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Skyrim talk:Conjuration/Archive 1

< Skyrim talk:Conjuration
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Conjuration discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.


Do any of the perks affect the Dremora summoning spells? It seems possible that the Atronach ones would, but I have no way of finding this out on my own. Can anyone confirm? Regardless of the answer, I think this would be a good thing to mention in the notes at the bottom of the page. 11:33, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

I'm not certain if the 50% stronger perk does, but the dual summoning and increased duration from the Atronach tree definitely do. I'd say something about it being the "you just summon stuff" tree, more than Atronachs, but I don't think my Familiar summoning spell was affected by the doubled duration. Unless it was originally 30 seconds, it's at 60 now along with the undead-related ones, while the Atronach and Dremora spells are at 120.Lovless510 18:57, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

checked with console +50% stronger atronach perk doesnt affect dremora. no change in dremora level and hp.

Can anyone confirm?

Casting soul trap on a dead body still raises your skill?

Yes, in fact it raises it so fast, you can easily try it out yourself and see the result

reply, I can confirm too, the level of the corpse doenst seem to matter. I think leveling this way slows down the higher level you get in conjuration, but you can get to 100. One problem is that increasing conjuration skill seems to level you faster, making it possible to overlevel (player level), that is having monsters increase in level but your armor skills and other skills and money may be too low.

             Actually i tried that myself and though i was levelling up in conjuration, it wasnt fast at all! I bought a horse and killed it near the College of Winterhold's magicka well. I was using the Arch-Mages robes and Morekai and it took absurdly long to even reach level 75. Does it depend on the type of dead body?

Bit of confusion

The Summon page which I created says it's a skill wheras all the others are spell effects. I created the page by clicking on a red link which was under the heading of magical effects. Not really a big deal, just though I'd point it out. Also, there should be a page for bound armour or the bound weapon/armour page should be combined.— Unsigned comment by RIM (talkcontribs) at 21:03 on 24 October 2011

That was because it used the Skill Summary template. Using the Effect Summary template it now says it's a spell effect as it should. --Alfwyn 22:00, 24 October 2011 (UTC)
Thanks.RIM 15:09, 25 October 2011 (UTC)

Bound Weapon XP

Somebody put a note saying that you get no XP for casting bound weapon. This is true when out of combat, but if you are near hostile enemies, you WILL get Conjuration XP for casting a bound weapons skill. I leveled conjuration nearly every time I cast bound sword in combat.

I've found that you also get XP for having a bound weapon in hand when entering combat (That is, you cast Bound Weapon outside of combat and ran into enemies without sheathing your weapons) 07:27, 13 November 2011 (UTC)

Soul Stealer

Worth noting, this is double-edged, it's easy to accidentally fill your Grand Soul Gem with a Petty creature. It will use the smallest gem possible, but you can fill them *really* quick using this. Lately I need to leave my good Soul Gems on my companion, and fetch them quick when we find a powerful creature. --Natek 18:38, 14 November 2011 (UTC)

Drop the soul gems and they lose the soul they were filled with.

Incorrect Perk Tree

I'm not sure about the computer version, but I know for a fact that the perk tree displayed on this page is not the same as in the 360 version of Skyrim. Where do these perk trees images come from or how are they being made?

The perk tree images were taken from pre-release demo videos of the game. They definitely need to be replaced with final versions of the perk tree -- see the discussion at Skyrim talk:Block for more background. If you'd like to help create those images, that would be great. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about how to do it. --NepheleTalk 16:43, 16 November 2011 (UTC)

Is either the Necromancy or Atronomancy stronger?

This would be very useful information as it could easily run contrary to the logic of undead are stronger because you can't just summon them whenever. Especially when the perk descriptions are such crap. Greater duration vs double duration. Is greater greater than double or less?

