follow the ways you and Jazbet espouse. We do not want to rule a bloody land ... but how can we change it? Speaking frankly, as you say, will our slaves turn on us and kill us if we free them? And if they don't, will we be attacked by our own House?"

"You see," Vendama said very seriously, wiping her brow with a cloth. "We are here to support your way, not only for your sake, but for our own."


"We have lifted most of the worst of the traditions of our land," replied Vendama. "But you have only to look at the people in the field to know they are filled with fear. If we simply free them, they might be – I know this is terrible to say about fellow sentient creatures, but it is our fear – they might be like animals. I have not come here seeking, as you say, easy answers, Loranna. I want to observe Ald Raathim up close, to see what the future might hold for our lands ... and perhaps to gird up my courage to do what I believe to be right."

Vendama paused. "I should probably tell you more about Dres Minsero too ..."


Ald Raathim

"If you were simply Jazbet's widow," Vendama said. "Minsero would give you a gruff reception, and be done with it. But he does not trust outlanders, particularly Nords ... particularly women. In his mind, this is what happened. You seduced Jazbet, got him to agree to marry you, had him killed, perversely had your lover 'desecrate' his corpse, and now you plan to lead some sort of evil, necromantic revolution ... Well, perhaps he doesn't quite believe that is what happened ... Believe it or not, Minsero is one of the more moderate of the Dres council. If he can be assured that that's not what happened, he can convince others of that, and all will be well."

Vendama took Loranna's arm as they walked towards the dining room.

"The best you can hope for from Minsero is neutrality. That was his attitude towards your husband. On one hand, Minsero is a champion of tradition, slavery, the House lands staying in House hands ... On the other, he admired your husband, as much as he is capable of admiring anyone. He more or less had to. Jazbet saved his life."


"I'll tell you about it later," Vendama said as they reached the dining room. "Don't tell him I told you. I just wanted to let you know you're on the right track when you talk about continuing Jazbet's vision. That's the best strategy to pursue to convince him."

The servants opened the door.

Razbiah was already putting food on the table. Obael stood up when the ladies entered the room, but Minsero remained seated.


Vendama and Obael ate with polite smiles on their face, quite clearly not enjoying the meal at all. Minsero, on the other hand, ate voraciously, even while he spoke, and when Razbiah looked in, he signalled for more food.

'Your cook is excellent, you're very lucky,' said Dres Minsero, and then, changing the subject as if uncomfortable giving a compliment. 'Now, tell me, do you know very much about the history of the land you've taken? Do you know who Jazbet took Ald Raathim from? Does that matter to you, history?'


Minsero grunted, and Vendama gave Loranna a quick wink as if to say 'You scored a point, though he won't acknowledge it.'

'Dres Raithmat was not someone I very much admired,' said Minsero. 'Slavery, though you may not agree with me, is a necessity. For Raithmat, however, it was a pleasure. He enjoyed humiliating his people, beating them to death for the slightest infraction. Jazbet was born into that world, and I do not blame him at all for choosing to flee from it. It was a very good thing when old Raithmat died, and his daughter Seresina inherited Ald Raathim. Now, she was delightful. Did you know her, Serjo Obael?'

'Yes,' said the young Dunmer, smiling at Loranna. 'Beautiful and very sweet-hearted. A tradition among ladies of Ald Raathim which continues to this day.'

'Her way was orthodox without being excessively cruel,' Minsero said, helping himself to more food. 'There is the question, always, of why she gave the land to Jazbet and disinherited her own son. Thus, the nickname of Ald Raathim which you have doubtlessly heard, Loranna. Daruhn. Land of the Thief.'


'Bravo,' Obael laughed, clapping his hands together. 'I like that. Take a negative association and turn it around --'

'The fact of the matter,' Vendama interrupted her brother. 'Is that Seresina did not have any children when she gave the land to her general, her most trusted warrior, Jazbet, who had won battles for her, for all House Dres, for years in her employ. He did not tell you how he came to inherit the land out of modesty. He did it by acts of valor.'

'Yes,' Minsero agreed. 'That is all true. However, Seresina did have a child, though she did not acknowledge him. That also is true.'

'Mere gossip,' Vendama sneered.

'No,' said Minsero. 'She had him by an unknown slave, and sent him away to live in Vvardenfell because of the scandal.'


Ald Raathim

'I do not know,' Minsero shrugged. 'I know she placed him in the care of the Ashlanders in northern Vvardenfell, near Sheogorad. That was eighteen years ago, and he is probably dead. I do not know that she ever spoke of him to any. Very likely, Jazbet did not know that he was being given a land for which there was another closer in line to inherit.'

'Seres,' said Obael.

'Hush,' said Vendama.

'Well that was his name,' he said. 'So they say.'


"Well, it is getting late, for an old man like me," Dres Minsero said, getting to his feet. "We will continue this discussion tomorrow."

Without so much as a goodnight or a thank you, the old Dunmer nobleman left the room.

"Oh, he likes you," grinned Obael.


"Your castle has a herb garden," Obael laughed. "I never would have guessed ... Um, no offense, but is your cook aware of its existence?"

Vendama grimaced. "Poor Loranna really had the worst luck in guests today. I for one would love to see this ocular and nasal feast ... "


Ald Raathim

The sun was setting on the horizon, with just enough light to give the garden a wash of the pinks and blues of the dusk. The day blossoms were beginning to close, and the night blossoms were beginning to open, the competing scents mixing in the cooling air.

