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Online talk:Trash

Some people might call this trash...Edit

Me, I don't think that's in any way official. First off, it not useless - it can be a source of income, unlike most random loot. (Not sure why crafting materials are all 0-value, but that's another discussion.) Second, I don't think there's any actual in-game source that calls it that. Maybe some players do, but that doesn't really count. Also, it might cause confusion with the "Junk" tab on your inventory, which is what I would consider to be the implication of "Trash". And these items don't appear there by default - they appear in Miscellaneous. The "Junk" tab is for what the user defines as junk, and different players may place value on different items. I agree there might be a better name for these items, but I can't think of one off-hand. I don't believe "Trash" is it though. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 22:12, 10 June 2015 (UTC)

On the PS4 they come under a heading of 'Trash'. There is no 'junk' section to filter out items purely for selling though. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 23:05, 10 June 2015 (UTC)
It's also in the top-left corner of the item box when viewed in-game on PC. Here's a random screenshot. It's because it's the in-game name that I proposed the move. --Enodoc (talk) 11:52, 11 June 2015 (UTC)
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