I think you've answered your own question. Necromancy may be stronger in some cases, but not all. It depends on what there is to animate. It is certainly less reliable, as you will sometimes come up against a boss-type creature who keeps a tidy house and doesn't leave a bunch of corpses lying around for you to use against him. The perma-pet spell will ameliorate this drawback, but it takes a long time to get to that one unless you use an exploit. 12:44, 18 November 2011 (UTC)
I wonder if the Necromancy perk affects conjured undead, or if "reanimated" is used as a mechanics term. I would guess the latter.Atronachs are more consistently reliable than reanimated corpses, even using Thrall spells. If an Atronach gets beaten up, you restore it by pointing anywhere with your spell. If a corpse is beaten up, you need to find it before you can get it back. Often that will be easy. Sometimes it will have been launched by a Giant. In addition, because a new conjuration supercedes an old one, moving your Atronach will be a matter of casting it to where you want it to be, while a corpse has to move there on its own. Worth noting that an Atronach still can move on its own, so that's not even special for the corpse. Finally, if for whatever reason you want to change the elemental damage of your conjuration, that's a click anywhere around you for Atronachs, but a hunt for the right kind of corpse. 10:39, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
Necromancy has the chance to become a lot mor powerful then atromancy because if you choose your zombies right you can get 4 minions, for exp. if you raise 2 forsworn ravagers they will also summon there own 2 atronach mostly frost or storm never seen them use flame. Also any summoner zombie can do this because of this necromancy has the ability of braking the game with 4 minions easily crushing an elder dragon in under 20 seconds and if dead thrall is used on the summoners you have this strategy permanently.
Good point. Necromancy can provide atronachs in addition to undead. 10:59, 4 December 2011 (UTC)
Potent Atronachs are not very powerful but you can you them anywhere, anytime you want, even with flame/frost/storm thrall. Reanimated summoners like you said is very good, I admit I used to use it often until I found out, instead of taking care of enemies for me, I usually had to take care of my foes myself and then go find my minions cause they were stuck somewhere or too coward to face the risk (scared of dying the 2nd time?), and sometimes they just lost forever forcing me to find another corpse. so frustrating. 16:05, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

Summoning bug confirmation?

I noticed that this was added:

"Currently a bug exists which causes Summoning spells to fail. Your casts are checked against your own Magic Resistance, and if you successfully "resist" your own summoning spell, the atronach won't appear. This can be reproduced by obtaining resistance gear, the Atronach standing stone or the Magic Resistance Alteration perk."

Can someone fact check this? I'm not that far in and waiting for the PS3 fix.

I did a couple google searches and couldn't find any reports of this problem on beth's forums or anywhere else, so I kinda question its validity.

  • I'm the guy who added that. It's definitely bugged in my game, and had others confirm the problem on a forum. I did the following test: Used both Atronach stone and Magic Resistance (3) perks, and did a few dozen Summons. About 80% of the time nothing happened when I cast the spell on a completely flat surface, in casting range, etc. I switched the Atronach stone to Mage, did another few dozen casts and observed roughly 30% spell failure, which was due to the Magic Resistance perks.

Its real, I had the same problem, but only under the atronach sign, when I changed back to the mage, it went away -with a breton plus some +magic res gear-

Same problem here. On a Breton, things were going just fine with no extra Resist/Absorb gear. Then I took the Atronach Stone, and now more than half the time, my Summon spells are absorbed. 11:38, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
Half the time, you say? Resist really should be a consistent, always-on effect, whereas I think Absorb isn't. In fact, the Atronach Stone ought to activate 50% of the time. But keep in mind that without knowing the sample size, percentage approximations aren't reliable. 11:56, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
Well I was stuck for at least a 10 level period with the atronach sign, wondering why would my summons fail so much, I didn't count it, but it was certainly more than half the time, with 50 absorb and the breton magic res, -and no relevant res gear- it always took 2-3 tries but sometimes I would die after the fifth failed summoning attempt.....
Still, could just be unlucky. Although I'm sure we'll have the actual coding in front of us soon enough, our best bet for the moment is to compare optimal Resist to a control of no Resist and then optimal Absorb to a control of no Absorb to rule out one or the other as the culprit. My bet is on Absorb. :D 10:48, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
I was about to suggest there's actually three variables here - Combat State (in/out), Absorb, and Resistance. I've never had a problem summoning out of combat, but I ran into a spate of bad luck just last night failing to summon in-combat. It may be due to ramps, though... -- 15:01, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

I'm testing this right now on the PC, after the latest Steam patch. Breton (25% Resist), with Restoration perks (+30 Resist Magic) and Atronach perk (Absorb 30% of magicka). Not in combat, casting two Flame Atronachs at once (both hands, without Conjuration Dual Casting).

