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Tamriel Rebuilt:A Fishy Kobold

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Miscellaneous
Naru Ouradas has a fishy new neighbor.
Quest Giver: Naru Ouradas
Location(s): Northwest of Omaynis
Reward: Nothing
OR 1x Pearl
ID: TR_m4_wil_KoboldFisher
The kobold of Omaynis

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Naru Ouradas by her shack, a short way northwest of Omaynis about a hideous creature.
  2. Either:
    • Kill the kobold and return to Naru for a reward.
  3. Or:
    • Talk to the kobold as a non-Orc, or with less than 75 Intelligence.
    • Speak to Naru Ouradas.
    • Talk to Ahakh gro-Bulg about kobolds.
    • Use Ahakh's Kobold for Dummies to speak to the kobold.
    • Either:
      1. Kill the kobold and return to Naru.
      2. Convince Naru to live in peace with the kobold.
  4. Or:
    • Talk to the kobold as an Orc or with 75+ Intelligence and either:
      1. Hear its story.
      2. Persuade it to leave (requires you to be level 6 or above).
    • Return to Naru.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

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  • Ahakh gro-Bulg will reward you with the Talisman of Clan Bulg if you return to him after convincing Naru to live with the kobold.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Fishy Kobold (TR_m4_wil_KoboldFisher)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Naru Ouradas asked me to deal with a kobold that's been lurking near her shack and stealing her fish. I should be able to find the hideous creature in the marshmerrows just south of here.
15 The kobold Naru Ouradas told me about doesn't appear to be hostile. It is capable of some sort of speech.
17 I have no idea what the kobold is saying -- nor does it seem to understand me. Perhaps, I could find someone who knows the kobold language. I should ask Naru Ouradas about this.
20 The kobold Naru Ouradas told me about doesn't appear to be hostile. Moreover, it speaks in a language that I am able to understand.
25 Naru Ouradas said that she doesn't care if the kobold can speak. She wants it gone. However, she did tell me that Orcs are known to understand the kobold language. There's an Orc named Ahakh gro-Bulg in Omaynis. Maybe I could ask him for his help.
30 Ahakh gro-Bulg told me that the kobold language is quite primitive. It wouldn't be impossible even for a non-Orc to understand, if they were intelligent enough. He did write something down on a note, which I can read out loud to explain to the kobold that it needs to go.
40 I wasn't able to convince the kobold to leave. I suppose I could just kill it. Alternatively, I could go back to Naru Ouradas and tell her that she and the kobold just need to learn to live side by side.
45 The kobold told me that it hasn't purposefully disturbed Naru Ouradas. Instead of stealing, it claims to have left a shiny pearl behind as payment for the fish it took. I should let Naru Ouradas know of this.
50 I was able to convince the kobold to leave. Naru Ouradas should be happy.
100 I've killed the kobold. I should let Naru Ouradas know that the hideous creature won't trouble her anymore.
105 Finishes quest  Naru Ouradas thanked me for making the kobold leave. As a reward she gave me a pearl she says she found just the other day.
110 Finishes quest  Naru Ouradas thanked me for killing the kobold. As a reward she gave me a pearl she says she found just the other day.
115 Finishes quest  I convinced Naru Ouradas that the kobold she's afraid of isn't dangerous, if she just leaves it alone.
120 Finishes quest  Naru Ouradas told me that she did find a shiny pearl on her doorstep the night after the kobold supposedly stole the fish from her. In light of this new information, she no longer thinks I should make the kobold go away. She thanked me for clearing up this misunderstanding.
130 Finishes quest  Naru Ouradas is dead.
200 Finishes quest  Ahakh gro-Bulg gave me the Talisman of Clan Bulg. He told me that should I ever encounter them, the Malahk Orcs of Clan Bulg will be hospitable towards me if I show them the amulet.