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Skyrim talk:Fight! Fight!

The differenceEdit

And the difference between these people in this quest and the dozen other people you can brawl is...? --DaedalusMachina 09:51, 23 December 2011 (UTC)

Erm, nothing? Other than different dialogue options and their availibility as followers, or quest givers, nothing. But if you want to find out, click on their link and see.

Two fold:
  1. All particpants are are part of this specific factionSkyrim:Favor017QuestGiverFaction
  2. The faction specifically creates Quest ID: Favor017
Other than that, you are right. There are a few quests that almost identically match it. --Bwross 10:48, 25 December 2011 (UTC)

Consequences of LossEdit

I didn't unstub as there were no consequences listed for losing the player. If those get added this quest should be complete. I beleive most bugs unless specifically involving this quest starting/finishing should go a central Skyrim:Brawl page as there are a few quests that involve brawling and would likely suffer from the same bugs and issues.--Bwross 10:48, 25 December 2011 (UTC)

Added consequences of failure. You pretty much have to throw the match, even at low levels, but they do stop when you get low enough, you don't get the money back, and you are eligible for a rematch. --DaedalusMachina 09:39, 8 July 2012 (UTC)

Possible bugEdit

I started a brawl with Cosnach, but instead a regular brawl, he used his mace. I took my own mace, and gave a fair duel, but instead of giving up he died in the end. Nobody in the tavern cared about that. 15:37, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

Curiously, I made a new character, and everyone I am brawling with decides to use his/her weaponry few seconds after we start brawling. And they won't surrender, just die. 14:00, 2 July 2012 (UTC)
They shouldn't be doing that unless they're taking non-Unarmed damage, I've never even heard of that happening, which makes me guess it's something wrong with your game.--DaedalusMachina 09:35, 8 July 2012 (UTC)
I was just looking this up, and I think I have a solution. I killed him twice, and when I loaded the second time, I unequipped my weapon before talking to Cosnach, and he put up his dukes like he should have. I finished the fight, and he surrendered. So be sure to sheath that flaming warhammer lest that drunkie feel intimidated to start a real fight. Hope that helps. 03:42, 10 September 2012 (EDT)
I'm having this issue now. I guess those are some mods' that influence the bleedout fault. People who I try to brawl will draw their wepons after few hits, even if my character does nothing in a brawl. It influences every character you can actually brawl, not only Cosnach. So I'd suggest trying turninoff all the mods. --Mr.Killjoy (talk) 20:30, 30 March 2013 (GMT)
In my case, it was caused by a magical effect from a mod. It was an apparel with detect life, so it was really easy to solve, I just unequipped it, and then all worked fine; the opponent finally fought without weapons. --Balmora (talk) 11:12, 3 July 2020 (UTC)

NPC's switching to melee weapons during the brawlEdit

Active magical effects will in most cases count towards the "magic attack" and thus they make NPC's to grab their weapons. For example if you use the Dwemer Scouter mod then it refreshes the Detect Life spell, when you brawl with an NPC then when that effect refreshes, NPC considers it as a magical attack against them. So whenever you're about to brawl, make sure you disable or take off the items which have magical effects which keep refreshing, even as harmless as Detect Life. Or some powers or custom spells or such which are being continuously refreshed. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:43 on 23 September 2013

Fists of SteelEdit

Added a new entry to the list of bugs, regarding the Fists of Steel perk. Fought Benor in Morthal, but got a bit confused when he wouldn't get back up after the fight. Even when told to follow, he kept crawling about on the ground. At first, I thought it might have been caused by me trying to heal him after the fight ended, so I reloaded. But alas, the same result occured again... and again... Looking up his page for potential bug listings, this partially unrelated talk page entry... ...caught my attention. Proceeding to this overall page, "Fists of Steel" catches my attention. Let's try again.... Reload, swap out Heavy Armor gauntlets for Light Armor ones, brawl --> Success. Issue resolved. TTRM (talk) 17:30, 28 October 2023 (UTC)

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