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Shivering:Amber Weapons

< Shivering Isles: Items / Weapons(Redirected from Shivering:Grand Amber Mace)
Amber weapons

Amber Weapons are obtained through The Antipodean Hammer quest. Bring Amber to Dumag gro-Bonk at The Missing Pauldron to have leveled weapons and armor made; also providing the appropriate Amber Matrix allows enchanted items to be made. Amber Matrices are only found in random containers.

In many respects, Perfect-grade Madness and Amber weapons are the highest quality weapons in the game, exceeding the equivalent Daedric weapons in damage and health. One noticeable limitation, however, is that (unenchanted) Amber weapons never ignore Resist Normal Weapons effects, and therefore are unable to inflict damage on creatures such as ghosts.

For statistics on related items, see their respective articles:


The grade of weapons you will receive is based on your level. The enchantment is also based on your level:

Level Quality Prefix Enchantment Charge / Cost = Uses
1-2 Impure Damage Health 2 pts 150/2 = 75
3-4 Unpolished Damage Health 5 pts 600/9 = 66
5-7 Lesser Damage Health 7 pts 1050/14 = 75
8-9 <None> Damage Health 10 pts 1650/22 = 75
10-13 Fine Damage Health 12 pts 2100/28 = 75
14-17 Very Fine Damage Health 15 pts 2850/38 = 75
18-22 Grand Damage Health 17 pts 3350/45 = 74
23+ Perfect Damage Health 20 pts 4150/55 = 75


Prefix FormID FormID
        Speed Reach Effects
  Amber Arrow - 1 Amber for 25 arrows
Impure 0009225B 00092779 0.1 N/A 2/2 9 1 N/A Damage Health 2 pts
Unpolished 000922C7 0009277B 0.1 3/6 10 Damage Health 5 pts
Lesser 000922CA 0009277C 0.1 4/9 11 Damage Health 7 pts
<None> 00016C7E 00016CDB 0.1 65/73 † 12 Damage Health 10 pts
Fine 00016C7F 00016CDC 0.1 10/21 13 Damage Health 12 pts
Very Fine 00016C80 00016CDD 0.15 16/31 14 Damage Health 15 pts
Grand 00016C81 00016CDE 0.23 28/46 15 Damage Health 17 pts
Perfect 00016C82 00016CDF 0.28 43/65 16 Damage Health 20 pts
  Amber Bow - 2 Amber
Impure 00091D69 00092754 9 130 20/80 9 1 N/A Damage Health 2 pts
Unpolished 00091D9C 00092755 11 160 45/288 10 Damage Health 5 pts
Lesser 00091DA5 00092756 13 200 105/530 11 Damage Health 7 pts
<None> 00016BF7 00016C8A 15 240 260/928 13 Damage Health 10 pts
Fine 00016BF8 00016C8B 17 290 550/1401 15 Damage Health 12 pts
Very Fine 00016BF9 00016C8C 19 340 1145/2300 17 Damage Health 15 pts
Grand 00016BFA 00016C8D 21 390 2375/3733 19 Damage Health 17 pts
Perfect 00016BFB 00016C8E 23 450 4025/5707 21 Damage Health 20 pts
  Amber Hammer - 4 Amber (Blunt Two Hand)
Impure 00091D6D 00092757 35 225 95//155 15 0.7 1.3 Damage Health 2 pts
Unpolished 00091DA2 00092758 44 290 165/408 17 Damage Health 5 pts
Lesser 00091DBA 00092759 53 360 315/740 19 Damage Health 7 pts
<None> 00016BFF 00016C92 62 440 615/1283 21 Damage Health 10 pts
Fine 00016C00 00016C93 71 530 1150/2001 23 Damage Health 12 pts
Very Fine 00016C01 00016C94 80 625 2150/3305 25 Damage Health 15 pts
Grand 00016C02 00016C95 89 730 3900/5258 27 Damage Health 17 pts
Perfect* 00016C03 00016C96 98 840 6100/7782 29 Damage Health 20 pts
  Amber Mace - 2 Amber (Blunt One Hand)
Impure 00091D6C 0009275A 17 165 30/90 11 0.9 1 Damage Health 2 pts
Unpolished 00091D9F 0009275B 21 220 85/328 13 Damage Health 5 pts
Lesser 00091DB2 0009275C 25 285 125/550 15 Damage Health 7 pts
<None> 00016C07 00016C9A 29 360 280/948 17 Damage Health 10 pts
Fine 00016C08 00016C9B 33 440 565/1416 19 Damage Health 12 pts
Very Fine 00016C09 00016C9C 37 525 1125/2280 21 Damage Health 15 pts
Grand 00016C0A 00016C9D 41 620 2350/3708 23 Damage Health 17 pts
Perfect 00016C0B 00016C9E 45 720 4050/5732 25 Damage Health 20 pts
  Amber Sword - 3 Amber (Blade One Hand)
Impure 00091D6A 0009276B 22 165 35/95 11 1 1 Damage Health 2 pts
Unpolished Dull** 00091D9E 0009276C 26 220 85/328 13 Damage Health 5 pts
Lesser 00091DB1 0009276D 30 285 165/590 15 Damage Health 7 pts
<None> 00016C0F 00016CA2 34 360 310/978 17 Damage Health 10 pts
Fine 00016C10 00016CA3 38 440 630/1481 19 Damage Health 12 pts
Very Fine 00016C11 00016CA4 42 525 1270/2425 21 Damage Health 15 pts
Grand 00016C12 00016CA5 46 620 2400/3758 23 Damage Health 17 pts
Perfect 00016C13 00016CA8 50 720 3800/5482 25 Damage Health 20 pts

† Normal Amber Arrows are unusually expensive — the cost of these arrows was probably intended to be 6/14.

* The Perfect Amber Hammer has the highest base damage of any weapon in the game, only tying with Nerveshatter and the Bound Sword.
** This version of the sword is labeled "Unpolished Dull Amber Sword" instead of "Unpolished Amber Sword" (for both the plain and enchanted versions of the sword).


  • Although a Magical Amber Sword only takes three pieces of Amber to make, you must have at least four pieces of amber in your inventory along with the matrix before you are given the option of making one. This is caused by the script checking the "Hammer or Claymore" value instead of the "Sword" value.