"Now this is the spot for a dalliance," said Obael, smiling.

Vendama shot her brother a look. "I told Loranna about us, what we want to do with our inheritance, and what she can expect from Minsero."

"Ah," said Obael. "So that's what ladies talk about when they go to powder their noses together."


The Herb Garden, Ald Raathim, Twilight

"Our loss?" Obael looked at Loranna and then his sister. "Surely, she doesn't mean our parents? You didn't tell her that we're sorry they're gone, did you? It's like a prisoner being sorry his warden died ..."

"She's being polite," Vendama frowned. "A personality trait you would be good to learn, Obael. As for the Dres, well, Loranna, you know we're mostly located in the far south, on the border to Black Marsh. Your estate, and the surrounding ones, are relatively new to the House. Raathim is an old House that doesn't exist anymore, though the Queen Mother Barenziah was born into it."

"Of course, there have been a few rebellious types who tried to eliminate slavery in their lands," said Obael. "Some were murdered by their slaves, others destroyed by their House ... and others simply faded away, driven into poverty 'til they eventually sold their land to their neighbors who still kept slaves."


The Herb Garden, Ald Raathim

"We'll see how a big a step it is," said Obael. "It might be wise to take small steps first. We'll see ..."

Vendama looked to Slyvos following them. "I say, we haven't been properly introduced, but you know the tiny little scar just under your chin? I was there when Jazbet got it. He was showing off, jumping off some rocks right down on the beach -- I was just a little girl, and he was trying to amuse me -- and he bumped it while jumping backwards. There was so much blood, I was really scared, but he just laughed it off."


The Herb Garden, Ald Raathim

"Dres Vendama," said the slim young Dunmer, holding out her hand, before winking at Loranna. "And don't worry, Loranna. That's the extent to the secrets I know about your man's body."

"Dres Obael," said her brother. "I didn't realize Jazbet was an Azurite."


Ald Raathim Vendama yawned. "I'm sorry. I'm usually a nightowl, but it was a frightfully long voyage on the boat, and Minseros such tedious company, I'm exhausted. I think I should find my room."

"I'm not very tired yet," Obael shrugged. "But I expect Loranna and her paramour would like to get to that dalliance I mentioned earlier. I should say goodnight also."


Ald Raathim

Kallen made certain the dining room was cleared, and supervised the set-up for breakfast. Razbiah was with him, and they discussed the meal. The larder was full, and they could afford to put together quite a few feasts without restocking.


Dres Vendama's Room, Ald Raathim

The young Dunmer noblewoman had her servant undress her and, while a bath was being drawn, she walked naked around the room, admiring the art and the simple but well-wrought furniture.

"Such beautiful lines," she said, touching everything.


The Dining Room, Ald Raathim

"Thank you, milady," said Razbiah. "Lord Minsero seemed to enjoy it."

"The bard troupe will be here tomorrow night," said Kallen, as Razbiah left. "There are some old Velothi ballads I thought would be appropriate for the company."


Vendama's Room, Ald Raathim

There was a knock on the door.

"Just a moment," said Vendama, putting on a robe before opening the door.

It was her brother Obael. "So, what did you think?"

"I like her," said Vendama. "Though I do sometimes wonder if it's an act. She seems a little too perfect, yes?"

"I'll try to get to know her better," Obael said.

"I'm sure you'll try," Vendama laughed. "But don't cross her 'paramour.' Speaking of which, one of us should tell her not to call him that in front of Uncle Minseros. His head will explode."

The Dining Room, Ald Raathim

"I think it went extraordinarily well," said Kallen. "Actually, Minseros is very polite to the servants. I thought you would appreciate knowing that."


"I'm afraid I don't know them well, not even by reputation," said Kallen. "And there are indeed some very horrible stories about their parents. I will make inquiries though, if you'd like."


Vendama's Room, Ald Raathim

"Your bath is ready, milady," said Vendama's maid.

"Thank you," said Vendama before turning to her brother. "Are you going to bed now?"

"I'm wide awake," said Obael. "I thought I'd walk down to the village, go to that tavern we passed. The locals might have some tales to tell."

"Don't get too drunk," laughed Vendama. "Or you'll be telling all the tales."

Obael rolled his eyes, and left his sister's room.

Vendama dropped her robe, and slipped her lithe, dark body into the hot water of the bath.


"I think that's the very crux of Dres Minsero's concern," replied Kallen. "For which I certainly don't have an answer ... except that perhaps a civil war within the House may not be such a bad thing, as far as wars go. A battle for freedom is the noblest cause of all."

Kallen had been uncharacteristically effusive, and noticing a slightly tarnished candlestick, wiped the silver clean.


"I will, of course, keep my revolutionary ardor to myself around our guests," said Kallen with a hint of a smile. "And thank you, milady. Will that be all for tonight?"


The Dining Room, Ald Raathim

"I'm afraid I am not much of a fighter, milady," said Kallen. "Against the living or the dead. When I tried to push him, or it, away, my hands went right through it. But it, as you saw, is quite capable of touching us."

Outside, the nightbirds began calling. The hour was approaching.


Ald Raathim, Morrowind

The moons were high in the cloudless sky, casting their light down upon Castle Daruhn.

Vendama slept, but Slyvos noticed, she did not sleep well. She tossed, in the throes of a nightmare, and once uttered the name, "Seres."

Minseros also slept, but soundly, the deep sleep of an exhausted old man, fighting against the future with every ounce of his energy.

