- "If you're going to sneak, for the love of Tava don't do it half-heartedly. Hide! Be furtive! Lurk like you mean it! Because I'm done bailing you out of the Abah's Watch lock-up." —Zeira of the Thieves Guild
Thief Appearance |
Type | Personality |
Acquired From | Crown Store Crown Crates/Unknown |
Price | 1,200 ![]() |
Availability | November 17, 2016 |
The Thief personality is available in the Crown Store for 1,200 .
Alters the /idle2, /idle3 and /rubhands emotes.
Appearances: 1
- Crown Store — November 17, 2016
Crown Store Showcase DescriptionEdit
Sidling suspiciously around town? Go stealthy! "If you're going to sneak, for the love of Tava don't do it half-heartedly. Hide! Be furtive! Lurk like you mean it! Because I'm done bailing you out of the Abah's Watch lock-up." —Zeira of the Thieves Guild [1]