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Shivering talk:Split People

Is this page really necessary? There is already a Split page out there, and it has all the info this page has. — Unsigned comment by Komaka (talkcontribs)

Yes, this page is necessary, because its contents are included into several other pages where a list of the people in Split is needed. The table shown at Shivering:Split is actually just this page's contents; if this page were deleted, the table on Split would disappear. This page is also included into Shivering:People. Having just a single copy of the table here at Split People makes it easier to maintain the list: if there is a mistake, it only needs to be changed here rather than searching out all pages that show the list. --NepheleTalk 04:01, 1 May 2007 (EDT)

Two of EachEdit

There are two of everyone in Split, therefore to be strictly accurate, shouldn't everyone on this list be named twice? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Well to be strictly accurate, there is only one of everyone. I don't have the exact dialogue but Horkvir says something about having been split by a wizard, so what you have walking around are the two distinct halves of one person. There's been talk of having two NPC summary pages for each character, or two listings. Nobody has come up with a good idea so the pages have been left. Getting a bit embarrassing now though! --RpehTalk 03:50, 9 October 2007 (EDT)
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