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Online:Salamandrine Pony Guar

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: S
"To my chagrin, thieves stole my current batch of pony guars! I'd hoped to gift some to my cousin, who adored my salamandrine guar and whose love of pony guars knows no bounds. Those thieves had better watch out."—Irastimil Direnni, Creature Creator
Salamandrine Pony Guar
ON-icon-pet-Salamandrine Pony Guar.png
Salamandrine Pony Guar
Type Exotic
Default Name Flirts-With-Tail
Acquired From Daily Rewards
Availability Day 21, August 2022
Category Non-Combat Pets (Exotic)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Salamandrine Pony Guar was available as a Daily Reward on day 21 of August 2022. Its default name is "Flirts-With-Tail".

