All queries on this page assume an appropriate USING command has already been issued, or a database has been selected in the GUI.
Detailed Job QueueEdit
SELECT job_cmd, COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM job GROUP BY job_cmd;
Find Parser Function UsageEdit
Uses full-text search index (which ignores hash character) to narrow down the list, then re-uses the same table without a full-text search to detect the leading hash. Formats output as wikilinks for easy copy/paste. Does not detect full usage, only #pfunction
. (Could be made to do so, but unless there are a lot of results, it's probably safest and easiest on our servers to let the user figure out what's really a parser function and what's not.)
SET @parfunc = 'icon';
SELECT CONCAT(':[[{{ns:', CAST(page_namespace AS char), '}}:', page_title, ']]') AS PageName
FROM page
WHERE page_id IN (
SELECT si_page
FROM searchindex
WHERE MATCH (si_text) AGAINST (@parfunc)
AND (si_text LIKE CONCAT('%#', @parfunc, '%'))
First-Person SearchEdit
Based on the query above, this query uses a whole-word regex to find only the words listed. It limits its search to gamespace only.
SELECT `page`.page_namespace, `page`.page_title, text.old_text
FROM `page`
revision ON `page`.page_latest = revision.rev_id
`text` ON revision.rev_text_id = `text`.old_id
`page`.page_namespace IN (100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 200)
AND old_text REGEXP '[[:<:]](i|i\'m|i\'ll|i\'ve|me|my|mine|myself)[[:>:]]'
ORDER BY `page`.page_namespace, `page`.page_title;
IPs Creating Lots of AccountsEdit
Change HAVING clause to desired cutoff before running.
SELECT cuc_ip, COUNT(*) AS Aliases FROM (SELECT DISTINCT cuc_user_text, cuc_ip FROM cu_changes WHERE cuc_actiontext = 'was created') AS derived1 GROUP BY cuc_ip HAVING COUNT(*) >= 5 ORDER BY Aliases DESC
Somewhat clunky ranged version:
SELECT CAST(LEFT(cuc_ip, LOCATE('.', cuc_ip, LOCATE('.', cuc_ip) + 1) - 1) AS CHAR) Address16, COUNT(*) Cnt FROM cu_changes WHERE cuc_actiontext = 'was created' GROUP BY Address16 HAVING Cnt > 1 ORDER BY Cnt DESC
Pages With Incoming Links Only From User SubpagesEdit
SELECT pagelinks.pl_namespace toNamespace, pagelinks.pl_title pToTitle FROM uesp_net_wiki5.pagelinks INNER JOIN `page` pfrom ON pagelinks.pl_from = pfrom.page_id INNER JOIN `page` pto ON pagelinks.pl_namespace = pto.page_namespace AND pagelinks.pl_title = pto.page_title WHERE pagelinks.pl_namespace != 2 AND pagelinks.pl_namespace != 3 GROUP BY pagelinks.pl_namespace , pagelinks.pl_title HAVING AVG(pfrom.page_namespace = 2 AND pfrom.page_title LIKE '%/%') = 1 ORDER BY pagelinks.pl_namespace , pagelinks.pl_title
Pages Without TrailsEdit
A(n ever so slightly insane) query to pull up a list of pages that don't have trails. This could also have been done by bot, but would have required a lot of data retrieval. First stab, may need to be modified to exclude additional templates, depending what Silencer tells me. :)
The general idea is to list any page which doesn't use any of the templates from Category:Bread Crumb Trail Templates, or one of the indirect trail templates like {{Creature Summary}}. It only looks at custom namespaces, excluding their talk pages, as well as excluding subpages (for now...would need to remove that to check TR and Stirk properly).
SELECT CONCAT(':[[{{NS:', CAST(page_namespace AS char), '}}:', page_title, ']]') AS PageName FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace IN (100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 200) AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' AND page_id NOT IN (SELECT templatelinks.tl_from FROM (SELECT cl_from excludeTitle FROM categorylinks WHERE cl_to = 'Bread_Crumb_Trail_Templates' UNION SELECT page_id FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace = 10 AND page_title IN ('Book_Summary' , 'City_Summary', 'Creature_Summary', 'Dagerfall_Services_Summary', 'Effect_Summary', 'Ingredient_Summary', 'Morrowind_Town_Table', 'Mod_Summary', 'NPC_Summary', 'Oblivion_World_Summary', 'Place_Summary', 'Shadowkey_NPC_Summary', 'Spell_Summary')) exclusions INNER JOIN `page` ON exclusions.excludeTitle = `page`.page_id INNER JOIN templatelinks ON `page`.page_title = templatelinks.tl_title) ORDER BY page_namespace , page_title LIMIT 0 , 1000
Pages Without Visible CategoriesEdit
This query will display all pages that have no visible categories. Note that red-linked categories are treated the same as hidden categories. It's moderately long-running, at about 30 seconds.
