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Joined 28 November 2012
Race Saxhleel Gender Male
Level 50 Class Battle-Cleric
RefID N/A BaseID N/A

Light-In-His-Eyes is famously known for his advances in Restoration magic, specifically in the realm of healing spells.


Light-In-His-Eyes lives in the city of Thorn, during the 3E and the reign of the Septim emperors. Depicted as a blue Argonian, he is mentioned to have been an expert with a greatsword and a bow. But by far, his Restoration magic takes presidence in his histories and stories.


At the height of the 3E 164, Light-In-His-Eyes was born in the city of Thorn to proud parents. From a young age, he showed a great aptitude for magic. Healing spells were favored, and the local priests took him in to show him their ways. Guided by the priests and the Hist, Light-In-His-Eyes honed his healing powers to better the city.

After a particularly gruesome treatment and a long fight against death, one of Light-In-His-Eyes' patients passed on. Finding out that a rogue group of bandits was behind the attack on the patient's caravan, Light-In-His-Eyes steeled himself for battle and grabbed a greatsword nearby and attacked the bandits in the night. Having slain multiple others in a rage, he was forsaken from the priesthood. Leaving himself alone, he wandered out of Thorn, to the dismay of his parents and nest-brothers and sisters.

Finding a small settlement along the coast, facing the sea. Spending a few dozen years here, he meditated and thought on his actions, and focused his Restoration more and more.

Deciding to one day return to Thorn, he passed through the city gates only to be met with a mix of malice and grief. His parents had been murdered by unknown assailants. Once again filled with anger and sorrow, he took it upon himself to rid the world of painful and unjust death.

Discovery Of A LifetimeEdit

After years and years of tapping into the realm of magicka, a breakthrough emerged. By applying healing magic to a soul gem with the soul partially trapped inside, one could essentially have a never-ending source of healing magic. This also resulted in a very extended lifespan.

Promoting his new discovery to the Mages Guild of the Imperial City was Light-In-His-Eyes' next objective. Traveling all the way through Cyrodiil, he entered the Guild full of hope and determination. But to his dismay, the Guild did not approve of his methods and he left, distraught and uneasy.

Discouraged, but still willing, he continued his experiments and explorations in his hometown of Thorn.

Later YearsEdit

Light-In-His-Eyes lived a long and arguably healthy life, living well into the Third Era, seeing the war Uriel V fought against the Akaviri, and the eventual fall of the Septim name. Given that this would place Light-In-His-Eyes at well over 300 years old is no small feat. The Restoration breakthroughs that he found during his lifetime were impressive, if not noticed by the whole, and allowed him to live far, far beyond his siblings. Few, if any, were ever given the gift he had used upon himself. He paved the way for many many mages to follow and declare Restoration as one of the most important schools of magic.

He passed finally, during the Oblivion Crisis, in the year 3E 440. He did not die alone, however. He found and took a spouse early in his life, one of his former apprentices and friends. Soon after his passing, she too passed.


To this day, Light-In-His-Eyes is seen as an inspiration to all mages who wish to take up the school of Restoration magic to heal the sick and wounded, and all those who want to secure life for those who deserve it. And to bring vengeance down on those who would steal that life away unwittingly.