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Online talk:Clothier Survey: Rivenspire

Map LinkEdit

I'm trying to add a marker for the Clothier Survey, but despite creating an account it seems I am unable to do so. The map doesn't give me the option to make any edits.

For reference, the coordinates for the Rivenspire Clothier Survey is here:

Specifically, just below that little darkened diamond-ish patch by the creek. In-game, the nodes can be found surrounding a tree by a pile of rocks.

Eiagra (talk) 10:17, 28 April 2015 (GMT)

You need to be in the Cartographer group to edit the map. I've added a link. Let me know if the position is correct. I can't easily check since my only character is Dominion. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 14:44, 28 April 2015 (GMT)
Actually, the ESO map is open for anyone to edit, if I recall correctly. Only the single player games require you to be in the group. The ESO map occasionally glitches out and doesn't let anyone edit, but I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Jeancey (talk) 17:07, 28 April 2015 (GMT)
Thanks, Lurlock. It's close (I thought I had the map centered properly when I put the link up), but the location is slightly south of the mark, on the south-hand side of the "rocks" (which looks like a slightly darker-brown square-ish shape just below the current mark.) I'll try and add a mark later when I get another survey that isn't recorded and see if the map cooperates for me, Jeancey. -- Eiagra (talk) 14:50, 29 April 2015 (GMT)
How about now? I used the coordinates you gave before, but I think it was a little off. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 16:12, 29 April 2015 (GMT)
I was able to tweak it. Looks good now. :) Would've gotten to it earlier, but I had a dresser to fix and a room to re-tetris. Thanks! :) Eiagra (talk) 02:40, 30 April 2015 (GMT)


Just for completion's sake, what data is supposed to go into "Location?" The raw coordinates? In the Rivenspire Clothier Survey's case, would I put in "297000, 359000"? — Unsigned comment by Eiagra (talkcontribs) at 13:27 on 1 May 2015‎

Usually, directions are used (from something major marked on the map, e.g., city, dolmen, wayshrine, etc). See Enchanter Survey: Malabal Tor.  ~Shuryard (talk) 17:13, 1 May 2015 (GMT)
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