SELECT CONCAT(':[[{{NS:', CAST(page_namespace AS char), '}}:', page_title, ']]') AS PageName FROM `page` LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT categorylinks.cl_from FROM (categorylinks INNER JOIN `page` ON categorylinks.cl_to = `page`.page_title) LEFT JOIN (SELECT `page`.page_id FROM page_props INNER JOIN `page` ON `page`.page_id = page_props.pp_page WHERE page_props.pp_propname = 'hiddencat' AND `page`.page_namespace = 14) hiddenCats ON `page`.page_id = hiddenCats.page_id WHERE hiddenCats.page_id IS NULL) visCats ON `page`.page_id = visCats.cl_from WHERE `page`.page_namespace IN (100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 200) AND `page`.page_is_redirect = 0 AND visCats.cl_from IS NULL
Skin User CountEdit
This counts the users of custom skins for all time. The default skin (currently uespmonobook) is not recorded, so will not show up in this simple query.
SELECT CAST(up_value AS CHAR) skin, COUNT(*) count FROM uesp_net_wiki5.user_properties WHERE up_property = 'skin' GROUP BY CAST(up_value AS CHAR) ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
This is a more advanced version, which shows only recent users (2017 forwards) who have made at least one edit, and does show the default skin.
SELECT COALESCE(skin, '(default)') cskin, COUNT(*) count FROM uesp_net_wiki5.user LEFT JOIN (SELECT up_user, CAST(user_properties.up_value AS CHAR) skin FROM user_properties WHERE up_property = 'skin') skins ON user.user_id = skins.up_user WHERE user_touched > 20170000000000 AND user_editcount > 0 GROUP BY skin ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
Slow SearchEdit
This search is database intensive and should be avoided except in cases where the MySQL/Lucene full text searches can't do the job. To minimize impact, searching has been limited to article space only, excluding User space. Because namespaces are only translated to names via PHP, only the numeric namespace is available. Use PHP or an API query to get the correct namespace text.
SELECT `page`.page_namespace, `page`.page_title, text.old_text
FROM `page`
revision ON `page`.page_latest = revision.rev_id
`text` ON revision.rev_text_id = `text`.old_id
`page`.page_namespace IN (0, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 200)
AND old_text LIKE '% the the %'
ORDER BY `page`.page_namespace, `page`.page_title;
Uncategorized RedirectsEdit
Lists all redirects that don't have any category links on the page. Note that the namespaces {{ns:6}}
(File) and {{ns:14}}
(Category) should be manually replaced to have leading colons before saving the results to the wiki. While arguable, I think this is much cleaner to do in a text editor than in SQL.
SELECT CONCAT('* [[{{ns:', page.page_namespace, '}}:', REPLACE(page.page_title, '_', ' '), ']]') as Link FROM LEFT JOIN categorylinks ON page.page_id = categorylinks.cl_from WHERE page_is_redirect = 1 AND categorylinks.cl_from IS NULL ORDER BY page_namespace , page_title;
Undocumented TemplatesEdit
Shows templates, excluding redirects, with no corresponding /Doc page.
SELECT templates.page_title FROM templates LEFT JOIN page docs ON (templates.page_namespace = docs.page_namespace) AND (docs.page_title = CONCAT(templates.page_title, '/Doc')) WHERE templates.page_namespace = 10 AND templates.page_is_redirect = 0 AND templates.page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' AND docs.page_namespace IS NULL ORDER BY page_title
Watchlist Top 20Edit
As implied by the field name, the total number of pages is double what's normally shown on the wiki, since the table includes both article and talk pages separately.
SELECT user_name, COUNT(*) AS DoubledTotal FROM watchlist INNER JOIN user ON watchlist.wl_user = user.user_id GROUP BY watchlist.wl_user ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 20