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Online talk:Guar Gone

It is a Repeatable questEdit

Although this is listed along with the Side Quests for Rivenspire, it is a Repeatable quest. I don't know if it needs to be categorized differently on the quest page here, or if this info just needs to be added to the page. I verified this in two ways in the game itself. The quest giver, Short-Tail had the blue repeatable quest pointer above her head instead of the regular black one, and in the quest journal, it was specifically notated as Repeatable.

Fgoron2000 (talk) 19:07, 27 April 2017 (UTC)

Well, it's not repeatable for me, the NPC isn't even found in the city anymore (I've completed the Northpoint objectives). Perhaps this is something available when you are still questing there, but I have to say a repeatable quest out of nowhere sounds quite unusual. Were you able to take and complete the quest several times? Tib (talk) 13:44, 30 April 2017 (UTC)
I haven't tried to repeat the quest, but I will check that out and come back here ...meanwhile, I'll just leave this on the talk page. The game itself did indicate two different ways that it was repeatable. by the blue pointer instead of black/white pointer, and it specifically said in the quest journal that it was repeatable...unless it was a mod...well one step at a time...i'll see if I can repeat the quest
Fgoron2000 (talk) 10:55, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
I was unable to repeat the quest with the same charactxer, as Short-Tail isn't even there, but I was able to pick it up again with a different character, and it was again clearly marked as repeatable. So I don't know if it's supposed to be repeatable, and that aspect is broken, or if it was originally supposed to be repeatable, and then ZOS changed their mind and forgot to change the quest marker and journal entry. There have been a couple discussions on the official forums about there being some issues with this quest, some very old threads, but there was one current one from just last month.
Fgoron2000 (talk) 11:25, 9 May 2017 (UTC)
Aye, it sounds definitely like something buggy! Perhaps worth reporting it in-game? That should be relatively easy for ZOS to fix. And, Fgoron, thank you for taking the time to inform us. Tib (talk) 12:15, 14 May 2017 (UTC)

Does this quest exist anymore?Edit

Currently just got the end of Rivenspire on my Gold play through and I am back tracking to see if I have missed any quests yet the wiki states this as a quest but I have not found it any where in Rivenspire let a lone in Northpoint. Was the quest removed? BTHRZeroX (talk) 11:41, 23 April 2018 (UTC)

The quest is still there in Northpoint. It's marked both by map pointer, and in the quest journal as repeatable, however, that appears to be bugged, as the quest giver, Short-Tail is gone after the quest is completed once. I've also found that you need to get very close to the quest giver's spawn point, for the quest marker to show up. In the northeast part of Northpoint, there are a few vendors at outside stalls, and just north of them, on a small grassy knoll, is a well. Since this is a Gold run, I can't vouch for the quest to spawn, but it's still there in regular, as well as Silver runs. I'm on a Silver now, and she just spawned for me.
Fgoron2000 (talk) 04:12, 4 May 2018 (UTC)

Repeatable bug is still there, stops it from counting toward achievementEdit

I was piling up quests for the Rivenspire Adventurer achievement and this was supposed to be quest 42, the very last one I needed. Didn't count, presumably because the achievement is specifically for unique quests and this one is labeled as repeatable. Added to bugs. Screenshots available if further proof is needed.

Verminjerky (talk) 06:55, 10 October 2020 (UTC)
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