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Blades:Silver Helm of the Destroyer

< Blades: Items: Dragon / Special Items / Armor: Helmets
Silver Helm of the Destroyer
Silver Helm of the Destroyer (HelmOfTheDestroyer.Silver)
Type Helmet Armor
Material Dragonplate
Quality Rare
Requires Level Player Level 45
Armor Rating 158.4 Maximum Condition 325
Selling Price 000025142,514Gold
This striking piece of armor, modeled on a classic gladiator's helm, derives its incredible toughness from a secret combination of rare smithing materials. It counts as Dragonplate for the Matching Set perk.

The Silver Helm of the Destroyer is a unique helmet awarded to players who ranked between 11 and 50 on the Arena Leaderboards prior to the January 2021 reset.

Those who ranked between positions 100 and 51 instead received the Bronze Helm of the Destroyer, while those between positions 10 and 1 received the Golden Helm of the Destroyer.


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