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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Visarius Cartius

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Visarius Cartius (PC_m1_VisariusCartius)
Home City Anvil
Location Abecean Trading Company: Lower Floors
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 14 Class Merchant
Other Information
Health 126 Magicka 142
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Abecean Trading Company 2(Representative)
Visarius Cartius

Visarius Cartius is an Imperial Merchant, and the Abecean Trading Company's liaison to Cyrodiil. He is present for a board meeting at the Abecean Trading Company building in Anvil. The quest Mergers and Acquisitions reveals this to be a meeting to vote on whether the Abecean Trading Company should acquire the smaller White Scarab Company. Visarius is initially for, but is concerned about retaliation, since the Kingdom of Sutch (where the White Scarab Company originates) has not approved the deal. You are able to play on these fears in order to switch his vote.

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Kingdom of AnvilEdit