In the tavern in the village, Obael was buying drinks for everyone. When the tavernkeeper threatened to close the bar, the young Dunmer nobleman bought drinks for him too, the most expensive Dagoth brandy in the house, so dear that the tavernkeeper couldn't help but make an exception. After all, it was Early Harvest Festival ... almost, anyhow.

In the empty dining room of the castle, Kallen touched Loranna's shoulder to show her how the candlelight cast strange shadows on the wall. They were moving. Shades of long dead slaves, men, women, and children too who had been brutalized in this place, some in this very room in years past. They shook, and shivered, and dripped dying down the stone walls.

"This is how it begins," said Kallen, his breath coming out in a cloud, as the temperature in the room dropped to freezing.


"He comes," replied Kallen, his voice steady, but showing his fear.

The door to the hall, the very one Loranna and Vendama had come down a few hours before banged open. The candlelight sputtered out.

A silhoutted figure with a sickly green light illuminating stood in the frame of the door.

"Slave," it croaked in a voice from far beyond. "Slave, thief, and harlot."


The green fire that burned around the spirit faded away, plunging the room into darkness, and Loranna heard Kallen scream out in pain.

Suddenly there was a face next to her, a man of great evil and cruelty, skin stretched across bone, lit by green light, "Harlot. Harlot of the Thief."

Loranna could feel nails tear into the flesh on her chest.


H - A - R - L - O - T

The letters torn in blood.


The horrific face glares, "The harlot of the thief ... deserves only pain ..."

But there is something there, a shimmering of human feeling ... regret ....


The son of my son
Or the son of my daughter
Or both
Must take the title Lord of Ald Raathim
In one month's time
Or the land of the thief will be swallowed whole by the sea
You cannot take what you were not given.

With that, the face fades away, and the candle sputters to life.

Loranna sees Kallen lying on the floor in a pool of blood, alive, breathing, awake, but fading into unconsciousness and death.



Elysana, Queen of Wayrest, is in her palace, getting updates on the hunt for necromancers from her Spymaster, Herwyn Brand. She is allied with Archmagister Hannibal Traven and Gothryd, King of Daggerfall, in her aim of stopping the ghostly visitors who have become a plague.

Bosriel, the former Void Vampire, now fear-feeding vampire, is in Solunastra, planning a boat trip to Balfiera.

Kallen, the young Dunmer seneschal, is in the dining room in Castle Daruhn in Ald Raathim, Morrowind. He suffered a massive wound at the hands of the ghost of the former lord of Ald Raathim, Dres Raithmat, which would have killed him but for the preventative spells of Loranna. Thanks to her ministrations, he is right as rain.

Dres Vendama, a beautiful young Dunmer noblewoman, has arrived in Castle Daruhn as part of a contingency of House Dres to meet and decide the fate of the new Lady of Ald Raathim, Loranna. She is currently sleeping in her room, having a nightmare.

Dres Obael, Vendama's brother, is drinking it up in the tavern in Ald Raathim.

Dres Minsero, an old Dunmer nobleman, is sleeping in his bed. He has been the most critical of the visiting nobles of Loranna, thinking that abolishing slavery in Dres lands is an unthinkable break with House tradition.



Bosriel has been practicing walking in her usual tip-toe dancer fashion when she passed by the room, and heard the word "vampire." She paused, listening, and just avoided Tohe as he clanked past her.


Ald Raathim

Bosriel has been practicing walking in her usual tip-toe dancer fashion when she passed by the room, and heard the word "vampire." She paused, listening, and just avoided Tohe as he clanked past her.


Ald Raathim

There was a knock at the door, and Loranna could hear the footsteps of the night porter coming to answer it.


The night porter unlocked and opened the heavy front door, letting the slightly drunk Dres Obael in.

"Sorry to wake you up," the young Dunmer nobleman whispered loudly.

"Not at all, muthsera Obael, that is what I'm here for," said the porter. "As a matter of fact, I was just going to investigate some strange noises when you knocked."

"What sort of strange noises?" Obael asked, taking out his sword.

"I thought I heard her ladyship cry out, but she is not in her room."

Obael's sword flashed with blue light. "I am sure it is nothing, but just in case ... Let us investigate ..."


Kallen's eyes flash open in fear, and when he sees Loranna, he groans slightly, "At your service."

Downstairs, she could hear the library door open. Obael and the night porter, while undoubtedly destined to be one of the great warrior duos of legend, were not quiet as they searched.


"Blast it, be quiet," Obael cried.

"But you bumped into me ... sera," the night porter protested.

"So I did," Obael agreed. "Then you better be twice as quiet to make up for me. Where does that door lead?"

"To the cellar."

"Bad things almost always happen in cellars," Obael said wisely. "Is there a dungeon too?"

"Oh yes, sera," said the porter, shivering.

The door to the cellar opened with a sinister creak.


There is no one in the library. Loranna can, however, hear a slight, very muffled pounding from the door to the cellar.

"Milady," came the porter's voice faintly. "Please. We've locked ourselves in."

"Can't you come up with a better story than that?" was Obael's disgusted reply.


"Yes, thank you ..." the porter began before noticing the blood and the tears in Loranna's clothing. "Milady!"

"What happened?!" cried Obael, his eyes opened wide. "Are you hurt?"


The porter runs off to do as he's told.

Obael cocked an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell what has happened, who attacked you and why, and whether you or we are in danger still ... or should I go away and mind my own damn business?"


