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Tamriel Data:Rock Crystal

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Rock Crystal
Rock Crystal
Value 50 Weight 2
Alchemy Effects
1st Burden Burden
2nd Cure Poison Cure Poison
3rd Drain Speed Drain Speed
4th Restore Magicka Restore Magicka
# Samples 30 (+10 cursed)
Rock Crystal

Rock Crystals are small crystals, similar in appearance to greater soul gems. They are notable for their Shield effect, which is unavailable in ingredients without mods.

Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:


They are also found in the following leveled lists:

Cursed VariantEdit

A cursed variant that spawns a Dremora Lord when picked up exists with id T_IngMine_RockCrystalDae_01.

Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:

It is not found in any leveled lists.