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Red Letter Days

Join Pylawn, Alarra, baratron, AKB, and Lost in Hyrule as we discuss the latest Elder Scrolls news and talk about all the holidays that exist in the real world as well as the Elder Scrolls.

Twitch: Not Available • Youtube: Not Available • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes




Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • ESO
      • Finished Cadwell’s Gold
      • Finally got around to doing some vet dungeons again
      • Geared up my Werewolf for solo play stuff
      • Started working on relearning my Warden healer
      • Finished Clockwork City
  • AKB
    • I did things! I streamed, I moderated chat on Sunday! I wrote some posts for social media. I told people some of the interesting history behind the redesigns of the Khajiit.
    • I have a hilarious joke!
  • Alarra
    • Lots of ESO. Discovered that there’s a limit on number of daily quests! Finished Cadwell’s Silver & Stros M’Kai.
  • Lost
    • A little bit into Greenshade, still working on clearing out Haven
    • Went to see the pandemic in Craglorn. Killed my character and crashed my computer!
  • baratron
    • I have a new microphone and a box with flashing lights.
    • Been eating cake and killing a boss every day on both PC-NA and PC-EU! Gaining lots of Event Tickets which I’ve mostly spent on Cake Furnishings. I like cake.
      • I will scream if I ever see another Jephrine Paladin Style Page.
    • Did Cloudrest, Sunspire and Maw of Lorkhaj Trials with my EU guild. Slowly levelling my main character over there.
    • UESP on PC-NA did Veteran Aetherian Archive. Several members’ first time on Vet. Seen several old members rejoin this week after a long break from ESO, nice to have them back.
    • Reached a new Guild sales record of 10.2 million gold!



  • Ryan Stewart
  • Alex Carter


    • We’re working on a Youtube series, but it’s bad luck to talk about it so we really can’t.
    • The front page was redesigned to fix some issues with mobile views.


  • Greymoor “slight” Delay
    • News Post
    • Due to changes in work from COVID-19
    • Only a week, but potential it will slip a bit more
    • Not really all that surprising
    • Also French Language VO to be delayed
      • Will have French subtitles and text.
  • Pylawn can’t find the Physical Collector's Edition
    • Might be the first time a CE sold out for ESO before launch?
    • (I’m emailing Jess to find out more info so we might not talk about this)
  • The LA and HA changes won’t be going into the live game - Forum Thread
    • In other not surprising news…
    • Didn’t expect it to make its way into the game but Pylawn thought it was a cool concept.
      • Damage Dealers didn’t seem to like it.
      • According to Brian Wheeler, Lead Combat Designer writing on the official forums, feedback was notably different from each role so it was a useful exercise.
  • Meet the Character—Lyris Titanborn
    • Lyris’ Golden Locks
  • Charity Make a Wish event happened over the weekend, April 10th-12th. Organised by Tamriel Downunder, lots of Stream Team members involved.
  • Craglorn plague?
    • There was a Plague in Craglorn due to poison from Sanctum Ophidia leaking out into Belkarth via an exploit. It’s back with today’s patch!
  • Many things ending tomorrow, Tuesday 14th April at 2pm GMT / 10am EDT!
    • Jubilee Event.
    • Gift Event Tickets get 4 Gloomspore Crates -
      • Gift 5+ Event Tickets to any player/s, receive your 4 crates some point before the end of May.
    • Lots of limited-edition items leaving the Crown Store, including Dreams of Yokuda Music Box, Intrepid Gourmet Bundle, Cadwell’s Astounding Portal, Thieves’ Oasis house, Hero costumes.
  • Limited-edition Crown Store stuff returning from April 16th until 20th includes the Scholar Personality and Hubalajad’s Final Treasure Furnishing Pack, which includes a Mournful Aegis target dummy.


  • Had the Mirror Gauntlet. Mirror Lane: If you have no creatures here, summoning a creature will also summon a copy


  • “Spirit of the Hunt” Event: tweet Hircine-themed event April 3rd-16th. Players must complete jobs in forests. ALL players will earn rewards based on number of forest jobs completed:
    • 100,000: A weekend of free skill resets - Achieved!
    • 150,000: A weekend of free skill resets + 2 golden chests
    • 200,000: A weekend of free skill resets + Elder chest

Topic: IRL Holidays in gameEdit

Please don’t throw to me.