Dres Obael listens to Loranna carefully, not interrupted, and she can see that any fuzziness from liquor is long gone.

"Of course, we'll discuss it tomorrow," he said at last. "The Dres have much experience with vengeful ancestral ghosts."

He pulls back the sleeves of his shirt to show subtle tattoos around his arms. "Glyphs of warding."

"I can help you clean up, if you don't want to wake up your servants. It seems like a shame to have the lady of the house do all the cleaning, as well as all the fighting."


Obael and the night porter stared at the pools of blood in the dining room.

The porter seemed to lose all color in his face at the sight of it.

Obael took the mop in hand. "I've never used one of these before. What an education this visit has been."

While Obael and the porter help Loranna clean the dining room, Obael shows Loranna where the wards are hidden in the walls as part of the decor.

"They haven't been damaged," he says. "They should still work ... But obviously not ... We should probably get one of our shaman in to look at them. Maybe come up with something more powerful ..."


"I met a Morag Tong assassin named Kethiah at the tavern tonight," Obael said. "They're usually good for fixing up protective spiritual wards. They more or less have to, sending so many deserving and undeserving to the grave like they do ... Anyhow, she said she knew you from a while back ... If you wanted someone you already knew to look at the wards."


Dres Obael and the night porter finished their mopping, carrying away the bloody mops and buckets of red-tinged water.

'I'm going to grab a few hours of sleep now,' said Obael. 'We can talk after breakfast ... I don't think I'm feeling up to a meal ...'

'I promise I won't tell no one what I saw tonight, milady,' said the night porter. 'Not 'til you tell me what to say.'


Ald Raathim

The town came to life as the sun rose. Banners were hung proclaiming Early Harvest Festival. Farmers began bringing their crops and livestock in for the competition, each hoping that the Lady of Ald Raathim would choose his as the prettiest guar, the best trained parrapton, the most delicious scuttle, the largest fish, the purest pearl. The young ladies of the town were excited about the dance where one of them would be crowned Harvest Princess. Everyone whispered about the other entertainment, as the tavern was filled with bards from all over Morrowind.

Dres Minsero arose at the first light too, while the servants were busily preparing breakfast. He walked down to the rocky beach for his morning swim.


Loranna found Kallen in front of the castle, supervising the construction of a stage to crown the Harvest Princess, and then for the various bard presentations. Another similar stage was being constructed in the village for the livestock and crop awards.

'Good morning, your ladyship,' said Kallen, aware that they were in earshot of the workers. 'I hope you had a good night's sleep. I believe Razbiah has breakfast laid out in the dining room.'

He looked a little pale beneath his dark Dunmer skin, but he seems steady and his usual efficient self.


'I've already eaten, but I believe Sera Dres Vendama is in there,' Kallen looked down towards the path leading to the bay. 'Here comes Sera Dres Minsero.'

The old Dunmer was quite formally attired for having gone for a swim, wearing a deep wine-colored robe with the shield of House Dres embroidered on its front.

'I am pleased to see that you are out of bed on this important holy day,' Minsero said gruffly by way of greeting.


The Dining Room, Ald Raathim

One would never know this room hosted a showdown with a ghost, and was splattered with blood but a few hours ago.

Vendama sat at the table, playing with her breakfast, trying to decide the best strategy on consuming it. Everyone else in the dining room was a castle servant or one of Minsero's slaves, who were all Khajiit.

'Give me a little bit of the mash and a glass of wine,' said Minsero to one of his slaves. To Loranna, he added, 'You have to keep the Khajiit occupied at all times, or they'll run wild.'

'Good morning, Sera Minsero, Sera Loranna, Sera Slyvos,' smiled Vendama, rolling her eyes. She looked beatiful, her copper-colored hair perfectly coiffed, her light blue gown contrasting against her dark flesh.


Minsero shrugged, 'One cannot plan for exceptions.'

Vendama smiled, 'Thank you, Loranna. You do too. Of course, from what I hear, the young ladies of the town are all dressing their best, hoping to get a dance with Sylvos and Obael.'


'I have little interest in ladies' talk,' said Minseros, finishing his food and pushing his plate aside. 'The breakfast, as usual, was excellent. Now, I intend to go to the fields and see what this agricultural revolution of yours looks like up close. I'll have your lad Kallen show me.'

Without further ado, Minsero stood up and left the room.

'Before his morning exercise, he's in a much fouler mood than that,' laughed Vendama when he was out of earshot.


'Let us indulge in the ladies' talk that Minseros disparages,' smiled Vendama. 'My larceny can always wait. Perhaps a walk down to the village to see how the festival progresses ...'


'I don't believe we've met, sir,' said Vendama, smiling widely. 'I'm Dres Vendama of Bodrom Mora. I am guessing you are ... a bard here for Early Harvest Festival?'


'What an extraordinary fellow,' gasped Vendama, watching him leave, and then bursting into laughter. 'You know, I hope we do see him again.'


Vendama smiles, 'If you are referring to the tale of how Jazbet saved Minsero's life ... it's quite a long one ... Do we have time? You do not have to hurry off to the festival for the judging just yet?'


Dres Vendama pours herself a glass of wine and tells the tale.

"Quite a while ago, at the time of your Pilgrimage through Vvardenfell had just begun, the Queen of Wayrest, our King's half-sister, sought to help your cause in order to hurt Helseth. She tried to rally the Houses to your side, and she succeeded with several prominent members of House Dres, such as Dres Wyrloc ... and your dear friend Dres Minsero.

