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Template talk:Chart

How It WorksEdit

When I started with templates Chart seemed like magic. Now that I have experience I analyzed it and made some notes that I'll move to the Docs page or a sub-page later. If anything below is confusing please edit it.

Some of the template could be re-written but it works well and would be a waste of time to rewrite for only 6 unique charts.

This is one of the more difficult templates to understand on this site. Here are some notes on how it works internally.


{{Chart/start}} and {{Chart/end}} are HTML table tags. Each {{Chart}} is a table row. Each parameter to Chart is one of three things:

  1. a cell for connecting lines or spaces- unnamed parameter which must be (a single letter) or (a single letter and any number of non-characters like 'a315')
  2. a box for information- unnamed parameter which must be the name of a named parameter, referred to as 'box name' from now on
  3. a named parameter- names must contain at least one more letter somewhere after the first like 'MyName' or 'a3b15'

Each box is a 6 x 2 table and each cell is a 2 x 2 table with borders drawn where needed for that box or cell. Boxes are drawn all in the top template, cells use a sub-template for top and one for bottom. A cross using {{Chart/start}}{{Chart|+}}{{Chart/end}} would look like this when expanded:

        Chart/start: <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="">
Chart (before cell): <tr align="center">
       Chart/cell+t: <td style="border-right: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;"><div style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"></div></td><td style="border-bottom: 1px solid black;"><div style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"></div></td>
   Chart (mid cell): </tr><tr align="center">
       Chart/cell+b: <td style="border-right: 1px solid black;"><div style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"></div></td><td><div style="width: 1em; height: 1em;"></div></td>
 Chart (after cell): </tr>
          Chart/end: </table>

Each parameter to Chart is turned into a call to {{Chart/cellxx|namedvalue|border|boxstyle|rowspan|colspan}} or {{Chart/box|namedvalue|border|boxstyle|rowspan|colspan}}. For Chart/cell the parameters are unused.

Breaking it down into component parts:

Check Unnamed Parameter TypeEdit

  |chart/cell{{{1|x}}}t or |chart/cell{{{1|x}}}b
  |chart/box            or |x0

If the unnamed parameter is the same when all upper-case as it is when only the first letter is upper-case then it's a cell and is called with Chart/cell(the letter used or x if blank)t to draw the top half or Chart/cell(the letter used or x if blank)b for the bottom half. If not then call {{Chart/box}} or {{X0}}. The Chart/box code draws the entire box so the 'bottom half' makes a call to a null template to do nothing. This is necessary because this is being constructed inside {{ }} so an existing template must be used.

This only evaluates unnamed parameters. Named parameters are handled indirectly.

Indirect Named ValueEdit


Pass the value of the named parameter given by the box name. Confused?

If {{{1}}} = GrMa then pass the value of {{{GrMa}}}. You must have used | GrMa = Grandma later in the Chart call.

Indirect Named Box ParametersEdit


These four parameters follow the same pattern. If the parameter name is specified and ends in the box name then use that. If not then check for a general parameter without the name and if that's also missing use the default value.

Example: If {{{1}}} = GrMa then check for a border_GrMa named parameter or a border named parameter or use a default of 2.

Remember for colspan and rowspan that boxes are 6 x 2 tables so the default colspan is 6 and the default rowspan is 2.

‒ JoramTalk 01:38, 28 January 2010 (UTC)

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