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Online talk:Cropsford


Wasn't Cropsford meant to only have been created at the end of the related quest in Oblivion? If it already exists in TESO, which is a prequel to the series proper, then does that mean that the town's story was effectively retconned? - 14:15, 5 December 2018 (UTC)

Yes and no. Yes, the people in Oblivion are creating a "new" settlement, which they "plan to call" Cropsford. No, we didn't know the history of the place, or the name of the area (if it had one) before the farmers give the one and only name by which we know the settlement. We know that the officials sold the deeds to the area on the grounds that a settlement was built (without informing said purchasers of the dangers in the area). You could infer from this that the officials knew of the former settlement in the area and thought it would be a good idea for someone to reestablish it. If this is the case then it is still a "new" settlement, only built on or near the area of the old settlement. The only thing missing is any acknowledgement of the former settlement in the dialogue with the settlers, who are not from the area so would not know the history of the place, and are quite preoccupied by the need to stay alive in the middle of a goblin war. In short, yes it is a retcon, but not one that breaks any formerly established information/lore we have of the area. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 15:08, 5 December 2018 (UTC)
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