As you know, Minsero does not care for outlanders, and he considers Helseth the very worst of them, raised in Wayrest, cropping his ears, being propped up by the Imperials ... Anyway, he supplied many of your 'pilgrims' and much gold towards the cause, and Helseth heard about it.

Minsero had heard that Wyrloc was trying to talk Jazbet into joining the cause, and he came to Ald Raathim to, in his usual way, bully Jazbet into doing just that. I was visiting at the time too. Your husband was unsure what to do. He did not like Helseth on one hand, but on the other, he felt his role was to be here, protecting his people. Minsero called him a coward, and threatened to bring the whole of the House against Ald Raathim, something he said he had always meant to do, he said, but Ald Raathim was so insignificant, it barely warranted his attention until now.

Jazbet walked the old man down to the docks, trying to reason with him, but it was no use. It was then, however, that a Dark Brotherhood assassin hired by Helseth struck, attempting to kill Minsero. He was posing as fisherman, but his pole was a razor-tipped spear. Jazbet saw the fisherman rush forward, and pushed Minsero out of the way, catching the end of the spear in his arm. You may have noticed a scar there. I neglected to mention that one when I was talking about the scar on Sylvos's chin. Didn't know if it was a good idea to bring it up or not, but I think Minsero thought I would last night ...

Anyhow, Minsero was so humbled that Jazbet had saved him, you would have thought he had been dealt a lethal blow after all. He stayed here for several more days, and do you know, once or twice I would swear I would overhear them talking, and Jazbet could actually make the old mer laugh!

When they were able to discuss the situation as equals, both Jazbet and Minsero came to respect one another's positions so much that they actually switched sides. Minsero elected to return to Ald Dresori to keep his homeland safe from the predations of Helseth, reasoning that his vast holdings were in more danger if he went on the pilgrimage. Jazbet decided that he had to risk it and join the pilgrimage, and left here ... and, well, you know the rest."

Vendama swallows the last of her wine.


Ald Raathim

Kethiah stood in front of the mirror, trying to figure out what to do with her hair. Her real hair was short to keep any of her targets from grabbing it during a struggle. That had attracted too many stares in the town where every other woman was dressing her best. Fortunately, Kethiah had some disguises in her luggage, including a wig of long straight black hair.

The Dark Brotherhood assassin tried it on. She remembered the last time she wore this wig, when she had pretended to be a prostitute to get closer to a target. It was a prostitute's wig, all silky and smooth.

Of course, she still had a scar through her lip, and the serious face of a serious woman, which belied her disguise. But at least no one would stare.

Kethiah stepped out into the streets. She had business to do.


Kethiah had seen Shaka's reflection in a silver shield in the stand next to her, just an instant before he saw her. It would have been too suspicious for her to move away, so she hoped he would just pass on, that the wig would disguise her.

When he said her name, she whispered back, "Shaka, this doesn't concern you" and at that the cord holding the stand's roof in place slipped, and it collapsed.

There was a moment of chaos in which the assassin vanished.

Shaka looked up and saw her slipping across the roof of the Mages Guild.


"Greetings," said the initiate inside, a smiling teenaged girl in dark black ropes. "My name is Glea. Are you interested in hearing about the history of the Ald Raathim Mages Guild, or in joining?"


The Guild had built upon itself and gained some size in the past several months, but it was still scarcely more than the large farm house it occupied. Three stories tall, plus cellar. It was quiet, as most everyone was at the festival.

"Can I help you find someone?" asked Glea.


Glea looked at Shaka, and then knocked quietly on the door.

"B'Vek!" growled the male orc voice on the other side. "I need privacy! Knock on the door one more time, and I won't be responsible if the whole Guild gets blown to Oblivion ..."

"Master Forglom," Glea whispered to Shaka. "Our lead alchemist."


"Very well," Forglom's voice came back. "Give me a half an hour, Shaka, and I'll be right out."


"Greetings, my lady" said the initiate inside, a smiling teenaged girl in dark black ropes, named Glea. "I'm supposed to ask if you want to join the Guild or learn its history ... but I guess you already know ..."


"Yes," said Glea. "He just left but he'll be right back. He's meeting with Master Forglom ... but I didn't get his name ... Anyhow he stepped out while the Master finishes up down there, and then he'll be back."


The Tavern, Ald Raathim

Kethiah slipped from the roof into the window of her room, and threw off the wig.

"As a disguise, you're useless," she said to it.

A new disguise would be needed. In the meantime, she washed the blood from her hands.


"Would you like me to fetch Master Forglom, Kena Shaka?" asked Glea.


Glea ran down to the cellar while Loranna and Shaka talked.

A moment later, they heard her scream.


Alchemical Laboratory, The Ald Raathim Mages Guild

Glea stood outside the open door to the alchemy lab.

The room appeared to be empty, but for a simmering cauldron and the shelves full of the usual herbs and unguents common to the laboratory of the alchemist. The only thing that was out of place was the alchemist himself, Master Forglom.

The orc lay on the floor, eyes rolled back in their sockets, an empty vial in his hand, his entire body looking slightly ... squishy. Like a sponge.

All his bones has dissolved away.


"Too much Violet Corprinius in a water walking potion ..." Glea gasped, backing away. "Poor Master ... It's a terrible way to go ... But he never cried out ..."


"Lord Slyvos," one of the castle servants cried, coming down the path to the beach. "We received word from a young girl that her ladyship needs you at the Mages Guild right away ..."