Results from 25 casts: 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1. This means 32/50 casts succeeded for me, or 64%.
Without Atronach: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. I stopped here, this is 20/20, 100%.
With Atronach and Dragonskin (50% Absorb) active: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. Dragonskin wore off here. That's 2/32, or 6.25% success.

The problem is not with Magic Resist, but Magic Absorb. -- 23:16, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

I thank everyone here for commenting on this as I have also had a rough time conjuring after I got the Atronach Stone, which is amazing by the way. I did not count the times it failed but it was roughly 50% and it didn't start until I got the stone. If it helps anyone I can confirm that this glitch also affects master level spells (i.e. all of the thrall spells).

on an interesting note, you will gain more manna then you spend from this absorption so if you use the 30%alt + 50% atronarch stone you can have an 20% chance to summon an atronarch (which seems to cost manna, summon him then regain most of it back it immediately) or recover a large chunk of manna by attempting to summon. My character is primarily melee so I didn't actually notice this until one of the quests had all of my gear removed from me and I had to find a way to fight naked.

I also am having this problem -- I started failing summons left and right about 5 game hours ago and thought I was just mis-aiming somehow. I didn't draw the connection between failing to summon and my having gotten the Atronach sign until I read this, but that's right when the problems started.

Thank you for clarifying that the problem is caused only by absorption, not resistance. This is really unfortunate when you pick up the atronach perk from the alteration tree about 5 levels before you start leveling conjuration. Does anyone know if they're working on a patch for this?

Does One-handed, Two-handed, and Archery perks stack with conjured weapons?

Does One-handed, Two-handed, and Archery perks stack with conjured weapons?

Well using a bound weapon does increase it's skill so probably yes.

I can confirm that Bound Sword benefits from Armsman (One-Handed damage perk) by looking at the inventory screen with a Bound Sword equipped. I also observed Bound Sword benefiting from Fortify One-Handed enchants. Though untested, I can't imagine why Bound Battleaxe and Bound Bow would be any different. -- 07:38, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

Confirming that Bound Bow DOES get buffs from Archery skill tree perks as well as armor that boosts bow damage. I have 90 Archery skill, 69 Conjuration, Mystic Binding perk (from Conjuration), 5 points in Overdraw perk (from Archery), +90% bow damage from various enchanted armor, and my bound bow does 157 damage. 14:18, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

I've discovered that bound battle axes do not receive the bleed effect from two handed tree.

Bound Weapon Damage

I've figured and tested all the weapon damages compared to their counterparts except for the arrow portion of the Bound Bow, without Mystic Bindings. If somebody could find out how strong the arrows are, that would be nice. Since there is no "Bound Arrows (mystic)" found in the bound weapon section nor the ammunition section of this wiki, I'm assuming all bound arrows are equivalent to Daedrics.

infinite mana?

"(if you stand near the big magic well in the College of Winterhold, you can cast it repeatedly without having to wait for regen)" Can anyone confirm this is true? I have only just joined the College but none of the magic wells increase my magicka regen--Ewolfg1 •TalkContributions 02:32, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

