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< Blades(Redirected from Blades:Conditions)

This is a list of the various effects found in the game.

Damage TypesEdit


Status EffectsEdit

Racial EffectsEdit

Magical EffectsEdit

Attribute EffectsEdit

  Restore Health
  Restore Stamina
  Restore Magicka
  Fortify Health — + Maximum Health.
  Fortify Stamina — + Maximum Stamina.
  Fortify Magicka — + Maximum Magicka.
  Fortify Health Regeneration — + Health regeneration per second.
Health Regeneration
  Fortify Stamina Regeneration — + Stamina regeneration per second.
Stamina Regeneration
  Fortify Magicka Regeneration — + Magicka regeneration per second.
Magicka Regeneration
  Absorb Health — Restores Health by damage done, up to for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Health by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Health by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and for other attacks.
  Absorb Stamina — Restores Stamina by damage done, up to for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Stamina by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Stamina by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and for other attacks.
  Absorb Magicka — Restores Magicka by damage done, up to for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Magicka by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, for versatile ones, and <magnitude3> for other attacks.

Restores Magicka by damage done, up to <magnitude> for light weapons, <magnitude2> for versatile ones, and for other attacks.
  Fortify Healing — Increases healing effects from potions, food, and skills by .

Attribute DamageEdit

  Stamina Damage
  Magicka Damage
  Damage Health Regeneration
  Damage Stamina Regeneration
  Damage Magicka Regeneration
  Ravage Health
  Ravage Stamina
  Ravage Magicka

Resistances & WeaknessesEdit


Bashing Immunity
Cleaving Immunity
Fire Immunity
Frost Immunity
Poison Immunity
Shock Immunity
Slashing Immunity


  Resist Bashing
  Resist Cleaving
  Resist Fire
  Resist Frost
  Resist Poison
  Resist Shock
  Resist Slashing
  Resist Spells — + Spell resistance.


Weakness to Bashing
Weakness to Cleaving
  Weakness to Fire
  Weakness to Frost
  Weakness to Poison
  Weakness to Shock
Weakness to Slashing

Block BonusesEdit

  Block Bonus Vs Bashing — + Block Rating against bashing damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Cleaving — + Block Rating against cleaving damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Fire — + Block Rating against fire damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Frost — + Block Rating against frost damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Poison — + Block Rating against poison damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Shock — + Block Rating against shock damage.
  Block Bonus Vs Slashing — + Block Rating against slashing damage.


Bonus Ranks
  Elemental Adrenaline — Increases elemental damage by while Health is critical.
  Elemental Mercy — + Resistance to elemental damage while Health is critical.
  Elemental Opportunist — Increases elemental damage by against targets suffering a condition.
  Elemental Resistance Piercing — Elemental damage ignores points of target's resistance.
  Extend Elemental Statuses — Prolongs target's elemental conditions by %.
  Fire Revenge — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit fire damage suffered.
  Fortify Blocked Damage — Increases damage against blocking targets by .
  Fortify Burning — Fire damage is points more effective at setting On Fire.
  Fortify Combo Damage — Increases combo damage by .
  Fortify Enervated — Shock damage is points more effective at Draining.
  Fortify Fire Damage — Increases fire damage by .
  Fortify Frost Damage — Increases frost damage by .
  Fortify Frozen — Frost damage is points more effective at Freezing.
  Fortify Poison Damage — Increases poison damage by .
  Fortify Poisoned — Poison damage is points more effective at Poisoning.
  Fortify Primary Effect — Improves main enchantment by % (applied).
  Fortify Shock Damage — Increases shock damage by .
  Frost Revenge — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit frost damage suffered.
  Haste — Increases attack speed by %.
  Physical Adrenaline — Increases physical damage by while Health is critical.
  Physical Armor Piercing — Physical damage ignores points of target's Armor Rating.
  Physical Mercy — + Resistance to physical damage while Health is critical.
  Physical Opportunist — Increases physical damage by against targets suffering a condition.
  Poison Revenge — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit poison damage suffered.
  Powerful Block — Target stunned by a blocked attack takes extra damage while stunned.
  Shock Revenge — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit shock damage suffered.
  Shorten Elemental Statuses — Shortens elemental conditions by %.
  Shorten Stagger — Shortens stuns by %.


  Absorb Health Or Self Repair — Restores Health by damage done, up to points. If Health is full, repairs itself by 1 instead.
  Additional Regeneration — + Health per second during combat.
  Black Green Smoke
  Continuous Frost Damage — Does frost damage per second to Health and Stamina.
  Continuous Poison Damage — Does poison damage per second.
  Continuous Untyped Damage — Target loses Health per second.
  Extra Damage On Animals & Were-Creatures — Does % more damage to Skeevers, Wolves, and Bears.
  Extra Damage On Criminals — Does % more damage to Bandits, Necromancers, and Goblins.
  Extra Damage On Dragons — Does % more damage to Dragons.
  Extra Damage On Undead — Does % more damage to Undead.
  Fire Revenge Vs Spell — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit fire damage suffered from spells.
  Fortify Health Regeneration At Critical Health — + Health regeneration per second while Health is critical.
  Frost Revenge Vs Spell — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit frost damage suffered from spells.
  Instant Kill
  Poison Revenge Vs Spell — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit poison damage suffered from spells.
  Reduce Magicka Regeneration — Reduces target's Magicka regeneration by <magnitude> per second for <duration> seconds.

Reduces target's Magicka regeneration by <magnitude> per second for <duration> seconds.
  Reduce Stamina Regeneration — Reduces target's Stamina regeneration by per second for <duration> seconds.

Reduces target's Stamina regeneration by <magnitude> per second for seconds.
  Self Repair On Taking Frost Damage — Repairs itself by % of any frost damage suffered.
  Self Stop Magicka Regeneration
  Shock Revenge Vs Spell — Retaliates with up to points of any one-hit shock damage suffered from spells.
  Spell Cooldown Penalty — Prolongs target's spell cooldowns by seconds.
  Timed Enchantments On Humanoid Killed — Increases maximum Health and Health regeneration for minutes after a human, mer, beastfolk, or Dremora is killed.
  Ward Spell On Block
