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Tamriel Rebuilt:Edheldur Telrehn

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Edheldur Telrehn (TR_m1_Edheldur_Telrehn)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Firewatch, Edheldur's Rookery
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 3 Class Bookseller
Gold 800 Mercantile Journeyman (38)
Sells Books
Other Information
Health 40 Magicka 106
Alarm 80 Fight 30
Edheldur Telrehn

Edheldur Telrehn is a Wood Elf bookseller whose shop, Edheldur's Rookery, can be found in Firewatch.

He has a good range of books, including many unique to the mainland.


  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs 1
ABCs for Barbarians 1
Ark'ay the God 1
Awaken 1
Brief History of the Empire v 1 4
Brief History of the Empire v 2 4
Brief History of the Empire v 3 3
Brief History of the Empire v 4 4
Camaraderie 1
Chronicles of Nchuleft 1
Ebonheart: A History 1
Etiquette With Rulers 1
Fools' Ebony, part I 1
Fools' Ebony, part V 1
Holidays of the Iliac Bay 1
Imperial Heraldry in Morrowind 1
Jokes! 1
King Edward, part IV 1
Lives of the Saints 1
Mara's Tear 1
Mixed Unit Tactics v1 1
Item Qty
Books (cont.)
Morrowind Historia: Andothren 1
Murudius 1
Names of the Mother Cyrod 1
On Lycanthropy 1
On Morrowind 1
Overview of Gods and Worship 1
Passage 1
Poison Song VII 1
Redguards, Their History... 1
Reflections on Cult Worship 1
Remanada, Chapter 1 1
Rude Song 1
Special Flora of Tamriel 1
The Annotated Anuad 1
The Anticipations 1
The Arrowshot Woman 1
The Asylum Ball 1
The Blessed Life of St. Reman 1
The Consolations of Prayer 1
The Ebon Arm 1
The Epic of the Grey Falcon 1
Item Qty
Books (cont.)
The Final Lesson 1
The Healer's Tale 1
The Importance of Where 1
The Necklace 1
The Pig Children 1
The Red Rose of Time 1
The Sage 1
The True Folk 1
The True Nature of Orcs 1
The Uprising, part I 1
The Uprising, part II 1
The Wealth of Wayrest, act I 1
The Wealth of Wayrest, act II 1
The Wealth of Wayrest, act III 1
The Wealth of Wayrest, act IV 1
The Wild Elves 1
Wanderlust 1
T_Mw_Random_BooksBreton 2
T_Mw_Random_BooksDunmer 1
T_Mw_Random_BooksImperial 5
T_Mw_Random_BooksScholar 3


  • Prior to the 22.11 release, Edheldur Telrehn was located in Helnim, and bore the name Edheldur.