My experience with the wells was this - under normal circumstances, I get nothing out of being near the wells. During the Out of Balance quest, when I activated the well in the courtyard, my Magicka regen got very high - as soon as I stopped casting spells, it immediately filled back up. When I fast traveled away from the college and then back, the effect was gone and did not come back. This needs further testing, as it would be a great way to level Magic skills.--Aaluran 00:17, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
There is a serious glitch around this. I don't know about the very exitence of the buff, maybe it's intended the way you experienced it, but for me -and other around the web- the quest gives permanent and lasting infinite mana, essentially ruining the game, the only workaround discovered so far is bringing up the character creation screen with console, but that is also glitchy....
I've run the quest two more times with different characters. The buff I get is described as "Fortinfy Magicka +100 for 2 hours". It's duration is pretty long and waiting doesn't shorten the remaining duration correctly (waiting an hour only cuts three minutes off of it), but it does eventually end (fast traveling seems to eat away at it best). I think neither variant (mine or yours) works as intended, rather if the description is correct, you should get near infinite mana, but only for 2 hours. Hopefully they'll get around to patching this.--Aaluran 01:24, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
I believe the bug in this case is in the wording. This may or may not be a bug, given the similar names (Both effects are Fortify Magic), but normal Fortify Magic effects grant you an increase in magic as described by the effect. (Magicka increased by 50 and etc., notice the lack of + sign.) This effect isn't fortifying your Magicka conventionally, but instead "fortifying" it by +25, which means that you are effectively generating 25 Magicka at all times, whether while casting or not. I believe this is why Magicka is regenerating at such absurd rates. Makes leveling Alteration through Detect Life a cinch in places such as Riften during the day. Medivh 02:34, 14 December 2011 (UTC)
The duration is correct at least. Effect durations always refer to *real-time*, so it would last for two of your Earth hours if you just stood around and did nothing (i.e. no fast travel or wait). Same goes for effects you get at an alter, potions, etc. Three minutes real-time is one hour in the game, btw. --Bluedanieru 16:33, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

There is some sort of bug around those wells. I got in conflict with some winterhold guards, and the high elf just outside the door started attacking me. No matter how many hours I waited, fast travelled, she would stay hostile. So I decided to use Shadowcloak of Nocturnal and sneak by. After I got the mana regen from the wells,the effect would never end (great for a sneakt character) but upon returning into it's aura the effect ended immediately. (I'm sure on this, waited 24 hours) EDIT:By the "effect" I mean the invisinility not the regen. Broxigar 07:46, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

Wow, I think just found a new way to make permanent magical effects! :D

1. Apply the desired spell (e.g stoneflesh)

2. Walk into the mana regeneration aura of the wells

3. Enjoy! Be careful not to step into the aura again, for the effect will end. Platform: PS3

It also works with atronachs/zombies so you can have a pet animal following you around!

Conjuration Dual Casting Useless

Does anyone else seem to see dual casting for this field as useless as I do. Considering the fact that once you can cast the master spells they last indefinitely dual casting would have been much better if it instead increased their health and/or attack strength instead of duration.

Reply: Yes the dual casting is a waste of a perk in my opinion. I didn't even take it initially while leveling up and had no problems at all. This could also be said about the master conjuration perk. Since they are permanent summons, the cost reduction isn't very useful.

On the other hand --- Master conjuration isn't something everyone will have and those who do have it will not have it for a long time into the game, even if it's your primary spec. Also, pets do die. So for various reasons, the perk is not worthless.

I have found it to be useless. Atronachs are often killed before their duration ends, and even if they survive the whole time, it's not much problem to simply summon them again -- at least not enough trouble to waste a perk on. Chris3145 04:25, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
It's not a waste of a perk as it is a very low-priority perk, as Banish and Expel Daedra get a level boost from it. That is, Banish Daedra dual casted works on Frost Atronachs and Expel works on Dremora/Storm Atronachs. MadocComadrin 21:56, 29 December 2011 (UTC)

Dremora Lord spell duration

I don't think the Dremora Lord counts as an Atronach, but it does get the double duration effect from the perk that allows you extended time to Atronachs.

I'm wondering now if the increase in power of atronach perk (not sure the name), also applys to the dremora lord.

In case anyone is curious, the dremora lord is a great pet! He talks too much but I think hes more useful and smaller in size than the atronachs. When he kills something he says, "That was no challenge at all."

I'm not 100% certain, but I don't believe the Elemental Potency perk applies to Dremora- after selecting the perk, my Atronachs are named "X's Potent Storm Atronach," while the Dremora is missing the "Potent" modifier. Regardless, I summon them more than Atronachs in most cases- they do *massive* melee damage. Now that I've gotten Master level, though, I'm enjoying Dead Thrall. The right corpse can be even stronger than a Dremora. 18:27, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

Anything not reanimated from dead adversaries has the atronaarch perks apply to it as they are summoned from planes of oblivion in the same manner. would like to know if these perks effect things summoned through staffs.

