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Online talk:Skald Skullsplitter

Cut from the game?Edit

As far as I can tell, this character only exists as a mentioned author and not an actual. doesn't have any record of him being scanned as an NPC either. However, going through the en.lang file, there are a number of mentions of him. He seems to have been part of a quest that was ultimately cut from the game:

  • "Can you handle a room full of drunken Nords? I need to get a book from that tavern across the street.\n\nThe author is sitting in there drinking right now! Can you believe it? Skald Skullsplitter is here!"
  • "Skald Skullsplitter! He wrote the greatest Nord epics this world has ever seen! He's a genius … and a brute.\n\nA scholarly High Elf like me wouldn't last long in that room. Could you get me a book? With an autograph? Maybe two?"
  • "Talk to Skald Skullsplitter"
  • "Skald Skullsplitter"
  • "Skullsplitting Songs"
  • "I have a frivolous book of Skald's drinking songs for Mininque. I also read a tome of his "darker" sonnets. He's writing about Daedra, and that's suspicious. I should let her know."
  • "Skald Skullsplitter is a drunken Nord poet. An Altmer admirer asked me to acquire a book from him."
  • "Skald Skullsplitter offered me book of drinking songs left on a nearby table. I should get a copy for Mininque."
  • "When I mentioned that Mininque wanted more than a book of drinking songs, Skullsplitter started talking suspiciously about a "darker" book of sonnets. I should investigate and read it."
  • "Mininque now has a book of Skald Skullsplitter's drinking songs. I told her about his "darker works" and his … proposal. She was shocked. She may need some more time to think about her hero in this new light."
  • "Are you really Skald Skullsplitter?"
  • "An Altmer scholar named Magister Mininque wants a book from Skald Skullsplitter, a famous Nord poet. He's in a nearby drinking hall with other drunk Nords."

All of this was stuff in the lang file. Though he isn't presently in the game, was he ever in it during the beta? The Rim of the Sky (talk) 05:29, 2 December 2018 (UTC)

Stuff routinely falls off the log so it probably happened here too. Most Oblivion unused NPCs got full pages, and Skyrim unused NPCs were put on one page, so I'm not sure what way ESO wants to go. Either way known dialogue and actions (author) should be documented, as well as mentioning that he was planned but cut. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:22, 2 December 2018 (UTC)
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