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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bisandryon

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Ancient Ruin:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 7
Almsivi Intervention Akamora
Divine Intervention Fort Umbermoth
NPCs, Vampire
Console Location Code(s)
"Bisandryon, Abyss",
"Bisandryon, Antechamber",
"Bisandryon, Dome of Selvu",
"Bisandryon, Gardens",
"Bisandryon, Private Study",
"Bisandryon, Sunken Chamber",
"Bisandryon, War Temple"
Mephalan Vales, [30,-19]

Bisandryon is an old Dunmer fortress north of Dreynim, occupied by members of Great House Indoril.

To find it, follow the river north from Dreynim, until you reach a bridge - cross this and follow the path. Bisandryon is to the northeast of this bridge.

The fortress itself has a sprawling, often beautiful interior. If entering by the main door, you will come into the Antechamber. From here, you may enter the gardens using the first door on the left. Drimsu Gindol resides here - a Dunmer with a large number of Timsa-Come-By flowers for sale, which will prove useful to aspiring mages fulfilling the Striking Roots quest, given from the Guild of Mages in Akamora.

The entrance to the War Temple is at the east of the Antechamber, which contains shrines to Almalexia, Vivec and Sothal Sil. At the far end of this is a ladder to the unoccupied Dome of Selvu, which leads out onto the roof of Bisandryon. Here can be found the entrances to the Private Study, containing the captain of the guard, Menthri Davilos,

Hidden over a rocky outcropping north of the roof is another entrance - this time to the dungeon regions of Bisandryon - the abyss, and the sunken chamber. The vampire, Alnemthirh, can be found in this final room. He carries a valuable Glass Jinkblade. A potion of levitation is by his stool, to aid escape, alongside a goblin helm.

Related QuestsEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Alnemthirh   Dark Elf Warlock 23 127 116 0 90 Sunken Chamber Vampire
Arel Ginith   Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 18 111 128 90 30 War Temple Spell Merchant, Trainer
(Temple members only)
Balveni Fetheran   Dark Elf Commoner Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 10 93 100 80 30 Gardens
Drimsu Gindol   Dark Elf Apothecary Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 19 135 160 100 30 Gardens Merchant
Gersuni Felrem   Dark Elf Healer Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 14 86 108 100 30 Antechamber
Hemna Falen   Dark Elf Apothecary 13 85 164 80 30 Gardens
Melorn Nevil   Dark Elf Knight Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 16 155 112 100 30 Antechamber
Menthri Davilos   Dark Elf Guard Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 25 244 132 100 30 Private Study
Naril Tethras   Dark Elf Ordinator Tribunal Temple Disciple(Disciple) 25 210 132 100 30 War Temple