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Skyrim:Dark Moon

< Skyrim: Magic: Magical Effects
SR-icon-spell-Banish.png Dark Moon
School None
Type Defensive
Base Cost 7
Items Head, Neck, Arms, Finger
(Click on any item for details)

Enchanting description: Increases your Magicka by <mag> points. Health regeneration decreased by <30>%.
Dark Moon increases the target's maximum Magicka based on the effect strength. It also decreases their Healing Rate by 30%.

Note: Enchanting IDs include both FExxx83f and FExxx879 with base costs of 7 and 0, respectively.


The following items use this effect. You can learn how to enchant custom items with this effect if you find one of the following items and disenchant it.

While the increased maximum magicka applies only at night (7pm-5am) for the listed items, enchanting a custom item with this effect does not have the same restriction.

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