Apparently everything summoned from oblivion is an atronarch.. no wait, Atronarch are technically dremora.

  • Technically I think they are daedra.

Does elemental potency enhance atronachs summoned through staffs?

If you have the elemental potency perk, will this enhance an atronach summoned via a staff? (this should be easy to check through console; I only have PS3 version)

NO it causes a bug where the Atronach Staves stop working completely. Lord Eydvar 21:53, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

conjuration died but still listed as active effect

I conjured a flame thrall in the open world and it died in battle but in my active effects it still listed a summoned flame atronach I tried conjuring another on but instead of replacing the effect it just added a new active effect of conjured flame atronach. So now everyone tells me to go away or how dangerous my spell is. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

This is a known problem with Dead Thrall- looks like it can affect any Thrall. It's a bug that can be fixed by the console on the PC, and (supposedly) by being sent to jail, though I haven't tested either. I hope they fix it, as I currently have *four* of these effects in my list, and I have no desire to go to jail every time I cast a Thrall spell OR listen to even one more NPC bitch about my "dangerous" magic :-P 01:43, 13 December 2011 (UTC)
This glitch happened to me. I have two flame thralls in my Active Effects list permanently. It happened when I entered my inventory immediately after casting it, causing an auto save. I then died and loaded off the save. l)474(4V57

Soul Stealer perk bug?

I noticed that whenever I kill my Summoned Familiar with a Bound Sword with the Soul Stealer perk, and the kick+hack finishing animation used for wolves takes place, it successfully lets me trap it's soul. It only seems to work with the Bound Sword, and only when that particular animation takes place. I'm on a PS3, and was wondering if anyone else noticed this as well. Update: I just tested it on a new character today, and it seems that it also requires the Oblivion Binding perk in order to work.

Training the Skill

I've found that casting courage on a rabbit then summoning the bound sword works far better than courting potentially lethal enemies, might be worth noting.

I just ran around casting rally while in towns selling stuff or on my follower.

I prefer to sit in a relatively safe place and conjure and banish one of my own atronachs. It doesn't level as fast, but you don't have to be in combat nor abuse a bug. MadocComadrin 20:09, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

There are two rooms in Mzulft with closed doors that each have an individual chaurus behind them. The chaurus will detect you through the door and you will be considered to be in combat, therefore casting bound sword or any other conjuration spell will add to the skill and you can easily level up conjuration with no risk as long as you have cleared out the enemies from the surrounding halls. However, be careful, as a summoned atronach or dremora may open the door on you releasing the chaurus when you might not be ready.

Bound weapons and weakness to magic poison

I used a weakness to magic poison and attacked an enemy with a bound bow, and it seemed to be more effective than usual. I'm not around my xbox, so I can't confirm this. Anybody want to give it a shot? Chris3145 04:23, 20 December 2011 (UTC)

Hero: Well in staying true to context, the bound bow is techniqually a magically summoned bow. Therefore it should techniquilly count as " magical" damage in addition to the physical damage, seprate from the destruction school. Fun fact, the conjured weapon benifits from both their respective school of magic and the type of weapon. Ie: Bound Bow is assited thourgh conjuration and archery.

storing items on death thrall peopl

It's mentioned that you need to kill your reanimation however i seem to get the reanimations inventory if i just activate them while they're alive. (currently version 1.3)

Odd I'm on 1.3 as well and I have to kill em to get into the inventory. Idk whats causing it but you've got yourself a rather helpful glitch. Lord Eydvar 00:05, 20 January 2012 (UTC)

Can't resurrect beheaded corpses

I've been raising corpses to improve my conjuration, but when I try that on a guy I beheaded, nothing seems to happen. I don't know if this is intentional or not, could somebody verify?

True, you can't resurrect beheaded poeple.
What were you expecting them to see or think with? :P Anyway, you also can't ressurect skeletons whose bones have been blasted apart.
Makes you wonder where all those stupid headless zombies in previous games came from, don't it? Atypicaloracle 04:36, 7 January 2012 (UTC)
Maybe they just lost their head post zombiefication! Lord Eydvar 21:54, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Twin Soul

The description says you can have 2 zombies or atronachs, how about this work with master spell? Means if I have this perk, Ican have 2 dead thralls and 2 flame thralls (or storm, ice) at the same time?