The Nai-Thollen Farm, Ald Raathim

If Dres Minsero was impressed by any of the agricultural innovations he was witnessing for greater quality and ease of harvest, he did not say anything. Of course, as inclined as he was to complain about everything else, Kallen decided that this silence was an unspoken compliment.

A castle guard found them. "My Lord Kallen, you're needed at the Mages Guild," said the guard.

"On whose orders?" frowned Minsero.

"The Lady Loranna," stammered the guard.

"Very well," said Minsero. "Off with you. I'll just stay here, poke around a bit more."

Kallen hurried off towards the Mages Guild, and after a few minutes, Minsero followed him.


Two of Loranna's city guards came down the guild staircase, guided by Glea. Their eyes were wary, but they didn't know quite what to expect.

"Should I tell the guildmagister?" Glea asked.


Outside the parraptons show was continuing, featuring the wasp-like mounts flying in formation, executing death-defying dives, forming words in the air.

The crowd's attention was entirely focused on the air while the guards moved around, looking for the woman called Kethiah.


"Yeah, there was a woman like at the tavern this morning," said one of the merchants, returning his attention to the pod of a dozen parraptons forming geometric patterns in the sky, like living fireworks. "'Cept she was bald."

The guard took another with and moved towards the tavern. On the way, they saw Loranna, Slyvos, and Shaka, and told them what they heard.


The two-story tavern was full of people of every description, cheering on the lady of Daruhn, celebrating the harvest, drinking, dancing, arguing in good-natured ways about the quality of the competition. No one who looked like Kethiah in any kind of a wig was downstairs.

Outside, the twelve parraptons continued the show to the people's applause.


The rooms were all empty of people but filled with their belongings, clothing flung everywhere, beds unmade.

Except for one which was entirely empty. Except for a string of silk on the floor, next to the window over looking the village plaza and the parrapton show.


The room was indeed without invisible beings.

The silk string was tightly woven but incredibly thin whisper of twine.

Outside the crowd gave their applause as the twelve parraptons landed in the square. Eleven riders got off.

One of the parraptons was riderless.


The crowd likewise seemed confused as to whether this was part of the trick or not. They applauded anyhow.

The other riders went over to the riderless parrapton, acknowledging the crowd with waves and smiles, but looking at one another, confused.


The eleven riders continue to murmur amongst themselves, as the crowd moves on to other sights.

With a rub of their hands, they send the parraptons back to the stables one by one.

"Loranna," said Dres Minsero, coming out of the crowd. "I believe they're expecting you at the castle to crown the Harvest Princess? Can't abandon your duties, even if you'd rather be in the tavern ..."


"You know," one of the rider was teasing one of his mates. "I would have expected a jump off from you, but not old Bujaja. When did he ever do anything off the plan?"

"Yeah," his mate was saying. "And he's probably gonna make me pay for the drinks tonight ..."


"The parraptons pretty much know the routines after practicing a couple of times," the rider replied. "Sometimes, just for fun, one of us will jump off midway through a routine ... You know, land on a roof or a haystack or something ... 'Jump-off,' you know. Just for laughs. We'll catch up with Lord Bujaja later, and he'll give us a hard time."

"Time to send this guy back to the hive," said his mate, rubbing his hands together to signal its return to his home.


The rider looked at him wide-eyed. "I don't know! Whenever you do a jump off, you want it to be a surprise. It coulda been anywhere over miles of forest ..."


"Well, they don't really have noses, so no sniffin'," smiled the rider. "Which parrapton's course you want to follow, this guy's? You could just get on him, and having him retrace his routine ... would that do what you're looking for?"


"Sure, it's no problem ..." said the pilot, looking at the parrapton, frowning, and wiping something off the saddle. "You okay, boy?"

The parrapton hummed.

The other rider rubbed his hands together, recalling his own parrapton. "You more or less have to ride co-pilot with us, 'cause you didn't get permission from their mama."


It took the better part of an hour to retrace the parrapton's path during the rather complicated routine. Riding the giant wasps was an experience -- moderately fast, very steady, able to pause midair and turn in any direction at any time ... The drops and the rises and the spinning descents were particularly thrilling ...

The parrapton never travels very close to the tavern, but it does skirt along the tops of some trees some distance away from the square, but in visual distance of the window to the tavern.

The branches below were freshly broken.


Shaka drifted down into the broken branches of the tree until he came across the body.

A Dunmer dressed like the other parrapton riders, dead in the tree. Though he was scratched up by the fall, only one branch was lethal. A straight, narrow branch that went through his throat.


The pilot's eyes snapped open, milky white. "Dabigh sharif ne ... bijiyar te minfar ..." It was a Necromantic curse ...


The pilot above waited for word about Lord Bujaja.

As a former necromancer, it weighed on Sylvos that the pilot's words were the beginnings of a powerful curse. Something that no simple parrapton pilot would know. If he had been able to finish it ... it would have been very bad.


Daruhn Castle, Ald Raathim, Morrowind

Dres Obael went looking for Loranna. He had danced quite enough with the Harvest Princess, who may have looked like the sweetest, gentlest damsel, but was a farm girl with hands that were used to manual labor. He was black and blue from being manhandled.

'Would you care to dance?' he asked Loranna. 'Gently, if possible?'

The music from the bards on stage was stately and slow.


Dres Obael took her hand, and they began to dance.

