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Skyrim Mod:Metellus's Note

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: The Forgotten City / Books
Book Information
Metellus's Note
Added by The Forgotten City
ID xx0090fb
Value 1 Weight 1
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Metellus's Note
by Metellus
Metellus's final words

Seven years ago, I discovered this wondrous city, uninhabited. Others soon followed, heeding my invitation, and our community grew and prospered under my rule. But as I write this, I am alone once again, for my subjects have been the victims of an unspeakable atrocity.

This is why, at the expense of my own life, I must open a portal that will take you into the past, before all this began. Beloved reader, you must go back, investigate what set this atrocity in motion, and prevent it, by any means necessary.

Jarl Metellus Last Seed, 4E 194