Yes, it does. Very useful. --Andred 21:27, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
While it's one of the most useful perks in the game, it does NOT allow for a total of four summons like the OP suggested- it's 2 max. 2 undead, 2 daedra, or one of each. 18:27, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
OR 2 undead that can also summon 2 creature each it's own, conjurers for example. 19:18, 1 January 2012 (UTC)

Twin Souls note

It seems the Twin Souls perk, despite specifically mentioning only atronachs and reanimated zombies, will allow ANY two summons to be active at once, regardless of the type. Should this be mentioned in the notes? --Andred 21:25, 26 December 2011 (UTC)

Prevention of Ash Piles?

My friend, who has Skyrim on the 360, was telling me that he has some item that prevents the enemy from collapsing into an ash pile when resurrected through Conjuration. He claims that is how he got his skills up to 100 (One-Handed, Two-Handed, Sneak, Pickpocket, Archery, Conjuration, Destruction) is by going to a bandit and killing them, than placing some item onto their body and resurrecting them. When they die or when their "time" expires, they fall down dead, without turning into a pile of ash, allowing him to repeat the process. I can't get into contact with him often due to schooling issues, but I was wondering if there was any item that does this and if so what is it called? Additionally, if this item DOES exist, does it also prevent enemies from turning into ash piles under the Destruction Perk: Disintegrate? Like I said, he has Skyrim only for the 360, so I am wondering if he is lying, or if this so-called "item" is just hard to find in these pages. 12:39 AM 27, Dec 2011 (CST)

Almost certainly BS. There's definitely no item that does that on purpose.
It's possible something could cause that via a glitch, but even that seems unlikely compared to gamer tall-tales.
You can, however, use this technique (repeated reanimation) on "naturally" occurring Dremora. 18:32, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

If you want to acive such an effect, the ritual stone will raise all dead around you, and does not make them turn into ash. The downside being it can only be used once a day.

I haven't done this on the latest patch, but I know that on earlier versions I could resurrect a zombie with a staff of reanimation without them turning to ash. I'm playing on the PS3, and this is how I looted dungeons early game without dealing with carrying capacity.

Double Spectral Arrow Damage?

After adding it via the console, I was playing around with it. Does anyone else who's done this feel like enemies hit by two of these at the same time (1 from each hand) take significantly more damage than a single spectral arrow? MadocComadrin 20:14, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

Does Twin Souls work for Dremora Lords?

If one has the Twin Souls perk, does it allow you to summon two Dremora Lords at once? Because that would be pretty awesome. 01:06, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

Yes, it does. Yes, it is. :) 23:38, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

share your experience??

im new to conjuration even though i have had the game for som time. but i really want to know what to go for to get the most powerfull summons from this magic. please someone with experience explain to me and please answer some of these questions:

what do you prefer of the two? undead or elemental summons?? im not sure wich one to go for. anyone with experience who can tell me the advantages and drawback of each type??

For example undead summons requires a corpse while elementals can be summoned into thin air.

and what kind of perks does the dremora summon benefit from?

what do you think is the best summoning creature??

The three elemental atronachs are probably the best overall because you can summon two of them at once with the twin souls perk, also with the conjuration master spells you can summon the elemental atronachs permanently. For pure damage the dremora is probably best though.RIM 22:14, 7 January 2012 (UTC)

Dead thralls can be a bit of a pain to keep up with but the right thralls blow summons away for pure power. You can get powerhouses like Orchendor, Sebastian Lort, Illya, Beem-Ja, etc. You can also get one or two conjurers as thralls and and they'll raise and summon allies. You can also customize a follower's gear and then kill and thrall them.