'I don't know what you mean by that,' he laughed. 'But you are used to clever people who understand your references. I'm afraid I'm just a stupid nobleman with more money than brains. I tried to find Kethiah, by the way, to ask her to come and look at the glyphs in the castle, but she had already checked herself out of the tavern.'

He was very good dancer.


'I think we might be leaving tomorrow,' said Dres Obael. 'Minsero seemed impressed, in his own way, with how the farms are run around here ... But he has one last question for you. I think he'll ask you about Sylvos. The question in his mind is whether you two intend to get married, and if the Dres land will pass to the children of Khajiit and Nords ...'


'Well, he will not be surprised,' Obael said. 'I would like to come back, though ... I think we can still learn a lot about how to rule Bodrom Mora from observing the ways of Ald Raathim. And you should visit us. We are down south, but right on the border to Cyrodiil. Quite a lot of history in our land, and not all of it bad.'

The song had ended, but Obael still held Loranna, 'I must say you are beautiful. Sylvos is very lucky to have you.'


'Well,' said Obael, smiling and letting her go. 'I thought it should be said.'

He took a step backwards, and was immediately grabbed back up by the ravenous Harvest Princess.



Elysana, Queen of Wayrest, continues to engineer the closing of the Mages Guilds with the help of the Archmagister Hannibal Traven and King Gothryd of Daggerfall.

Bosriel, the former Void Vampire now fear-feeding vampire, is in Solunastra, still planning a boat trip to Balfiera.

The handsome Dunmer noble Dres Obael is at the Early Harvest Festival dance, being manhandled by the Harvest Princess.

Dres Vendama, Obael's beautiful twin sister and co-ruler of Bodrom Mora, is also at the dance. With her brother, she has been supporting the idea of a Dres territory – like Ald Raathim – free of slavery, so that they can do the same to their land.

Dres Minsero, the traditionalist, powerful senior council member of the Dres Council, the mer Loranna has most to impress, has gone to bed.

Kethiah, the assassin, likely responsible for the accidents that befell a Mages Guild alchemist and a parrapton rider at today's Early Harvest Festival is ... somewhere ...


Ald Raathim -- The Cellar

The dungeons of Ald Raathim had been the centerpiece for many horrors in the days of Dres Raithmat and before, but since the era of Raithmat's more benign daughter Seresina and her heir, Loranna's late husband Jazbet, they had largely been used as storage for the castle. The only exception to this had been the time they were used for Azurites during that time, not too very long ago.

Now they were back to being storage. Hardly anyone came down there anymore. The first chamber consisted of miscellaneous seasonal furniture and decoration, and then the wine cellar full of huge floor to ceiling vats, before the proper dungeon began.

It was dark, it was dirty, and it was filled with shadows.


The dungeons stretched on far beneath the castle on a slow decline. Cell after cell with tiny barred windows, chains, the smell of ancient pain and death trapped in the air like a memorial.

At the end of the long hall was the torture chamber. More chains, an iron maiden, rusted knives and pokers of evil design.

In the center of the room was a table with manacles where hundreds of slaves had met their end.

Kethiah lay on the table. She was not wearing a wig or another disguise. Short black hair, and a tight black catsuit.

She didn't see or hear Loranna approach.


'Hello, Loranna,' Kethiah smiled, flipping over on the table into a crouched position. 'Here are my hands. I have no weapons on me. But I can't be arrested. I'll either have to escape, kill you, or kill myself. That's just my code, my dear. Nothing personal.'

It was hard to tell if the absorb fatigue spell was working. Kethiah stayed in her crouched position on the table, her hands in front of her, steady. Her eyes did not leave Loranna's, and her smile was not unpleasant.


"I would love to, but that would be highly unprofessional," said Kethiah, not moving, keeping her eyes locked onto Loranna's. "If I explained why those two not-entirely-upstanding members of your society had to die, and die quickly, with no panic, no obvious signs of foul play ... That would reveal who my employer is, and that is something I make it a point to never reveal. I can, however, assure you that I am done for now in Ald Raathim ... if that is any consolation."


"No writs," said Kethiah, slowly standing up on the table, her hands still open and in front of her. "These were not sanctioned assassinations. What need does one have for writs in planned accidents? Trust me on this. The only people who would care about the deaths in Ald Raathim today are very, very bad people."

Kethiah took a step forward on the table towards Loranna. "I do not know you well, Loranna, but I knew and loved your husband. I would not spill a drop of your blood for any reason but my code. Do not force me into a corner."


'I needed to stay close by to make certain that the deaths were properly recorded as accidents,' said Kethiah, jumping down to the floor. 'Until just now, for example, I didn't know that Lord Whatshisname's body had been found ... And then, of course, there was that ridiculously stupid slip-up in the alchemy laboratory with Shaka ... And you finding me in here, which I thought was a very clever place to hole up in the thick of things ... I'm afraid I'm getting too old for this. Too many mistakes ...'

Kethiah leans against the table casually. 'What is your question, Loranna? I'll answer it if I can.'


'Of course,' Kethiah grinned. 'Lead the way, I'll do what I can.'


Kethiah was gone in the morning, Loranna did not know when or how she left, but there was a note.


Glad we didn't have to resort to blood. As a matter of fact, I much prefer gardening to killing, but you should see how bad I am at that. If you ever need to reach me, everyone in Vas in northern Vvardenfell knows my name.

Please give my apologies to Shaka. I would have loved to have met him again when I'm not on a business trip.


