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Online talk:Scalecaller Peak

Getting the "Happy" EndingEdit

In order to do this, you need two items

1) After fighting Matriarch Aldis, search the dead Leimenid in the water to the left of the door before you go through it. 2) After fighting Plague Concocter Mortieu, pick up the item on the alchemy table.

When you have both items, this enables Jorvuld to cure the disease. This grants you the Scalecaller Savior Achievement.

I'm leaving this here on the Talk page because I need to check the exact names of the items. baratron (talk) 00:38, 7 July 2018 (UTC)

According to my logdata Morteiu's item isĀ :npcName{Vial of Disease Concentrate}. But I don't think they are actual quest items.--Talyyn (talk) 09:29, 14 October 2018 (UTC)
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