If you want to stick with summoning the Flame Atronach is good for undead, trolls and anything weak against fire. Frost and Storm Atronachs are great as spellcasters and as barriers between you and melee opponents in tight spaces. The Dremora are very powerful melee fighters and they're best used against spellcasters or anything big that doesn't move around much. 15:15, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

In my opinion, Atronachs are far more useful than undead summons during the earlier portions of the game (before you have access to the thrall spells) when using necromancy can be a bit situational. But when you do get to the point where you can cast thrall spells, then Undead Thralls are definitely the way to go. The main reason I say that is because if you equip an undead thrall with a summoning staff, more often than not the thrall will use the staff during combat. With the twin souls perk, this means that you'll have yourself a mini-army of: 1 companion (assuming you have one), 2 undead, and 3 atronachs (if you equipped a summoning staff on your companion as well) helping you during combat,plus your dog if you have one. This thread I found ( offers alot of other useful hints when it comes to undead summons as well. --Rhonijin 18:30, 13 January 2012 (UTC)

Summoner Perk

So I was curious, the summoner perk mentions that it increases the distance to summon atronachs or raise undead 2 and 3 times farther away. To the best of my knowledge I can raise undead as far away as I want. I'm not entirely familiar with how it affects summoning creatures though. Is this a bug? Is it purely for summoning your creatures rather than raising undead as it states to also do? - Tyler January 9, 2012

I noticed it earlier that you can cast reanimate pretty far from the target being reanimated. Summoning tho is a bit different in that if you want to summon creature too far away then your crosshair turns red. I think you may feel free to update the article.--Moonraker 18:18, 9 January 2012 (UTC)

Does anyone know if this perk affects summoning (flaming) familiars? EDIT: Answered in first section above re: Dremora. - 29 January 2012, 18:22 EST

Animals keep on disappearing

Ok I did a restoration potion lope to make really powerful potions. I made a fortify conjuration potion that made things 500 hours. I cast it on an animal so I could have a pet. When I fist cast the spell when I drink my potion thaw animal is fine but when I fast travel it disappears. I don't why it keeps on happening. Can some Please help? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:13 on 18 January 2012

Encountered a very annoying Bug

well , i only had 20 conjuration for a long time , and then one time i decided to train it up a bit , i was casting bound sword and because my skill level was so low i levelled every time i cast , it levelled about 5 times , and then , conjuration stopped levelling , completley just stopped , no matter what i cast it WILL NOT ADVANCE , this is quite annoying as it prevents me from getting to level 70 .. i tried levelling the skill with books , the skill went up but it wont advance through use .. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:17 on 20 January 2012

Would you happen to be casting bound sword repeatedly outside of combat? You have to either cast it in combat or have combat starts while the spell is in effect to get any skill gain from it. That's not the case for all spells, but it is for the conjuration ones I've used thus far. Well, ok, soul trap is bugged in that you can cast it on a dead body and gain skill from that. Vardis 18:23, 20 January 2012 (UTC)

Oblivion Binding effects

Can anyone help me find the magnitude of the Banish Daedra and Turn Undead effects from bound weapons with the Oblivion Binding perk? Apologies if it's given on a different page that I've overlooked. 10:25, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

Difficulty level and Atronach's potency

My first playthrough was on Adept and I found that the Storm Atronach is really a beast who can double shot most of enemies. Now I am playing on Master and it seems that his distant damage is reduced because it turns out that I need now 4-5 summons to kill one level 30 Bandit Maradeur(Archer type). The same problem is to kill the Frost Troll distantly. However, when Atronachs go to melee it seems that there is no penalty and enemies are killed at the same rate as on Adept. Thus it seems that when an Atronach cast a spell the game treats it as it casted by the player and its damage reduced by difficulty setting. But when a minion attacks in melee the scaling is the same and so no visible change between Adept and Master.-- 01:43, 14 February 2012 (UTC)

Infinite Magicka

I happened upon the mystic tuning gloves, for Drevis Nelroan, and I now have infinite magicka. Maybe my game is bugged or something; but its pretty awesome. I was wondering if i'm the only one affected by this? And I hope it doesn't get patched!

i don't have infinite in my skills section, so if a spell costs 300 to cast and i only have 290, i can't cast it. But if it costs 290 per sec, that wouldn't bother me. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 29 February 2012

Try reading the article for the quest that gave you the tuning gloves: Out of Balance. Any questions about quest-specific bonuses belong on that quest's talk page. --NepheleTalk 17:36, 29 February 2012 (UTC)

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