Dres Minsero was at the beach, completing his morning swim.

Dres Vendama was at breakfast.

Dres Obael was in his bed. So was the Harvest Princess.


Vendama had eaten everything on her plate, which surprised her. 'I must have danced too much and eaten too little last night,' she was saying to herself when Loranna and Shaka came into the dining room.

'Good morning, Loranna,' said Vendama. 'And to you, good sir, whose name I never got ... And whom I hoped to see at the dance last night, but did not ... Loranna, my dear, you should grab some food and get down to the beach. Minsero is most anxious to talk to you. I will happily entertain ...' Her eyebrows raised, waiting for the Argonian's name.


The old Dres nobleman sat on a rock – the same rock Sylvos sat on to play his flute – looking out to the bay. He looked in Loranna's direction with a rather blank, noncommital expression as she came down the path.

"Ah, Loranna," Dres Minsero said. "I hope you had a pleasant Early Harvest Festival as I did. Now, before I go off on a rant, I thought you might have questions for me. I know I am gruff, but I want to hear your thoughts about the last couple of days ... really, anything you'd like to say to me ...'


'I'm sorry I won't be able to stay long enough to hear all your flattery, Sera Shaka,' smiled Vendama. 'We are supposed to leave today. What are your future plans?'


Minsero actually smiled. 'That was not a question, Loranna ... But you have deflated my rant. It will be difficult to be gruff with you now.'


'Did you know,' said Dres Minsero, looking into Loranna's eyes carefully. 'That your late husband Jazbet saved my life? No, do not try to deny that knowledge. I am an old man, but I know people's eyes ... I say this not because I feel I owe you for your husband's actions, but because I am impressed that you did not try to use that knowledge to influence me. You did it on your own ... for better or for worse. I think many Dres born and bred would not have been so noble and brave, they would have taken advantage.'


'I am an old man, and perhaps sometimes too stuck in the past, too concerned with tradition. But, like I said, I am still not blind. I did not come here as your enemy, but I know I seemed so. I have used these old eyes, and I know that Ald Raathim has been a success with your vision and Jazbet's vision too. I have many concerns still ...

I do not think you are well-suited to leadership, but for that matter, I do not think Jazbet was either. You will make difficult decisions, I think, but you will make them too slowly, and you will listen to your heart too much, and your head too little ... I think you are too easily distracted and too easily overwhelmed ...

I think your relationship with this Slyvos confuses your subjects ... They do not know whether he is to be your consort or their ruler as well, and his resemblance to Jazbet makes many of them uneasy, something they may not have told you, but it is the truth – you can ask Kallen if you do not want to take my word on that. He is a good lad, very loyal to you, but he is honest as well.

I think you are too seldom here, observing life in your land, making laws, settling disputes ...

I think you are brave, and I admire that in you. I think you have good insights. I think you care about your people.

I think you have power, and you have powerful friends, but I do not know what you intend to do with that power ... because I do not think you know yourself. That is chiefly what concerns me.

I do not know yet what I will say to the Council about the future of Ald Raathim. But I will address you henceforth as Dres Loranna.'

Dres Minsero smiled again. 'Others will follow. Some, like me, stuck by tradition, wanting to see what your intentions are. Others, like Obael and Vendama, looking to new ways ... Your future is not certain, but I would say you've avoided desolation at least at the hands of House Dres for now.'


Early in the afternoon, Dres Minsero, Dres Obael, Dres Vendama, and a couple dozen of their servants set sail for the south.

As a parting gift, Obael left Loranna with one of his slaves, now freed but in Loranna's employ, a Dunmer pastry chef named Thianas, who, he said, could make delicious sweetrolls. Thianas was middle-aged and quite fat, and he and Razbiah had flirted quite a bit during their stay and even shared a dance during the Early Harvest Festival. She thought him a terrible influence, and would never let him share the power of the kitchen, but she had to admit, after licking the sweet sticky honey sauce from his fingers, that he could make an occasional dessert. For special occasions.

Obael also left the Harvest Princess with a beautiful coral necklace and a broken heart.

Vendama left Loranna with her silver gray gown she had worn at the Harvest ball. She had sent it to one of Ald Raathim's tailors to have it altered, since she was slightly taller and had slightly smaller breasts than Loranna. It would suit the Lady of Ald Raathim's coloring and figure, she said, better than it would suit the Lady of Bodrom Mora's.

Vendama also left Shaka with a kiss. And a wish of good luck in his future.

Minsero left Loranna the deed to a townhouse in Kragenmoor, the Dres stronghold and seat of the senior Council in southern Morrowind. He told it would be fully staffed with three servants, not slaves, two housekeepers/cooks and a major domo, in case she ever needed to appear before the Grand Council.


The sky was blue as a sapphire, not a cloud for miles.


"Where are we heading again?" asked the captain, a middle-aged, thin Dunmer with wild hair and a slight limp. "Down the Inner Sea to Ald Horroth, then upriver to Bodrom Mora, yes?"


"Ah, yes," said the captain, reviewing his charts. "I'm sorry, milady. Hate to make you nervous, but I had my schedule confused. Well, all aboard."

The captain directed everyone aboard the ship, nodding apologetically towards the Lady of Daruhn.

"Hurry now. There was a storm off to the south. Don't want to be caught in that."


'Oh, ladies toss blood all the time,' the captain said nonchalantly, steering the boat out beyond the breakers that marked the mangrove swamps of Ald Raathim. 'That just means they ain't pregnant.'