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Online talk:Signal Fire Sprint


A few thoughts on this quest. You can complete the quest solo but it's not easy, because of the time restraint, and the high volume of both PC's & NCP's in the immediate area. The timer doesn't seem to start until you actually light the first fire. Then time is of the essence. You can use any kind of buff that will allow you to move quickly, especially anything that keeps your stamina up. Even though you appear to be outside, the game treats the elevated walkways as being inside, so you can't mount up. On the other hand, you can group up. I haven't done it yet, but a fast pair may be able to get the achievement together, and should definitely be able to do the quest together. Best way to do this is for each to get in front of one of the more central braziers, then when both are ready, light up, then move to the outer braziers closest to exit ramps from the elevated walkways, light the second one each, then make it back to the quest giver. An even easier way is to use a group of four, each get in front of a brazier, then all light at the same time, and then the one closest to the ramp makes way to the quest giver. That also has the side benefit of four people getting the achievement at the same time.

Unlike some of the other quests, you can only get this achievement within the context of the quest. You can try and fail as many times as your patience allows, but you can only succeed the quest once a day. And on that success, you either get the achievement, or you need to wait until the next day, and run the quest again.

The one other festival quest for which achievement seems to be required to be accomplished within the quest is the five-clawed guile, which is also timed the same way when unlocking 3 chests. The others seem to be available either outside the quest such as the mud ball merriment, or the castle charm challenge, which has no time restriction.

Fgoron2000 (talk) 02:17, 18 December 2016 (UTC)

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