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< Shadowkey: NPCs / Merchants / Trainers
Location Dragonstar West
Gender Female
Training Battlemages, Spellswords and Sorcerers
Buys/Sells Spells
Other Information
Level 0 XP 0
Health Armor 0
Attack 0 Defense 0
Magic Resistance 0 Spellcasting 0
Damage 0

Eranthos is the trainer at the Mages' Guild in Dragonstar West, and also buys and sells Spells. She offers training to the three magic-related classes, Battlemages, Spellswords and Sorcerers, at a cost of 1,000 gold for members and 1,500 gold for non-members.


"I am Eranthos. Are you here for training or to buy or sell spells?"

In regards to training:

"I improve the natural advantages of your class. I can train Battlemages, Spellswords and Sorcerers. I charge 1,000 gold for guild members. 1,500 for outsiders."

If you are a Battlemage:

"I see that you are a Battlemage. I can train you."
(Eranthos teaches you to focus your urge to destroy, increasing your Mystic Might.)

If you are a Spellsword:

"I see that you are a Spellsword. I can train you."
(Eranthos shows you how to better harness your concentration, increasing your Precise Magic.)

If you are a Sorcerer:

"I see that you are a Sorcerer. I can train you."
(Eranthos leads you though arcane exercises which improve your sorcery.)
