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Tamriel Rebuilt talk:Impaled Shipwreck


I find this map VERY hard to read — Unsigned comment by BenScoHolm (talkcontribs) on 26 July 2011

I've removed the map. Shipwrecks are tiny, and this map was more trouble than it was worth. rpeh •TCE 07:23, 27 July 2011 (UTC)

Amusing thoughtEdit

I realize this is kind of forum-like, but I had to share...

  • "I would like to join your crew."
  • "Excellent! We're always looking for strapping young Argonians such as yourself. What's your name?"
  • "Sink-the-Ship"
  • "Hmm, you know, on second thought..."

--TheRealLurlock Talk 12:46, 7 July 2012 (UTC)

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