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Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/BODT Field

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: File Formats: Mod File Format: Fields

Body TemplateEdit

The name of each body part is dependent upon the wearer's race. It's unclear how Skyrim would handle it if you changed existing names, however, they can be changed. The fields below that say "Body Addon" are listed as "Unnamed" in the CK and can be changed. These values are user defined by clicking in the "Biped Object Names" column and giving it a name. You could click 43 and call it Cape to assign that location for capes on Humanoids after also selecting it under First Person. These values are saved in the Plugin.

C SubRecord Name Type/Size Info
+ BODT Body Template struct 12-byte struct
uint32 - Body part node flags. The following names are those used for the playable races.
0x00000001 - Head
0x00000002 - Hair
0x00000004 - Body
0x00000008 - Hands
0x00000010 - Forearms
0x00000020 - Amulet
0x00000040 - Ring
0x00000080 - Feet
0x00000100 - Calves
0x00000200 - Shield
0x00000400 - Tail
0x00000800 - Long Hair
0x00001000 - Circlet
0x00002000 - Ears
0x00004000 - Body AddOn 3
0x00008000 - Body AddOn 4
0x00010000 - Body AddOn 5
0x00020000 - Body AddOn 6
0x00040000 - Body AddOn 7
0x00080000 - Body AddOn 8
0x00100000 - Decapitate Head
0x00200000 - Decapitate
0x00400000 - Body AddOn 9
0x00800000 - Body AddOn 10
0x01000000 - Body AddOn 11
0x02000000 - Body AddOn 12
0x04000000 - Body AddOn 13
0x08000000 - Body AddOn 14
0x10000000 - Body AddOn 15
0x20000000 - Body AddOn 16
0x40000000 - Body AddOn 17
0x80000000 - FX01
uint8 - Flags
0x00000001 - Modulates Voice (ARMA Only)
0x00000010 - Non-Playable (ARMO Only)
uint8[3] - Junk Data
uint32 - Skill (always 2 for ARMA and RACE records)
0 - Light Armor
1 - Heavy Armor
2 - None (no armor value)


A few ARMO records in Skyrim.esm contain an 8-byte version of the BODT structure (record versions 20 and 21). These correspond to the field layout above, with skill defaulting to "None". The older flags field can include a flag value of 0x20, which is no longer used—altering it in Skyrim.esm produces no visible change when loaded, and saving altered records with and without the flag produce identical .esps.