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Online:Marcurio Vano

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Marcurio Vano
Home City Skingrad
Location Mages Guild
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Scholar
Marcurio Vano

Marcurio Vano is an Imperial scholar found in the Mages Guild in Skingrad.


"I visit the traders here each day. Some have new wares. Some have standard stock, but like to share things they've learned from visitors.
Ergo, I recommend you visit the traders not only for goods, but also for information that can keep you alive."
"I learned all about the process for making wine at each vineyard I know of. One thing the best vintners have in common is that they top up the barrels so that the wine doesn't go sour."

After the events of the quest In Memory Of, Marcurio will instead say one of the following:

"Long live West Weald! Will our victories never cease? I suspect they'll have to at some point. Sooner or later, we're bound to run out of enemies to vanquish."
"Raise a toast, traveler! All of Skingrad celebrates today. The Legion has conquered—or, no, that's not right. They vanquished—what was it again? It is becoming difficult to discern when one victory celebration ends and another begins."