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Skyrim talk:Captain Valmir

Changing ArmorEdit

When I exit Forelhost after defeating the Dragon priest he switches to Legion armor, when I got the quest he was wearing Stormcloak armor. Does he really switch armor? Cause I really want the Stormcloak Officer's armor. 08:16, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

I had the same thing, first he appeared as a Legion Soldier and when I exit Forelhost he was in Stormcloak Officer's gear talking to the Stormcloak soldier. --Arkhon 04:46, 25 December 2011 (UTC)
Same in reverse. He began Stormcloak and then after I finished and slipped down to the courtyard again from the Word Wall, he was talking to an Imperial soldier and appealing to him to get a staff from the tomb, giving him the same "quite haunted" speech that he gave me. (The Imperial soldier was considerably less enthusiastic about going up against ghosts.) -- 18:08, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

Valmir HostileEdit

When I approached Valmir for the first time he attacked on sight and I had no opportunity to speak with him. I presume - but cannot confirm - this was because I was on bad terms with the Thalmor faction (I had killed a squad a few minutes prior to encountering him). I reloaded to a save prior to this act and Valmir was not hostile. If anyone can lend some additional information to this, it would be helpful. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:12 on 1 January 2012

I also encountered a hostile Valmir during my first approach. I was previously attacked by a group of Imperials, even though I had not provoked any of them. Instead of reverting to an older save, I just killed Valmir and entered Forelhost without a "Mission Started" text line. Once I left Forelhost, I received the "mission complete" text even though it was never assigned.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:02 on 11 November 2012
Not sure my status with the Thalmor, but I also could not get Captain Valmir to not attack me, and also could not pickpocket him. At the first pickpocket attempt it would state I had already been caught. I had just discovered Forelhost, so I know I had not encountered him before. I reloaded before I had discovered Forelhost, both with and without using the word wall before approaching Captain Valmir, but he always attacks. Deadcrow (talk) 21:47, 29 May 2013 (GMT)
I'm curious as to whether anyone he's attacked had a Riften bounty. The first poster indicated that they had attacked some Thalmor, and that usually results in a bounty.-- 15:34, 28 August 2013 (GMT)
I realize how long it has been since anyone has added to this but I found a solution. I just encountered this glitch for the first time and given the comment about potential Riften bounties causing this I decided to try and verify. I had a save just before fully climbing the mountain so I did nothing different about how I approached and what I did before approaching. I had no bounty listed under crime and the only criminal thing I had done in this playthrough to this point was enter the Riften Warehouse for the quest The Raid - which is considered trespassing. Despite having no listed bounty I entered 'paycrimegold 0 0 0002816b' that being paycrimegold <jail> <items> <factionid>. Jail - 0 or 1 with 1 sending you to the faction jail as if you'd just paid a guard and 0 doing nothing, items - 0 or 1 with 1 removing any stolen items and 0 doing nothing, and with 0002816b being the riften crime faction. After this Valmir was not hostile. I tested this a couple times, once removing the bounty before approaching, and once after approaching while he was hostile both times entering the code to pay the bounty worked.


I am just wondering, what happens if you haven't joined a faction yet? Does it automatically prefer one faction (probably imperial) or does it base it off who you escaped with in the first quest? 09:37, 13 January 2012 (UTC)

(A; He's wearing an imperial outfit)

I came here as a level 49 after finishing the main quest line by calling a peace conference between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks. He was wearing a Stormcloak outfit, was not hostile, and appealed to me as a "true son of Skyrim." I suspect that his affiliation is random if the player hasn't made a choice of sides. -- 15:04, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
If you have yet to choose a side in the war, he appears on the side of whoever you followed in Unbound. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:42 on 7 June 2012
Also my experience Deadcrow (talk) 21:57, 29 May 2013 (GMT)

No factionEdit

To answer both upper posts: I beleive that one of reasons for him being hostile is not deciding for faction. ( I am neither imperial or stormcloak, neither have encountered thalmor and he attacked me in stormcloak uniform.

  • correction* He can be hostile when you have selected a faction. I have completed the civil war story line and went with the stormcloaks. He was hostile towards me. I went back to check his armour but only found a steel war axe, I believe he was dressed as imperial. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:27 on 11 November 2012

I have not joined a faction and he was hostile. He was dressed as an Imperial. Deadcrow (talk) 21:55, 29 May 2013 (GMT)

Hired thugsEdit

Since Valmir is a legitimate citizen NPC until the final scene, pick-pocketing / stealing from him even without getting noticed could trigger the "Hired thugs" ( Skyrim_talk:Hired_Thug ) encounter well after the quest's completion and Valmir's death. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:32 on 18 February 2018

The random encounter is triggered at the point of theft, when the victim is still alive. This may not align with how it would work in reality, but that has been well documented by now. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 22:58, 18 February 2018 (UTC)
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