Which ES games contain holidays?
  • Arena New Life Festival, South Wind's Prayer, Heart's Day, First Planting, Jester's Day, Second Planting, Mid Year Celebration, Merchants' Festival, Sun's Rest, Harvest's End, Tales and Tallows, Witches' Festival, Emperor's Birthday, Warriors Festival, North Wind's Prayer, Old Life
  • Daggerfall
    • Can someone please explain how holidays worked in Daggerfall? Were they based on the real-life calendar?
  • Oblivion - we have unused dialogue lines for holidays, but hese were cut. “Heart's Day” and “New Life Festival” Unused Dialogue
    • St Jiub’s Fair mentioned
  • Skyrim to a tiny extent (only story events like The Burning of King Olaf celebration in Solitude, and through DLC such as Saturalia Holiday Pack).
  • Elder Scrolls Online
  • Blades
Which holidays are included?
  • New Life Festival - traditionally on Morning Star 1st
    • New Years Day
    • Celebrated differently in different cultures
  • Heart's Day - Sun's Dawn 16th
    • Valentine’s Day
  • Jester's Day - Rain's Hand 28th
    • April Fool’s
    • Moved considerably earlier in ESO to match up with April Fool’s.
  • Pelinal’s Midyear Massacre
    • No corresponding IRL holiday. Excuse for PvP bonuses, I’m sure! Seems to have been moved to January for reasons unknown.
    • Unique to ESO
  • Witches Festival - Frost Fall 13th
    • Halloween
    • Mostly an ESO holiday
    • Brings us the Hollowjack
  • Saturalia - Evening Star 25th
    • Christmas
      • Why have holidays in the games?
      • ESO mostly uses holidays to make money, with double EXP buffs to tempt players back to the game and Crown Sales. Special themed clothing, furniture, homes etc are available, e.g. Hollowjack Furnishing Pack, Witches’ Coven Furnishing Pack, Wraithhome, Exorcised Coven Cottage, Witch’s Infernal Familiar pet, Pumpkin Spectre & Scarecrow Spectre polymorphs (all for Witches’ Festival).
      • Holidays also contribute to the in-game gold economy: special loot boxes for doing holiday quests which give unique items, most of which can be sold to other players if you already own them.
      • Some limited-edition Crown items are relevant to real-life holidays from around the world, e.g.
      • Camlorn Top Hat Pack (St Patrick’s Day), Egg-hunter’s Horse (Easter), Floral Skull Fascinator hat (Day of the Dead / Día de Muertos), Fatal Fredas (Friday the 13th). The text tries to be more generic though, e.g. Egg-hunter’s Horse says “The many multicolored eggs of Tamriel are valuable for their differing alchemical properties, and this makes the Egg Hunter's job a profitable one, especially in the spring.”
      • Should in-game holidays follow the real-life calendar, or the game calendar?
      • Theoretically they should follow the in-game calendar, but if they did, Zenimax would have to admit that it’s not 2E 582 any more. There’s also the fact that in-game days are only a few real-life hours long!
      • In the single player games, I think they give a fantastic sense of ‘place’ to the world. Arriving in a town to discover it is a holiday, and there are special deals ongoing, makes it feel more like a ‘living world’. Of course, putting effort into content players only have a chance to see [missing words?] isn’t so popular these days.
      • What holidays would we like to see included?
      • Thanksgiving/Harvest festival. Harvest’s End is in August, but they’d probably host it in November, placing it perhaps too near Witches Festival.
      • There are already two different holidays that are specifically described as thanksgivings/several harvest festivals. North Winds Prayer, Appreciation Day, Feast of the Tiger, Koomu Alezer'i, Maiden Katrica, Harvest's End
  • Fishing Day in Second Seed (May) could be a good one for an event in ESO - even if it’s supposed to allegedly scare away all the fish! Warrior’s Festival in November could be a dueling event.
  • Tales and Tallows is also a spooky holiday, a month earlier. Very focused on the dead and dark spirits, as opposed to monsters and conjurations in Witches Festival
  • One problem with adding more holidays in ESO is that the calendar is already pretty full, due to the various “celebrations” of previous DLC. Wrothgar, Imperial City, Vvardenfell, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Summerset… soon there will be an Elsweyr Celebration too. All of these needed to be fitted into the timetable, even if some of them stack (TG + DB in particular), and it already feels like there are times when we don’t get to play the game's story because we’re too busy running Event quests.
  • Might be best leaving more holidays for ES VI?
  • Which are our favourite holidays?
  • New Life in ESO is great, with its variety of traditions for different peoples!
  • I like Independence Day in real life, not sure what would be similar though
    • Coronation of the Emperor or of a regional king/queen?