Hi I'm Zeke I like elder scrolls and walkthroughs that make you feel like you played the game yourself
I've also joined the online quest project and have done a couple of things working on that because i wanna help

Daily mapsEdit
I've been making these for a while, but one of my biggest barriers was making them very fancy and lack of motivation due to lack of viewership. So now i'm uploading them to UESP! You'll find em on the pages for the related quests, but i'm also collecting them here for my own use
Stubs and FactchecksEdit
Stuff to check information for
Edjar's existence in game during relevant quest, but before he's supposed to appear
- Norianwe has some missing dialogue iirc
- Fennorian is missing some dialogue during Greymoor Rising for if the greymoor keep quest hasn't been completed
- Lyris Titanborn is missing dialogue during one of the greymoor quests. forget which one
These quests need descriptions written up. study the formatting of other quests and fix these pages
- The Blood of Old Karth
- Ruthless Competition, unsure where to start
- That one prologue quest that has some missing dialogue. Forget which one. elsweyr?